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<lanefu> Damn
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<stipa "One day it may be a begger on th"> I see your point. Wonder which country you live in.
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kprasadvnsi[m]: I'm from Canada
<stipa "you?"> India
in India live good peple
always so kind
also honest people
people full of moral values
not like here in Canada, moral = 0
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<stipa "people full of moral values"> Here a large portion of population is a moron
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everywhere a large portion of population are a morons.
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kprasadvnsi[m]: nekomancer[m] i agree
someone has to be intelligent and smart like us to keep the balance...
and handsome
Dolphins [de~>eng]
--große Penisenergie
great penis energy [de~>eng]
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<IgorPec> full moon syndrome?:)
-- Smart wie Delfine mit großartiger Penisenergie.
Smart like dolphins with great penis energy. [de~>eng]
yeah, i can totally imagine that
<A13> What do I have to read here ?
<A13> An den Deutschen der da schreibt, wo ist der sinn hinter diesem Sätzen? Mach doch dich und und deutsche nicht lächerlich.
-- An den Deutschen der da schreibt, wo ist der sinn hinter diesem Sätzen? Mach doch dich und und deutsche nicht lächerlich.
To the German who writes, where is the meaning behind these sentences? Don't be ridiculous about yourself and Germans. [de~>eng]
-- A13 War das eine Drohung?
A13 Was that a threat? [de~>eng]
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<A13> No, But if you interpret it like that its your fault.
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<lanefu> @A13 meet Stipa, Stipa is a crazy person.. Stipa meet A13, A13 is a german progressive electronics engineer
-- Nein gar nicht. Alles gut hier.
No not at all. Everything perfect here. [de~>eng]
-- Schön, Sie zu treffen A13.
Nice to meet you A13. [de~>eng]
<IgorPec> stipe: dođi na žuju 😉
<A13> First time someone got introduced to me as crazy person XD
<A13> Thank you for the kind words @lanefu
-- Ich bin ein verrückter Mensch aus Kanada.
I am a crazy person from Canada. [de~>eng]
I was crazy once..
<A13> So a Canadian who speaks German ?
Command sent by lanefu
...and lives in croatia
<IgorPec> ich kann auch German sprechen
<A13> Interessant
I can speak preschool German lol
I can say Hi and introduce my self
about it
<lanefu> I owned a VW Karmann Ghia once
<IgorPec> ich lieve german bratwurst 😉
--Das ist gut!
It's good! [de~>eng]
<A13> hehe german food and cars XD
<A13> I am thankfully not that stereotypical
<IgorPec> haha
-- IgorPec: zubi su mi koro ispali od žuje
IgorPec: My teeth almost fell out of the gums [hr~>eng]
-- IgorPec: zubi su mi skoro ispali od pive žuje
IgorPec: My teeth almost fell out from the beer [hr~>eng]
<IgorPec> -- stipa: ona možda karlovačko
<IgorPec> or you mean by opening them 🙂
-- karlovačko je skoro kao zlatorog
Karlovac is almost like a golden horn [hr~>eng]
-- gorko
gorko [ru~>eng]
-- bitter
bitter [en~>eng]
-- žuja je slatka
chewing gum is sweet [hr~>eng]
<IgorPec> what a translation LOL yeah, we have union for sweet
<IgorPec> brb / must go / visits
yeah, epic translation
i had drunk so much beer named "žuja" that my teeth almost fell out
i was an alcoholic for around a decade
fun times
<IgorPec> now you don't drink not a single beer?
no, i'm like living healty lifestyle
trying to heal the damage i've done living fast
nerves are still fucked up
it takes around two week for them to stabilize without crap like coffee and alcohol, sugars...
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like' if you have foggy mind it clears and one regain total focus of the mind
it's hard since everything from the shop is poisoned
food, drinks...
i could go about it for hours...
Please don't
<IgorPec> one should be careful with alchocol and even more with well accepted sugar and coffe
if you're not into intellectual work then who gives a fuck what
<IgorPec> most of people are nowadays
but for intellectual work focus is priority and healthy lifestyle is a must
<IgorPec> abuse of sugar and coffe is most used to have that
<IgorPec> some go further which is even more danmgerous
<IgorPec> alchol don't help getting focus, contrary 😉
<IgorPec> you spent 20 y seacking for ballmers peak, then 20 to get it back to normal 🙂
never heard of it
i heard for lsd micro dosing
<IgorPec> lsd was more present before in 70"
like if you're not on lsd in silicon valley you suck
IgorPec there are some sub cultures abusing it nowadays and it's common in pop culture still
<Tonymac32> Yeah I've heard of that. I think the cumulative storage of LSD in your system is the only big concern. There are some cases where people with long term nerve pain were "reset" after a massive dose as well. I'd probably avoid that anyway. 😆
yeah, it's common in low social classes but successful drug dealers are mostly in middle classes and their families are well respected by those who don't know what they actually do which helps them even more to hide
Does anyone know when the arm board supply chains are going to be fixed?
which creates corrupted cops and criminal overall in law systems
Tables: when the chip industry recovers
not so soon if you ask me
the worst is yet to come
better stock yourself with as much hardware as you can
<lanefu> must weather storm with as many 4 year old SoCs as possible
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<Tonymac32> I'm assuming another year minimum (I am dealing with this as well outside SBC's)
tonymac32: assuming another year what?
sure. it's nice to have highest prices to everything.
remember previous HDD production shortage. prices goes down to pre-crysis values for 8-10 years.
<Tonymac32> Well at the moment everything is in critical shortage. Consumer electronics demand is going to plateau or possibly decline, and the fabs are working to increase capacity. That takes time. But not a decade.
I hear container delivery asia-us costs rise 5 times.
If I be a container shipper — I'd prefer to change nohing, lofe is beautiful!
hard to be believe that company like google would release that update to the public
there are some fanboys in the reddit thread
defending the catastrophic flaw, oh man
just be real
read this news, in code miss one "&" symbol :D
stipa o/
lanefu posted the pic one link above before me
the reddit thread is 5 days old
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my question is do they then recall all the devices or how do they get unbricked?
thats one costly mistake
what got recalled?
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Tables: "bricked" means not so useful, it probably can't even boot
so it's not just an update that'll fix it when device can't boot and go to internet
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Right, which device
idk, some chrome thing
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hello, what's the best cheap tv box/board supported by armbian that I can buy at the moment?
djmuted: none
lol facts
there are some boards
I had to settle for a Potato
but no tv boxes
There are some TV boxes on amazon but I don't know which are supported
<lanefu> there's a tvboxes "club" on forum
<lanefu> look on there
ok so which board would be good value?
<lanefu> the actual armbianers don't support tvboxes
i don't need graphics, just cpu power and ram
<lanefu> whats your use case?
I want to run some scripts like homebridge
<lanefu> gotcha so you dont need much at all
basically a 24/7 server that does not consume a lot of power
<lanefu> are you in north america?
Buy an OranePi Plus 2E
central europe
H3 is stable with low power requirement get nice 4 core w/ wifi and 2Gb memory on that
huh I could buy a raspberry pi 4 in the same price as OrangePi Plus 2E
There is a lot of things that will be same price as RPi, you said you want something stable...
well like all other hiarchys, stability will cost money
none of those dirt cheap tv boxes gonna have stability
they all use cheapr usually crap brand memory
that can't clock up
poor heat solutions if one at all
<lanefu> djmuted what's available to you in your price range
<lanefu> I think allwinner H6 boards are best bang for buck
<lanefu> but theres a lot out there
<lanefu> adn it depends on where you are
I mean anything that is not more expensive than the pi 4, because I could just buy a rock solid pi 4 and be sure that everything will just work
You could also just get a OrangePi PC if emmc not important and wiofi isn't important
lol, "Rock Solid" Pi 4 isn't rock solid.. but I will say for most part it is 'stable'
but I get your point none the less
If you need AES, don't get the Pi
What features do you want?
That is probably a better approach
mostly nodejs, python, maybe some lightweight x11 apps but nothing too demanding
wifi is not a must, i can use ethernet
do you need USB? USB 2.0 or USB 3.0?
I was tinkering with my old rk3066 board last week and it's 3.0.8 kernel is not suitable for anything nowadays so I will take anything that works at this point
<lanefu> and do you care about gigabit ethernet,
<lanefu> or is 100mbit fine
usb 3.0 would be nice but its not a must
do you want emmc storage on board or is sdcard fine?
sd is fine
<lanefu> libre computer le potato?
I am reminded of the one tv box I got with a plate of aluminum in the top with a cheap thermal pad to the SoC
that they called a heatsink
<djmuted "how is that possible that they w"> they dont. but if it just sleep or shows video — it's not so annoyable as hanged server.
thats was infintely halarious
<lanefu> so wanna know something weird.. my rock64 hasnt. been randomly dying lately
<IgorPec> kernel 3.0.y*
yeah I was kinda suggesting if you pick the right combo it can be okay
but if you plan to stay bleeding edge all the time
you will have stability issues
<lanefu> grrr another lanecloud power outage
I think I had found a kernel last time I had mine out that was semi-stables
so basically, allwinner h6 boards might be a good pick?
well I will continue to suggest H3
cause if you want there is also H3droid
and its cheap / stable on mainline
i won't need android, ive got android tv built into my tv already
and OrangePi in particular sources good parts
lol he says without knowing really what H3Droid is
but I appriciate that none the less
lol H3droid is actually a custom image allows you to use android as windows manager and you can fully access underlying system for a lot of other stuff, not full linux but it's also more than Android ;)
* [TheBug]
looks to his right and counts 10 different H3 boards
lol why do you need 10 H3 boards?
ahaha, H3Droid... it is my project with some other devs ;)
so I have dev tested on pretty much every H3 board..
<lanefu> Ups went off like 20 seconds before i had cord ready
lanefu: need to get you one of the Jackery batteries for emergencies
so you can just plug it all in
and then get the genset going
<lanefu> Interesting jackery wil use shore power?
suppoedly you can even charge the untis with solar panels
not cheap of course :Z
but actually looked at having one here for around the same reason
<lanefu> Yeah ive been looking into the stuff some
<lanefu> okay network up
save having to start the gas geneorator if in some case our natural gas genset dies
which happens occasionally during an outage because of gas supply
<lanefu> oh interesing
I have like 3 layers here now, first for every 200-300 watt I have a 1500VA UPS, then whole house genset will kick in on natural gas if power fails with-in 8-10 seconds of failure
then if that fails I have a gas generator I can start up out in the garage and plug up to the panel
which leads into my room, the fridges / freezers, etc
then I keep about 10 gallons of gasoline out in the shed
well to feed the generators, but also, if everything fails I can bath my self in it and light a match cause I am sure by that point I will have already pulled out all my hair, LOL (j/k)
<lanefu> lol
generator on "gas" — like air, or gas — as gasoline?
gas like air — kind of propane-butane or metane
<lanefu> gas == petrol
<lanefu> oh but bug has a natural gas like air generator
gas stored under pressure? as an emergency device? don't he scare?
well, those do explode all over the place
you have to be lucky i guess
gas is cheaper
than the gasoline
Yes the main generatore is Natural Gas or a version of propane that we actually have as a household utility here, it is to the premise in most housing developments here
it is much cheaper than Gasoline
a lot use it for water heaters and home heat as well
which is what we do here
so when looking at a generator it was a no brainer to get one that uses natural gas as we already were using it and it is much cheaper than supplying gasoline
or petrol
* nekomancer[m]
those who don'e have it per se to their house as a utility who still wish to use it will buy tanks they store on premise and have them refilled regularly
yeah, i get it now, didn't know that genrators can be hooked on that household gas
that's new to me
I have an outdoor natural gas grill
yeah actually I was suprised to find, for example, in Pakistan their power sucks and they will own generators and they will convert them from gasoline to propane for example
in my place there a lot of gas heat, but near to no gas tanks. all use gas pipes.
using natural gas for generators is much mor common than I even knew
Piped natural gas is cheaper than propane but the appliance costs are more.
cool stuff
an reasonably clean
very economical for backup power for sure
when quake was overhere everything died
even the telecom
water, gas
so better to have some batteries as well
nekomancer[m]: also I was refereing to two different generators, the whole hose genrator I have is direct connected to natural gas, the back-up generator is standard generator I have it out in garage and it runs on petrol, maybe that helps clarify better
[TheBug] meant to say: nekomancer[m]: also I was refereing to two different generators, the whole house genrator I have is direct connected to natural gas, the back-up generator is standard generator I have it out in garage and it runs on petrol, maybe that helps clarify better
the whole house generator will come on automatically when it detects power failure
but on some occasion for various reasons it will fail
sometimes gas pressure is too low because neighbors do the same
sometimes just some general failure that happens
so I have a back-up
good set. you need some armor to save it from the rats
but those big Lithion-ion battery packs are comning down and price
and look super convient
especially if you get some solar charging kit
investment into one of the larger units there could probably do about same for you as a whole house generator depending on your load
and you can either recharge from power grid or get solar panels etc
how long this toy will power freezer and light in house? I think not long.
they give some numbers on that page
but again will have to with with your load
if your running a whole datacenter in your basement
it may not last too long ;p
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but if you only have short outages it could work well
my thought is you could use it with a cheaper genset kinda like I am guesing Lanefu has
you first plug in that
then you start yout genset and charge that
that was you get clean power as well
nekomancer[m]: people are getting 90% efficiency of solar system on whole house, mwans per year they only need to spend 10% of electricity from the grid and everything else is sloar, heating, electricity....
gasoline gensets tend to have some variance in how clean the power is
[TheBug] meant to say: that way you get clean power as well
like I wouldn't just connect a computer straight to a genset, I would for sure use a UPS to clean it and provide clean sine wave
well not a 'server' at least
you could use that battery system in the same way
other meaning of a "clean energy"
yeah, you for sure need batteries to fill the gap between power off and generator on
it seems lanefu had that he was just 20 seconds too late getting genset started
and UPS died
yeah, there's no theory generators can turn on that fast
that sinking feeling
what about supercaps
is that used in backup power?
like to make secure transition to generator on
* nekomancer[m]
once pull a 3KVA UPS 50 m on horizontal and pull from 1 to 3 floor to power switch during outage — just to see that UPS can't start feeding power to out if no power on in.
was it empty or overwhelmed
no. it just can't start as source without power in. it only can support out if it start on network, perform test and so on, then in power off.
crappy UPS
it's not a rare for uses, as I know after that.
usually the complaint is
* it's not a rare for upses, as I know after that.
UP flips over, runs, runs out of battery but once power comes back it won't click back on auto
you have to go toggle
but to say it won't provide power out without already having been on
entirely depends on how large the unit is and what the load is
damn, even that sux
it may need to charge a capacitor
that may be the problem
some can. some can't. You newer know a priori.
it can't handle switching t he load without the load capacitor being full
but your talking a large UPS not some residentual unit
I would think?
sounds more like something you would have in a DC handling large amounts of load
yes, it was "enterprise" stuff. ups for server room.
okay makes sense
yeah enterprise equip with high load must have full switching CAP to complete turning on
later my work pc with monitor work on this ups more than a hour.
that site has a diesel generator too. it need about a 1 minut to start and enter to work stable mode.
20ft container size.
start was very cool looking
yeah I think craziest system I saw
was first ISP I worked at when I was 16 was a converted FBI Building from the 70s
and they had a genset system that used lead acid batteries
but not normal ones you see
like stood 3ft tall by 2ft wide by 2ft
and it took a whole HUGE warehouse room in the building
cold war era
building had 2 seperate power grid come into it
Are the Nvidia boards mainlined yet / armbian supported?
but when it would switch building between one to other because of failure
military first
you would hear in whole building this loud siren, a hum, then what sounded like a concrete truck runnning into the building as it switched
it was super loud
there was no mistake when power changed
but the genset ran in diesel and if things failed that shit was LOUD
but the building only 1 time whole time I worked there ever lost power and it was from a failure in the system
but had to have chnaged over at least 1-2 times a week
Tables: I honestly don't know answer to that question