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<kprasadvnsi> 😬
<kprasadvnsi> This makes Orange Pi look good 🤣
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<IgorPec> oh, this time not ours 😉
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<Tonymac32> "Most of these boards are of such design quality that this is of no concern. They crash on their own regardless of installed softwares"
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<Tonymac32> Too bad. If they still get their tasks done so what
<Tonymac32> You aren't paying for their time, you're paying for their productivity. If they aren't delivering, you fire them
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KPI, KPI, KPI über alless!
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<Tonymac32> Der Besten oder Nichts.
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--Was geht denn hier heute ab?
What's going on here today? [de~>eng]
<RichNeese> ok guys we really need people to test builds as we are working on a new release
<RichNeese> we are building new images and we have more desktops that you can slao build from the builder
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<RichNeese> alot has gone into this major revamp of armbian . Please help keep armbian going
--Ich helfe Armbian zu jeder Zeit, weil Armbian hat sich als alternativlos erwiesen.
I help Armbian at any time, because there has been no alternative to Armbian. [de~>eng]
--Und ich weis wie hart ihr daran arbeitet.
And I know how hard you work on it. [de~>eng]
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<RichNeese> ok brb door
wb hipboi
G'day all you invisable people on Discord
stipa: you awful quiet over there today, you feeling alright?
[TheBug]: nah, i'm just spamming another channel
sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
you know what
I know a lot of things, but I would hate to hazzard a guess about what goes through your mind
is there a keyboard + mouse that connect to the actuall wifi network?
yes, it's called bluetooth
i mean, wifi AC
not in as far as you are asking but effectively thats the idea of bluetooth
i see no one did aynthing with esp32
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I mean it would seem a bit redundant is my point
you would have to have a very specific use case for that
like a niche product
you're right, it seems so
most things that use that type of technology just provide their own custom receiver
but if you share same keyboard and mouse and machines are far apart
rememebr 2.4Ghz dongles exist
something like networked keyboard ans mouse are viable
thast effectively same as wifi just using custom encoding and crap
At that point you can get some product and do it at the software level
there are software out there that allow you to share your mouse and keyboard across different devices
done over network
yeah, Barrier
but the point is i can't for example carry that keyboard and mouse in room two walls apart
the signal would be lost
not to be silly
but just get a RPi zero + battery and connect keyboard mouse to it and use that to be your intermediate
or OPi zero
or whatever
just set it in the room with yuou
with RF wireless mouse keyboard combo
if done right you may even be able to put it between two rooms and retain access
though probably wouldn't game over somethign like that
yeah, seems like a fast solution
it should be something that wastes low power
I mean
assuming you have a reasonable software for linux
you could probably even use like a LicheePi Zero
things tiny and uses very little power
I can have it run under min load on a batter pack for 24+ hours
just an example
thats with its wifi adapter on it and USB exposed being powere via gpio pin
only con is I think you have to have a powere usb hub for licheepi zedro
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making maybe Opi zero a little better option
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i honestly don't know how to do it low poer and with the off shelf software and hardware
low poer means cli only
for example, if i want to use it on a TV box that has no DE it'll be hard via "Barrier"
it's a mess
if one would emulate somehow that it's connected to some virtual usb ports on all machines then it would click and move on all machines equally
I can't remember the product
but LTT advertises for it every so often
supposed to have android / ios apps I think
and you can use your mouse keyboard across ipad, phone, mac, windows
but again still may cost something / and or have other barriers
nekomancer[m]: even the video transmission in digital form has it's roots in telegram
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You're talking about AV1 decoding on even a RasPi zero at that point
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yeah, but that eats CPU
it won't be for free for sure
Read the PDF.
something has to chew that decoding
it won't be thin air
gpu that has it in silicon design or cpu
if rpi has AV1 decoder inside of the gpu then it makes sense
current Pis don't :(
Vulkan acceleration is amazing on even the zero in terms of speed.
Very fast
Tables: is that about using generic vulkan hardware to decode arbitrary video formats, or about vulkan providing a unified API to dedicated decode hardware?
oh, nvidia is in on it. nice. (previously they've been quite insistent on making people use their own damn video api, no matter what everybody else does)
<stipa "nekomancer: even the video trans"> I am talking about changes in people everyday life
nekomancer[m]: sure, but people can live without all that stuff just fine
not so fine, as 20 century.
even if everything falls apart human doesn't need long to adapt to new normal
Uh... how do you tell what time it is?
you don't
you go sto sleep when it's dark and hope nothing will eat you
<stipa "even if everything falls apart h"> you lost to add "human, who can survive. not greater then 5%".
Exactly, which the British figured out was horrible in the 1800's for trade.
nekomancer[m]: you have got everything wrong if you think tech is making life easier than it was 7000 years ago. People are still surviving and trying to stay alive at this moment as it was before the telegram
everyday is the end of the world actually
<stipa "nekomancer: you have got everyth"> not around me. I see lazy relaxed people around.
i dont
i see smiley faces with knives behind their back
better don't turn your back to them
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always looking
you never know who'll stick it in you
I still alive. Because my life is safe enough. If I draain into 18 century I vill be dead in half a day.
One day it may be a begger on the street, the other a blonde with big tits
nekomancer[m]: yeah, it's easier to fall down in social hierarchy than it is to rise up
if you want you can visit 18 nth century this same day
today I shall go to Somali
no need to waste money, go beg on the streets
soon you'll learn how it goes over there
or try to climb up
you don't know what's worse ,lolo
in both cases you'll need to stay alive
fuck telegram
i'm 15 years on the internet and all it happened is linux freedom and bunch of wasted money on internet and electricity