havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<johnjaye> miah: what do you mean install from ports
<johnjaye> is ruby itself not a port
<johnjaye> and if it isn't, wouldn't a port contradicting a core library be... kind of contradictory?
<johnjaye> also on this topic when I compiled ruby and ran ./libexec/irb I get nil for $RUBY_VERSION. is that right? it's 3.3
<llua> remove the $
<johnjaye> ah i see
<johnjaye> it says 2.7.4
<johnjaye> maybe i used the wrong irb?
<johnjaye> ruby -v in the directory reports the built version correctly, 3.3.0dev
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<johnjaye> could something be wrong with my ruby install?
<johnjaye> i ran gem install ruby-lsp and it's been frozen for over a minute
<johnjaye> htop says it's doing something though
<johnjaye> ah ok here we go
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<nona> with RSpec, what's your philosophy regarding skip vs. pending vs. xit vs. describe...do...end if false vs. out-commenting vs. removing?
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<ox1eef_> xit examples are generated in the report iirc, 'if false' would be harder to detect, most if not all the time I've seen them used with flaky specs, and whether or not it is ever fixed or just left there and forgotten about is 50/50 (at best).
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<nona> ox1eef_: so you either use xit (also always instead of pending) or you delete out-right?
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<ox1eef_> I personally never use it. But other people at $work do, and xit is most common.
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<johnjaye> where are all these self-reflection methods located like instance_variable_get and what not
<KOTP> They are defined on Object
<nona> ox1eef_: so your own philosophy is to be 100% about keeping all tests working all the time. that is, even in a legacy environment with 1000s of tests and 1000s failing, you'd fix or delete every single one, before doing anything else?
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<gr33n7007h> johnjaye: you can ask ruby :) method(:instance_variable_get).owner
<johnjaye> > The Kernel module is included in class Object, so its methods are available in every Ruby object.
<johnjaye> i see
<ox1eef_> nona: I don't have any hard rules, but yeah, it is usually not good because it can become something that is never addressed.
<ox1eef_> As long as there is a process or absolute intention to fix it in the future, no problem.
<nona> ok, that sounds reasonable and nicely undogmatic :)
<nona> thank your for sharing, ox1eef_ !
<ox1eef_> +1
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<KOTP> The method(:instance_variable_get).owner command may report Kernel, but it is defined at line 4399 in object.c
<ox1eef_> rb_define_method(rb_mKernel, "instance_variable_get", rb_obj_ivar_get, 1);
<ox1eef_> Defined on Kernel for sure.
<KOTP> Yes, definitely defined on Kernel as the source states.
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<johnjaye> basically it was in a thread about accessing private variables or something
<johnjaye> and someone said it's not like java where you can have private variables and methods, in ruby with enough force you can break open any object and inspect it
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<ccooke> adam12: I basically just like problem solving. I don't think I'd ever do a job with *no* coding, but humour aside I find a wide variety of problem *types* deeply satisfying in the end :-)
<adam12> ccooke: Yes. I agree with that completely.
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<ccooke> if sometimes the problems I'm solving are to do with process and audit... well, someone has to do it. And better someone who understands the technical side and doesn't hate it.
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<johnjaye> ah in ruby ?h is a string not a number
<johnjaye> i wonder where that came from
<johnjaye> where is String#% defined in the source code? i can't find it
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<weaksauce> it's a character literal syntax
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<KOTP> The `String#%` is the String Format Method, and is defined in `string.c`, and I call it String Format, because around line 2359 where the definition is found, and around line 11942 it contains this line: `rb_define_method(rb_cString, "%", rb_str_format_m, 1);`
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<johnjaye> ah cool, thanks
<johnjaye> 11887 for me
<KOTP> Yep, depends on the version specifically...
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