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<newton> TIL, cool site
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<ox1eef_> For your earlier question about installing ruby to a specific place, - johnjaye ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/ruby/
<ox1eef_> I have used that in the past to install into ~/.rubies/3.X.X/
<ox1eef_> ./configure --help is probably worth a look too.
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<johnjaye> oh ok
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<nona> hmm ... is there a way to ask for being transferred an abandoned gem on rubygems.org?
<nona> either administratively or by contacting the original author. not seeing a way to do either :(
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<nona> nm, found the author on LinkedIn, let's see if they'll respond
<ox1eef_> You can open a support ticket.
<ox1eef_> But yeah, best route would probably be via the author + let them transfer ownership to you.
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<nona> i'll give it a week or two, ox1eef_ ... randomly contacting a stranger, could be on vacation or whatever. no rush about it.
<nona> btw of rubygems.org ... last week i had to help a colleague who wasn't able to run `bundle install`. eventually it turned out that she was in Spain, not Germany, and that her provider there, Vodafone Spain, was blocking rubygems.org as "malicious". took a lot of facepalming on my part and one VPN subscription on hers.
<ox1eef_> Odd indeed.
<ox1eef_> I personally wish RubyGems had first-class git support, where you could gem install via git, and depend on gems via git, etc. I don't like the centralized nature of Rubygems, nor how diffilcult they make it to delete your own code.
<nona> that'd be nice
<nona> do the people who run it not hang out here?
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<ox1eef_> Not sure but almost sure it would be an uphill battle to make headway on that issue.
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<nona> probably two very differently difficult battles on the first vs. the second part of what you wished for :P
<ox1eef_> Best shot might be a new package manager with an emphasis on being decentralized.
<nona> is there an existing such package manager by another programming language project?
<ox1eef_> Go. And to at least some extent, NPM.
<nona> hmm, i don't know Go, but i do know i don't want anything from the Node universe anywhere close to my comfortable, beautiful, enjoyable little Ruby universe.
<ox1eef_> xD Fair enough. I don't mind JavaScript/TypeScript. I think the more languages you have experience with, the better.
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<wakaflaka> here it is
<wakaflaka> Analog Camera Emulations for Post-Processing -- postpro.rb -- https://gist.github.com/basicfeatures/33bcfe777eab1ac487b8b66dcbf9046a
<wakaflaka> didnt really know what to put in the readme. feedback would be appreciated!
<ox1eef_> I like that it is not using a HTTP API to do the work.
<ox1eef_> Got a sample output?
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<wakaflaka> hehe :)
<wakaflaka> soon
<ox1eef_> Cool. Well looks good. Again, not being reliant on a third-party service is nice and for me a must.
<wakaflaka> hehe really appreciate that
<wakaflaka> wait ill cook up some examples
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<nona> ox1eef_: i don't mind Java/TypeScript, either. just the whole ecosystem around it.
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<ox1eef_> My focus these days is Rust, and C. Ruby + TypeScript + React, all that stuff, has mostly become a job. Still a few hobby projects in Ruby, but my intention is to expand my knowledge of other languages.
<ox1eef_> At one point all my efforts were focused on C, and then I realized I would be full of fear to put any C I wrote into production, so now Rust is a contender again.
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<plujon> Greetings. Is it possible to make a method `foo` available to all classes within a module M such that they can call the method as simply `foo` rather than `M.foo` without making that method global to all ruby code?
<plujon> module M; def self.foo; 'hi' end; class C; def hmm; foo; end; end # similar to this
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<havenwood> plujon: To make it so you can `M.foo` or `include M` and have it only be privately available in C you can: module M module_function def foo = 'hi' end
<havenwood> class C include M; def hmm = foo end
<havenwood> C.new.hmm #=> "hi"
<havenwood> C.new.foo #!> private method called
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<ox1eef_> If I understood plujon correctly, class Foo; extend M; end is probably a better fit than module_function.
<ox1eef_> (where 'foo' is an instance method of M).
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<ox1eef_> Oh nevermind. I misunderstood. 'module_function' is the way to go in that case.
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<nona> ox1eef_: C can be beautiful ... check out my buddy's project here https://github.com/catphish/openuav/tree/master/firmware ... and yes, we've both had a few scratches and bruises, but that's down to pilot error :)
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<ox1eef_> Agreed. But unlesss I reach expert level - which would take years, I don't really feel confident that any C I write is solid unless it is basic stuff.
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