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<johnjaye> hmm. so the motivation for my question before is I wanted to compute the probability of a dice roll
<johnjaye> i.e. how many ways can you get two dice sum to 2,3,...,12.
<johnjaye> is there a more "ruby" way to do it than just a double loop?
<johnjaye> i.e. for i in (1..6) for j in (1..6) if i+j is 3 then s++ type of thing
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<leftylink> apparently you were not satisfied with permutation(2), even though that is the correct answer
<leftylink> okay then maybe you will accept Array#product as the answer then?
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<leftylink> since you have just asked for a cartesian product.
<leftylink> obviously with both of those you use Enumerable#count.
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<leftylink> I am sorry, correction. it's repeated_permutation(2)
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<gr33n7007h> >> [*1..6].repeated_permutation(2).map(&:sum).tally
<ruby[bot]> gr33n7007h: I'm terribly sorry, I could not evaluate your code because of an error: JSON::ParserError:784: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE html>
<gr33n7007h> come on ruby[bot] you having a day off XD
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<johnjaye> it was the right answer I just asked a more involved question
<johnjaye> gr33n7007h: thanks!
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<Guest18> brahs
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<johnjaye> what does pack.c mean
<johnjaye> i see a line referring to it under help(Array)
<ox1eef_> Try help "Array#pack".
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<ox1eef_> And help "String#unpack".
<johnjaye> that's a handy help syntax i didn't know about, thanks
<johnjaye> but i don't understand if that was an answer about what pack.c refers to
<ox1eef_> Ah, not sure what it refers to, my guess is that it is an implementation for both those methods or one of them, let me see.
<johnjaye> i mean right before the active_support section it literally says "for pack.c"
<ox1eef_> Most likely refers to that file, and that looks like pack / unpack implementation. There's pack.rb too.
<johnjaye> hmm i see
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