havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.2, 3.3.7 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<havenwood> kjetilho: mutex_m used to be a default gem where it couldn't be uninstalled but now it's a bundled gem and you can: gem uninstall mutex_m
<havenwood> You can also: gem update mutex_m
<kjetilho> yeah, problem is this is on Ruby 2.7. so I think I am stuck with it?
<havenwood> kjetilho: Yeah, back then it was a default gem so it could be updated but not uninstalled.
<kjetilho> gem uninstall refuses to touch a default gem, and I can't un-default it
<havenwood> kjetilho: Updated but not uninstalled.
<kjetilho> funnily enough it allows both 0.1.0 and 0.3.0 to be default
<havenwood> You can update default gems.
<havenwood> On Ruby 2.7, `gem update mutex_m` will install 0.3.0, the latest version.
<kjetilho> hmm! so I just have to do that before bundle install
<kjetilho> (I'm building a container here)
<havenwood> kjetilho: If you're using mutex_m, and want to use 0.3.0, add it to you Gemfile and bundle.
<havenwood> gem 'mutex_m', '~> 0.3.0'
<kjetilho> I don't really care - it is pulled in by some dependency solver
<kjetilho> but the system ruby version in 0.1.0 causes these noisy complaints
<havenwood> kjetilho: Default gems can be added to your bundle if you need a specific version for any reason.
<havenwood> bundle add mutex_m
<kjetilho> I did try to add it explicitly to Gemfile like you said, with `gem 'mutex_m', '~> 0.3.0'` - but it didn't affect the message
<havenwood> kjetilho: After adding it to your Gemfile, run `bundle` or its alias `bundle install`.
<kjetilho> I did that. trying an explicit '= 0.1.0' now first. let's see what complains
<kjetilho> -fist
<kjetilho> -first
<kjetilho> no complaints. but building the whole container takes a bit more time. *drums fingers*
<kjetilho> yay - that workaround did the trick. trying the `gem update mutex_m` prior to running bundle now.
<kjetilho> nope, the 0.1.0 sticks around
<kjetilho> anyway, thanks a lot for your input!
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<nakilon> speakng about thelounge, somehow docker on ubuntu has glitched like this https://askubuntu.com/q/1315822/160618 and so I can't issue thelounge commands, and to restart it I need to sudo and I don't remember the password ) and I absolutely don't remember how you are supposed to have root priviledges and not use password -- it's so weird, like I was
<nakilon> used to cloud OS maybe and on usual VPS I had to do some extra steps... somehow this linux stuff got out of my memory
<testone> nakilon: you can have 'root' without password rebooting in single user mode
<testone> then change root password with passwd
<testone> otherwise, both the same pc from a live usb image
<nakilon> not sure how to boot like that on VPS
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