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<ox1eef_> Cool and all, but just more reason for people to perceive Ruby as slow and unscalable: https://blog.redplanetlabs.com/2023/08/15/how-we-reduced-the-cost-of-building-twitter-at-twitter-scale-by-100x/
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<johnjaye> ox1eef_: but it says it's not an attack on mastodon's code base!
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<johnjaye> where is the prime? function defined
<johnjaye> i'm poking around the ruby code but i don't see it anywhere. there is no lib/prime.rb
<leftylink> pandabot rb require 'prime'; 23.method(:prime?).source_location
<pandabot> ["/usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/prime.rb", 35] - https://carc.in/#/r/fmov
<johnjaye> oh it's maybe in a different git repo then
<johnjaye> i just cloned ruby/ruby hoping to find it
<johnjaye> hmm it seems each library has its own repo
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<havenwood> johnjaye: See https://stdgems.org/ for the gemified stdlib.
<havenwood> johnjaye: You might want to check out the https://github.com/mame/faster_prime RubyGem alternative.
<sam113101> 23.prime? is faster than Prime.prime?(23), btw
<sam113101> they are different implementations
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<johnjaye> i don't really understand referring to the standard library as gems
<johnjaye> usually one speaks of the library and the "standard library".
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: The standard library being gems means that they can be developed (and released) independent of Ruby releases. The exception to that rule is default gems, which are too interwined into Ruby to develop independent of it.
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<johnjaye> ah i don't really understand the distinction
<johnjaye> in python for example it's just, here's the standard library that comes with the interpreter. then everything else you download from a repo or package system
<johnjaye> > Default gems are Ruby stdlib libraries that were converted to gems. Similar to non-gemified part of stdlib, you cannot remove them.
<johnjaye> so it's a gem... but you can't delete or uninstall it
<weaksauce> johnjaye it's used to make development easier
<weaksauce> basically
<weaksauce> in the main python repository
<leftylink> for me the standard library just means if I install Ruby I'm guaranteed to have this thing. the detail of whether it's a gem is an implementation detail that matters not to me
<weaksauce> base64 is not essential to ruby so why would it be part of the ruby core development overhead?
<weaksauce> also it's funny that base64 is just a wrapper for pack and unpack
<weaksauce> and the entire file is like 100 lines
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<johnjaye> leftylink: well. it's a matter of definitions
<johnjaye> it's like telling me a car is a horseless carriage. it's a bit confusing
<adam12> weaksauce: LOL. rack/rack just removed base64 dependency with `unpack('m')` (or something like that)
<weaksauce> haha
<leftylink> I hope that a resolution to the confusion will be found, then.
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<johnjaye> if i want to build ruby can i do it in a separate dir
<johnjaye> like mkdir mydir; cd mydir; ../make
<johnjaye> hmm that didn't work.
<johnjaye> i guess maybe i'm supposed to run configure itself then
<constxqt> hey bros
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<leftylink> I wonder if make -C is the right way to do this. been too long since I used make
<johnjaye> well i'll just do an in-tree build for now
<constxqt> i am looking for some design input and i usually like how ruby does things. im wondering how one might implement this in Ruby
<constxqt> i have this class: class Sync { init(x) { @x = x; @m = Mutex() } __missing__(name, *args) { with @m.lock() { member(@x, name)(*args) } } }
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<constxqt> that just wraps an object and defers all method calls to it but calls them while holding a mutex lock
<constxqt> but i don't have a way to retrieve the wrapped object, and i don't want to add another method on the Sync class because then it might conflict with a method on the wrapped object
<constxqt> how would you guys implement the Sync class in ruby
<constxqt> is there a way to do it without shadowing any methods on the wrapped object
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<leftylink> I guess if I want to be silly I would justify overriding Sync#itself by saying "all methods on Sync should be as if they were called on the wrapped object therefore #itself is no exception"
<leftylink> it doesn't add another method on Sync because it already had the itself method
<leftylink> so it fits the letter of the law
<leftylink> I think it doesn't fit the spirit though so shrug
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<leftylink> I would never actually do this
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<constxqt> why not?
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<leftylink> I think the surprise of having `itself` not be the Sync object would be worse
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<constxqt> oh you wouldn't do that exact approach
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<constxqt> i thought you meant you'd never want a class like this to begin with
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<johnjaye> where is the official list of default gems and the ruby stdlib
<johnjaye> or do you just have to "read the source"?
<neshpion> are you looking for this? https://ruby-doc.org/3.2.2/
<johnjaye> i don't think that's the official site. ruby-lang.org unless i'm mistaken
<johnjaye> i just want to know the 'official' place where to find it
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<neshpion> there's also this https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/3.2/ -- but ruby-lang.org/documentation contains links to ruby-doc.org as well
<johnjaye> ah i see
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