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<Sampersand> Ello peeps!
<Sampersand> I've been having a ton of fun with rbs recently, submitting tons of prs
<Sampersand> i'm glad my arcane ruby knowledge + good understanding of C (including Ruby-styled C :-P) came in handy
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<wakaflaka> Sampersand: did you say ruby-styled C? :)
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<Sampersand> wakaflaka hahaha yes
<Sampersand> i wish there was more input on my contributions, but the intersect between people who like arcane ruby, know c really well, and want to contribute to typechecking is very, very small
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<johnjaye> submitting tons of prs to what? the core interpreter?
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<ox1eef_> Too bad he left. I'm curious why it is 'class Enumberable' instead of 'module Enumerable': https://github.com/ruby/rbs/blob/master/docs/rbs_by_example.md
<weaksauce> typo?
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<johnjaye> in the gems directory there is simply a file called 'bundled_gems' with a list of git repos
<johnjaye> does that mean if i build ruby it downloads those and builds those? i thought you needed submodules to do that
<johnjaye> > rbs is a language to describe the structure of Ruby programs
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<ox1eef_> rbs is esssentially a type checker for Ruby programs, but the approach is a bit different than what I'm use to.
<ox1eef_> There's also sorbet from Shopify, and it puts the type definitions within the Ruby source code.
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<johnjaye> are strings frozen or immutable in ruby 3 but not 2
<johnjaye> does frozen mean the same as immutable? i read a confusing stackexchange post that contradicted itself about that
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<leftylink> well, since Kernel#frozen? and Object#freeze are in the Ruby standard library, if someone says "frozen" when speaking of Ruby, it's pretty unambiguous what they mean. we can't say the same of "immutable"'s relation to the standard library, but if someone were to use that term when speaking of Ruby, a reasonable person would assume that's what they mean unless they explicitly specify a different
<leftylink> interpretation of that term
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<ox1eef_> There's a magic comment you can add to source files that will make string literals frozen by default: '# frozen_string_literal: true', and it is quite commonin practice, especially because it is a rubocop default.
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