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<leftylink> any reasonable practical uses of flip flop? I think I recall trying to use it a line-by-line parser to express "while we're in this section of the file" but I think there was a fencepost ssue
<leftylink> only reason I'm being vague is because I don't 100% remember all the details of it myself
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<leftylink> checking really quick... okay, ths is a little dismaying. `...` instead of `..` doesn't work
<leftylink> I think that was the dealbreaker, since if the end condition is "this line marks the end of the section and should not be processed as part of the section" the ... still including the last line does the wrong thing
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<gr33n7007h2> i'd forgotten all about the the flip-flop op
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<ox1eef_> Same here. I don't think it is essential for anything.
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