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<johnjaye> is a block considered to be nil or false if empty
<johnjaye> e.g. a.all? {} or a.all? { |x| }
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<leftylink> we can answer this question with an example
<leftylink> pandabot: rb p.then {}
<pandabot> nil - https://carc.in/#/r/fpbk
<leftylink> so we see that the answer is nil
<leftylink> I suppose I shouldn't use p because it may muddy the waters
<leftylink> because the nil could have come from p
<leftylink> so let's use something else instead
<leftylink> pandabot: rb 819.then {}
<pandabot> nil - https://carc.in/#/r/fpbl
<leftylink> okay, that should make abundantly clear that it's nil
<weaksauc_> that's answering the wrong question though
<weaksauc_> it depends on what a is
<weaksauc_> pandabot rb [].all? {}
<weaksauc_> pandabot: rb [].all? {}
<weaksauc_> # => true
<weaksauc_> [1].all? {} # => false
<leftylink> I thought the question was only about what an empty block evaluates to. the behaviour of #all? was not in question. did I misunderstand the question?
<leftylink> (which is very possible, since I'm not a native speaker, so I apologise for any misunderstandings that result)
<johnjaye> i discovered the question while testing all? and none?
<weaksauc_> i guess it is the same answer just in a different way
<johnjaye> i didn't realize {} was valid
<leftylink> just as we can have functions with empty bodies, we can have blocks with empty bodies
<johnjaye> rb [].all?
<johnjaye> pandabot: rb [].all?
<weaksauc_> there was a post about python and the issue of which should be returned if there are no entries in a list
<johnjaye> weaksauc_: ruby ignores the block completely for empty objects by the way
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<weaksauc_> wouldn't surprise me
<leftylink> well that makes sense, right? if the behavior is to pass each element to the block, and there is no element to pass, there is no valid way to call the block
<johnjaye> as i understand it. it checks for empty block. then for an argument. only then does it process the block
<leftylink> it doesn't need to "check for empty block"
<leftylink> an empty block is handled just like any other block - by calling it
<johnjaye> sorry. i meant an empty object
<johnjaye> anyway thanks. i was confused that { |x| } was valid syntactically as well as {}
<weaksauc_> well it's c leftylink so it's a little more explicit and yes it checks the length before doing it
<johnjaye> if you try to give it a block and an argument it warns you it's ignoring the block
<weaksauc_> > if (!len) return Qtrue;
<ox1eef_> all? without a block checks that all elements are truthy (not nil or false), and the implcit return value of an empty block is nil.
<johnjaye> yes, precisely
<ox1eef_> So then, for the case of an empty block, all? will return false because nil is not true.
<johnjaye> right.
<johnjaye> then none? will be true since it's the reverse
<weaksauc_> looks like if you pass in an object too it will ignore the block and warn you
<johnjaye> the only odd case is doing [].all? {} which returns true since it checks the object first
<ox1eef_> I don't think it is that odd if you think about it at the conceptual level rather than in the nitty-gritty detail level.
<leftylink> personally I see no reason to call it odd. as I had learned in school that an empty conjunction is true
<leftylink> just as a empty disjunction is false
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<leftylink> this is not meant to be taken as a negative statement about anyone's school, only an acknowledgement that I know that I am a product of my environment, and so is what I find odd and not odd
<ox1eef_> Worth noting as well that an empty array can't invoke its block since there is nothing to invoke it with.
<ox1eef_> So it goes back to what leftylink said.
<leftylink> maybe I'm just too used to thinking of it in terms of the types. like if all? has type (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool, then if you have no a, then what could we possibly call the (a -> Bool) with?
<johnjaye> leftylink: in school i was tought for all A. and there exists E. so the analogue of all? would be something like atleastone?
<leftylink> atleastone? is called any? in ruby
<johnjaye> ah i see
<redruM> Is it possible to use #{Dir.home} with a file glob wildcard?
<ox1eef_> Dir.glob File.join(Dir.home, "*").
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<redruM> ox1eef_: Got it, thanks!
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<johnjaye> i almost expected ruby to respond to the ** glob
<johnjaye> might be another way to do it
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<johnjaye> is there a faster way to get every nth element of an array other than making a block with each_with_index?
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<ox1eef_> arr[n..]
<johnjaye> that gets elements starting with n i think
<johnjaye> i think filter would also work
<johnjaye> e.g. a.filter(&:even?)
<johnjaye> oh i guess that uses the array values not the index
<johnjaye> if i need the index then i have to use something specific like each_with_index
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<ox1eef_> >> ary = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; n = 5; ary[n..]
<ruby[bot]> ox1eef_: # => [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] (https://carc.in/#/r/fpc1)
<ox1eef_> In others, inclusive of n to the end of the ary. It is the index.
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<leftylink> well
<leftylink> pandabot rb %w(a b c d e)[(0..4) % 2]
<pandabot> ["a", "c", "e"] - https://carc.in/#/r/fpc3
<johnjaye> eh. ruby has a syntax for this?
<johnjaye> o_o
<leftylink> array slicing with ArithmeticSequence was added in Ruby 3.0: https://rubyreferences.github.io/rubychanges/3.0.html#array-slicing-with-enumeratorarithmeticsequence
<ox1eef_> Very little in Ruby is just syntax. That's Range%.
<ox1eef_> Range#% *
<johnjaye> hmm.
<johnjaye> is there a large number of ruby 2.x installs still around
<johnjaye> things that are strictly 3.x only might be a bit too risky to rely on
<ox1eef_> I wouldn't worry about that. You can add required_ruby_version to your gemspec if needs be. It is better to be able to use new features than be stuck with the old.
<leftylink> and luckily for this concern, since 2.7 reached its end of life in March of this year (we see this is true at https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/), if anything is still using anything earlier than 3.0, it's a security liability and in a lot of places I've seen that's a problem so they won't do it
<leftylink> so for places where the security is regulated they will certainly be at 3.0 or later
<ox1eef_> This page has stats going back a year that chronicles 2.X, 3.X, etc usage: https://stats.rubygems.org/
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<ox1eef_> Looks either broken or abandoned. Stops in 22'.
<leftylink> oh is that why no data shows up for me unless I select 12m?
<leftylink> the graph is just blank if I select any other option
<ox1eef_> Yep. There's an empty array returned for anything under 12m.
<ox1eef_> Too bad. That's useful data.
<johnjaye> ah it says ruby 2.2 to 2.7 was a lot more breaking changes than 2.7 to 3
<johnjaye> interesting
<johnjaye> also it's not as big of a problem as python2->3 either
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<konsolebox> Dir.home might need to be shellescaped there.
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<adam12> johnjaye: Matz (Ruby BDFL) specifically wanted to avoid a Python 2 -> 3 scenario.
<adam12> johnjaye: In fairness, Ruby had one of those already, going from 1.8 to 1.9.
<johnjaye> it says in 1.9 strings didn't support each.
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<ox1eef_> In 1.8 each could be used on a string to iterate over it char by char. These days you would use str.chars.each { } instead.
<ox1eef_> Byte by byte would be more accurate, I think.
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<johnjaye> another oddity. by looking at the source code I can see Array.map and Array.collect are synonyms
<johnjaye> but the documentation from help doesn't mention this at all
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<adam12> johnjaye: It's in there in my version of Ruby (twice actually, maybe a bug?)
<adam12> Array#collect is an alias for Array#map.
<adam12> (This method is an alias for Array#collect.)
<ox1eef_> Mine too. Btw, I recommend this notation: "Array#map" for instance methods and "Array::new" (or Array.new) for class methods. It has been used in Ruby for ions, and is generally understood.
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<johnjaye> it says "see also"
<johnjaye> maybe the debian help install is just borked somehow
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<ox1eef_> Last line: Array#collect is an alias for Array#map.
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<ule> Hi there, do you know how can I convert a Ruby BigDecimal to float preserving its scale? (In this case I want 8):
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<ule> BigDecimal("92474213.83647799").to_f
<ule> => 92474213.836478
<ule> What can I do to get a Float exactly as I see in the string part? with .83647799 ?
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<ule> This seems very hacky but works:
<ule> Float("92474213.83647799").to_f.prev_float - 0.1
<ule> => 92474213.73647799
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<adam12> ule: Why do you need to convert to Float? It's basically negating all the benefits of BigDecimal.
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<leftylink> I dont' believe I understand the question either. to_f is already getting the correct value.
<leftylink> pandabot rb require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal("92474213.83647799").to_f == 92474213.83647799
<pandabot> true - https://carc.in/#/r/fpgq
<leftylink> see? true. so it's already the correct value.
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<leftylink> pandabot rb require 'bigdecimal'; '%.16f' % BigDecimal("92474213.83647799").to_f
<pandabot> "92474213.8364779949188232" - https://carc.in/#/r/fpgr
<leftylink> there is, of course, no float in existence that exactly represents the value 92474213.83647799, so the part of the question about "preserving its scale" is unanswerable
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<leftylink> this is why I switched to using rationals instead of foats in all my dealings with numbers
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<ule> leftylink: how do you store the rationals instead float?
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<ule> adam12: I need to pass that to an API and the vendor requires a number instead of String
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<adam12> ule: Float's are inheritently inaccurate and not incredibly precise. I am not sure you'll be able to get what you want.
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<adam12> ule: I'd tell the vendor to accept a String if it requires accuracy. Or ask them why they chose a Float.
<ule> adam12: whats what I want to do as well lol
<adam12> ule: lol. really tho, you're being asked to work with a pile of crap :\
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<adam12> What kind of number is it, out of curiosity? lat/lng?
<adam12> Actually, that's likely too big for lat/lng.
<ule> It is cryptocurency things
<adam12> Ugh. Naturally.
<adam12> I bet they'll add them all up and get errors.
<adam12> It's the Office Space worm in the real world.
<ule> The thing is, the vendor uses C# on their systems, so I expect they handle all this better than my crappy Ruby
<petru> Doesn't ruby have something like BigDecimal?
<ule> it is, and thats what I'm using, the issue is that how can I pass BigDecimal via API? We can't, it needs to be either float, boolean, string, etc
<petru> Oh, I see
<petru> Probably string would be best
<redruM> How could I prevent puts from echoing variable content in a new line?
<ule> Yeah, I'll try to move forward in that idea
<adam12> redruM: print
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<redruM> adam12: Yeah, I've tried that but after the variable the rest of the content is on the next line.
<adam12> redruM: example code
<redruM> adam12: Here in irc?
<adam12> redruM: if it's more than a few lines, paste it to gist.github.com or similar.
<redruM> adam12: It's small
<adam12> redruM: go for it
<redruM> adam12: release_version = `curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/be5invis/Iosevka/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name' | sed 's/v//'`
<redruM> adam12: print "Pulling Iosevka v#{release_version} fonts from the Github repository release..."
<adam12> redruM: Maybe new line in output? try `#{release_version.chomp}`
<adam12> or add `.chomp` to end of `release_version = ` assignment line.
<redruM> adam12: That was it, thank you!
<adam12> (2nd version is better but do either for now to eliminate new line)
<adam12> Nice.
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<johnjaye> i'm having trouble following this command for the ruby debugger
<johnjaye> i don't seem to have rdbg anywhere but i can require 'debug'. but it says info is not a recognized command
<johnjaye> ok i can set breakpoint with 'b' command
<johnjaye> hmm
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<johnjaye> the instructions here say to use binding.break but that gives an error that break is not defined. https://github.com/ruby/debug
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<weaksauc_> you might be running an older version of it?
<leftylink> that's really funny. debug is outright broken in my install of Ruby (as in, require 'debug' results in NoMethodError), so obviously nobody ever thought to test that it works
<leftylink> yes, a NoMethodError, not a LoadError
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<leftylink> I can of course solve the NoMethodError by defining the nonexistent thing, but come on.
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<johnjaye> well i have 2.7 on my system sure. but i didn't think debug was that old
<johnjaye> let me try that local install of ruby that someone recommended earlier
<johnjaye> maybe i can somehow require debug or something from there
<johnjaye> well at least i can set breakpoints and continue
<johnjaye> so there's that
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<adam12> johnjaye: debug has shipped with Ruby for a decade or more, it's just that the original debug had some issues.
<adam12> You can always try to install the gem manually/in your Gemfile to get latest version.
<johnjaye> it said it updated to debug 1.8
<johnjaye> but i still don't have 'info' which the github readme said i should
<johnjaye> i'm not even sure what is the variable to check the loaded version of a geM?
<johnjaye> i'm running it with ruby -rdebug file.rb by the way
<johnjaye> ah ok now i do have the info command using the local 3.3
<johnjaye> so some kind of changes must have happened to debug between when ruby 2.7 was built and packaged and the present
<johnjaye> however ruby -rdebug <filename> no longer activates the debugger i have to use bin/rdbg to do that
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