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<adam12> good morning
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<ccooke> Good afternooon
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<adam12> ccooke: How goes
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<ccooke> adam12: Office day. Many face-to-face meetings. Some coding, when I find some time. You? :-)
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<miah> bleh
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<adam12> ccooke: Polar opposite I guess. One "15 minute" standup, and coding the rest of the day :P
<adam12> Worked through a dry-rb gem upgrade which was .. interesting, since they all rely on each other for specific version pinning and some of them had breaking changes.
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<ccooke> I officially devolved to managing a team a couple of years ago, so really it's my own fault. "Luckily" we're always busy so I don't have the capacity to delegate *All* the coding ;-)
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<adam12> ccooke: Nice. I consult 90% of the time so generally I try to keep meetings optional, but will attend some depending on team dynamic.
<adam12> Writing code is what makes me happy, so I try to optimize for htat.
<ox1eef_> Looks like OpenBSD has Ruby 3.2.2 at last \o/ Although, not sure how recent that is. Upgrading 3.1 does not bring you to 3.2. cc wakaflaka
<johnjaye> what are the main diffs between ruby 3 and ruby 2
<adam12> johnjaye: In Ruby 2, keyword arguments weren't true arguments, and you could sometimes pass a Hash as the last argument to a method and it would be keyword-argument-like. In Ruby 3, the keyword arguments are true arguments.
<adam12> johnjaye: Ruby 3 also gained better fiber/async support, ractors (which are still experimental), and some typing libraries as default (typeprof, rbs, etc).
<adam12> johnjaye: This is a great reference. https://rubyreferences.github.io/rubychanges/3.0.html
<adam12> ox1eef_: Surprised it took that long, considering it's maintained by Jeremy. Tho I am getting the feelign lately that Jeremy has got something going on (writing another book maybe?)
<ox1eef_> I might have missed it too.
<ox1eef_> Best of all I discovered how to access ri / console docs :) pkg_add ruby32-ri_docs
<adam12> Oh nice. I use `ri` an insane amount during the day.
<adam12> So much so that I have my own Ruby docker image that includes them.
<ox1eef_> I'm going to give a shot. Never really got into it before now.
<adam12> In Vim, I think you can `K` from normal mode to get docs under cursor.
<adam12> (unless you use an LSP that overrides K for goto-definition :|)
<adam12> I dont' remember your editor of choice.
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<ox1eef_> emacs :))
<ox1eef_> doomemacs to be precise.
<adam12> Oooh yeah.
<adam12> btw I use vim
<adam12> :P
<ox1eef_> I was a vim user once upon a time.
<adam12> I tried Doomemacs/Spacemacs.
<adam12> But I just couldn't take to it.
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<ox1eef_> I would probably recommend vs code most of the time. Lets you focus on what's important. But coming from the age where emacs and vim were dominant, I still like them.
<weaksauce> i am using doom just for magit
<miah> i often use vi for extremely quick edits; especially if im logged into a remote system
<miah> but for 'long form coding' i have been running emacs; i'm not a emacs wizard by any means; nor am i with vi.
<miah> magit is amazing though
<miah> (i use prelude-emacs with very little customizations)
<weaksauce> i can't handle emacs without someone else dealing with all the extra bullshit
<weaksauce> hence doom
<weaksauce> also need those evil bindings
<ox1eef_> vi was my go to for quick edits in the past, but these days I use 'mg' instead: https://man.openbsd.org/mg
<weaksauce> > there shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi(1).
<weaksauce> i call shenanigans
<weaksauce> nothing wrong with being proficient at vim and emacs
<ox1eef_> Either can be kind of confusing. I think nano or edit are the most user friendly editors in that category.
<ox1eef_> They kind of anticipate confusion and guide you out of it.
<adam12> There's also micro, which is a neat nano competitor. https://micro-editor.github.io
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<newton> I do the same wrt vscode; I've used vim/nvim my whole career but wouldn't recommend to anyone.
<newton> most my coworkers aren't very good at navigating vscode, can't imagine how vim would go :')
<newton> recently went through sorbet setup process in a small rails app last weekend and it's _way_ better now than it used to be
<miah> 'back in the day i started out with Pico because I had come to Linux from DOS and learned text editing mostly through edit.com
<miah> (when pico was the text editor for the pine email reader, then nano was born)
<adam12> miah: Pico was great. I used it as well when I used Pine.
<miah> and i agree that pico/nano are great because it puts 'what you need to know' on the screen at the bottom, how to save, open files etc
<miah> i've only run mg a handful of times, but i don't main openbsd; it just runs on my router and other 'important' systems; not my desktops
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<miah> i run 'Arch BTW' ;)
<johnjaye> any fans here of the sam editor written by rob pike?
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<miah> oh i used that before when i was messing around with plan9
<miah> woudn't say i've used it enough to be a fan
<miah> mostly, when i 'picture' an editor in my mind, the Borland Turbo editor is what I see; (I played around with Borland Turbo Pascal a lot when I was a teen)
<weaksauce> i like having a debugger gui so vscode is the main driver now. albeit with nvim as a backing editor via the extension
<johnjaye> it's kind of weird that there is no 'standard' unix text editor
<johnjaye> vi is the only thing i can think of
<johnjaye> at least it's the only thing i've always had whether on bsd, linux, etc
<miah> ya, i learned vi because when i was logging into SCO Unix (OpenServer and UNIXWare) at my first job, pico wasn't installed, but sysv vi was.
<johnjaye> i get confused at the difference between vi and vim.
<miah> vi is actually in the posix standard iirc
<johnjaye> apparently vi doesn't let you do paste commands and such
<miah> ed is also in posix
<miah> vi is very.. uh.. basic. its visual ed for the most part
<miah> with a few more bells+whistles. vim adds a whole boat of other features
<johnjaye> when i type 'vi' on debian i get 'vim - vi IMPROVED'
<miah> ya, because few systems package vi these days
<miah> busybox vi is very close though
<johnjaye> i got dropped into a busybox prompt one time while installing debian
<johnjaye> apparently the installer is just busybox or something. not sure how that works.
<johnjaye> but i also thought i saw vi on an old router or access point
<miah> i used to keep a statically compiled busybox & dropbear ssh client on my httpd, for debugging broken servers
<miah> its a nice bit of toolkit
<johnjaye> you ssh to the broken server?
<miah> nah, ssh'ing from broken servers that i have console access on
<miah> in the early 00's i did a lot more 'in person' server administration
<johnjaye> ah i see
<miah> and there was this fun 'virus' that was working around, Linux/RST-B
<miah> it appeneded a listener on any binary in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin
<miah> which mean often, boot wouldn't even finish because things like.. 'grep' wouldn't actually terminate
<miah> so being able to grab a busybox, and chattr +i (make it immutable) was really useful
<miah> because i could have a functional shell + tools while i 'fixed' it
<miah> i had a server with a proprietary RAID controller so that my server could have a whopping 1TB of disk space
<johnjaye> how would that work though. if you can modify /bin files can't you modify anything
<miah> ya, but the virus just wanted to put backdoors everywhere. it was dumb
<miah> but ya. it was a dumb virus. i have no idea how it got into this server, but i couldn't just "re-install" as the installation media was also buggy and relied on a proprietary driver for the raid controller
<miah> because of that i couldn't "just install redhat"
<johnjaye> hmm this mg thing doesn't seem to have lisp at all
<johnjaye> just the basic editing commands
<johnjaye> if that's what you're after why not just run vanilla emacs with -nw option?
<miah> mg is emacs without the fun
<johnjaye> i think i aliased emacs -q -nw to wmacs or something
<johnjaye> so that way i can quickly open files
<johnjaye> i learned advogato existed
<ox1eef_> I remember _why in a good light because he achieved fame and fortune, but then turned the other way. Maybe when he realized it was not worth it.
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<miah> ya
<miah> (im trying to find my old advogato blog)
<johnjaye> by the way ox1eef_ are you on freebsd or openbsd
<johnjaye> you said something like, getting ri docs needed a special package. meaning, you can't do help(String) at irb hit enter and get a help page?
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<ox1eef_> I use Both. And Yep. Not unless you install ruby32-ri_docs on OpenBSD. Ruby on FreeBSD is a pretty sad state of affairs. They butcher the standard installation much like Debian would. So I avoid their official packages for it.
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<miah> ruby-install && chruby your way to success
<adam12> I use packaged Ruby on Debian. It works OK for me, but maybe it's my PTSD talking because I still have Ruby on CentOS 7 machines (Ruby 2.0.0 :| )
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<ox1eef_> FreeBSD separates Ruby and parts of its standard library. I think it has built a system that predates 1.8, and is slow to move on even though the Ruby ecosystem has. It is just not what you expect a Ruby installation to be as a Ruby developer.
<miah> probably best to install from ports
<ox1eef_> I use this: https://github.com/0x1eef/ports/tree/main/freebsd/lang/ruby32-std - it is going against the grain but works for the most part.
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