havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<johnjaye> ah i see why i was confused
<johnjaye> the comment in string.c says string % object -> new_string
<johnjaye> i thought it would say String#%
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<adam12> good morning
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<wakaflaka> hi adam12
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<wakaflaka> Error processing file rocket.jpg: VipsOperation: class "modulate" not found
<wakaflaka> anybody know what this is?
<ox1eef_> Doesn't look like Ruby to me. Unless it is an anonymous class, then a class is going to be a constant.
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<adam12> Almost sounds like an imagemagick argument.
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<wakaflaka> ox1eef_: its not, but it has a wrapper ruby-vips
<ox1eef_> What's the backtrace ?
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<wakaflaka> none, but it's ok now
<wakaflaka> ox1eef_: do u have many nice pictures? fam friends wedding
<wakaflaka> then if i can make this work, you must try it you will love it
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<johnjaye> hmm. is there something i need to do to build the docs?
<johnjaye> i typed 'make doc' and it said nothing to be done.
<johnjaye> but the doc dir has just .rdoc files
<wakaflaka> adam12 can't i help you with gemdocs some more and in return i get to use gemdocs tech for openbsd?
<wakaflaka> openbsd's doc system is so crappy. it should be renewed, and theres a lot to do on yours as well.
<johnjaye> ok i restarted with make clean. i tried 'make rdoc' and it says compiling array.c
<johnjaye> is there some tricky thing where ruby needs to be compiled to convert rdoc to html or something?
<johnjaye> i'm trying to just make the rdoc
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<ox1eef_> control freaks gotta be the most annoying people in the world, and they all seem to converge around rubocop, to manage the tiniest of details that don't matter.
<ox1eef_> johnjaye: ./configure --help
<ox1eef_> 'make docs' looks to be, not 'make doc'.
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<ox1eef_> 'make html'.
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<johnjaye> ah idk why i was disconnected
<johnjaye> well. i typed 'make rdoc' and it's still going
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<ox1eef_> Shouldn't take that long afaik.
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<johnjaye> ok i think it worked
<johnjaye> it put everyting in .ext/rdoc for some reason
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