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<Guest55> Hi all, I'm trying to convert some ruby code from github to use "sequel" instead of "data_mapper" for a SQLite database. However as I'm not a ruby developer I'm struggling to get it working and receive an error. The original code can be found here: https://github.com/jerakia/jerakia/blob/master/lib/jerakia/scope/server.rb and the altered version of
<Guest55> the code and the error can be found here: https://pastebin.com/QYtyXrQ5
<ruby[bot]> Guest55: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<adam12> Guest55: Hard to say just by looking at the code and error, but maybe its an ordering problem.
<adam12> Guest55: IMHO, add a few "puts" statements before a few important actions. creating table, and then defining the model.
<adam12> ie. `puts "Creating table?"` before the DB.create_table? line, and `puts "Defining model"` before the `class Resource < Sequel::Model(:resources)` line. See if they show up in order.
<Guest55> As you can see in the error I tried to change https://github.com/jerakia/jerakia/blob/master/lib/jerakia/server/rest.rb as it uses a require - I altered it to require_relative and the tried to execute a "Jerakia::Scope::Server::Database.intialize_database()" in the initalizer
<Guest55> adam12: Thanks- I will try
<adam12> I'm assuming they should, but maybe Ruby is hoisting the class definition up higher...
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<Guest55> adam12: I added the puts and it seems all of them get executed and the error occurs still at the "class Resource" as before - any hint why the database might not get created even that I use ```DB.create_table?(:resources) do``` ?
<adam12> Guest55: What happens if you remove the question mark from `create_table?`? Does it blow up?
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<Guest55> adam12: If I remove the "?" it seems like the trace shows up first in the log of the container and then all DEBUG output and the Strings from "puts" are shown.
<Guest55> The error is: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/sqlite3-1.6.3-x86_64-linux/lib/sqlite3/database.rb:152:in `initialize': SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: resources (Sequel::DatabaseError)
<Guest55> From the trace it's origin is " class Resource < Sequel::Model(:resources)"
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<adam12> Guest55: Are you running this inside Docker?
<Guest55> Inside podman - but basically yes
<adam12> Can you show full trace again?
<adam12> I was thinking maybe teh database volume is being lost but that doesn't make much sense.
<Guest55> adam12: I just tried to alter the behavior by adding an explicit volume for the database location and it seems like the trace changed - which could inidicate that there is a permission error when creating the file?
<adam12> Guest55: Yes, quite possibly
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<Guest55> adam12: My fault - if I use the volume I now get an error, that it already exists - I'll try to add the "?" and guess it means that there is some issue with the db location within the container
<adam12> Guest55: So it's working now?
<Guest55> adam12: Let me rebuild the container and retest
<adam12> Presumably you can put the `?` back on, I just wanted to see if it was hiding an error.
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<Guest55> Yes, I added it back to the code and I'm rebuilding the container
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<Guest55> adam12: Nope, it's not working: https://pastebin.com/vFNwhReN
<ruby[bot]> Guest55: as I told you already, please use https://gist.github.com
<adam12> OOoh. You have two databases.
<adam12> Instead of `Sequel::Model(:resources)`, what about `Sequel::Model(DB[:resources])`
<Guest55> Yes that code created two databases - the "token.db" I was able to get working somehow....
<adam12> Sequel::Model will use first database it sees opened by default. You need to specify the other DB when creating the model.
<adam12> bbiaf. lunch.
<Guest55> Okay - enjoy - thanks for the help so far!
<Guest55> adam12: Your suggestion solved that problem - working on the next one... ;)
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<adam12> Guest55: Cheers :)
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<wakaflaka> interesting, chatgpt thinks there'd be 10% less code in the world if python was as simple as ruby
<wakaflaka> but!
<wakaflaka> if it was all .asm, it could be anywhere from 900% to 9900% more code in the world
<ox1eef_> Right, but ASM looks beautiful.
<ox1eef_> 900% to 9900% more beauty.
<wakaflaka> yeah it does in a way :D
<wakaflaka> like two concrete columns
<wakaflaka> representing the duality in nature, ie. the unity of man and woman
<wakaflaka> :thinking_face:
<ox1eef_> Thinking too much xD
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