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<libsys> I tend to use require to make Sequel aware of classes when moving from a parent to a child and vice versa. But the console output yells at me "warning: loading in progress, circular require considered harmful". How to avoid circular dependencies on models when you want to have access to childs from parents and from parents to childs?
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<John_Ivan> I'm trying to find a good organizational system for the files/media on my machine. anyone got any good systems to suggest?
<John_Ivan> and yes, it's non-ruby related. sorry.
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<John_Ivan> ox1eef_, it isn't about deciding where to put things in the filesystem.
<John_Ivan> ox1eef_, I have lots of music, videos, images, etc
<John_Ivan> trying to decide how to organize them to suit my criteria such as finding the good ones, making it easy to store, etc
<ox1eef_> Then.. /usr/local/share/audio, /usr/local/share/videos - or look into the XDG spec.
<ox1eef_> $XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user-specific data files should be stored. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.
<leftylink> my videos dir is a mess
<leftylink> it's pretty much just one directory per group or member the video is about
<leftylink> or event, if it's an event I personally attended and took videos of
<leftylink> well, they're all in ~/videos
<leftylink> pictures are pretty much the same way, just ~/pics/[group or member name]
<John_Ivan> ;/
<leftylink> oh if it's an event the date of the event is in the directory name of course
<ox1eef_> Follow XDG, or standard filesystem layout. Use groups for permissions. Use 'find' for finding what you want.
<John_Ivan> ox1eef_, my issue is more akin to a library classification system rather than a filesystem one though
<John_Ivan> I don't know if putting things in ~/pics/[group/member] name is gonna be sufficient because I'm interested in the most popular groups/members as well as certain criteria from each particular one.
<ox1eef_> It sounds like you want to add file metadata then.
<John_Ivan> some pics are also better than others, not just amongst groups or members.
<John_Ivan> ox1eef_, yeah. but I don't think I have the availability to do that.
<ox1eef_> Then install iTunes or whatever.
<ox1eef_> IIRC it will fetch the metadata for you.
<John_Ivan> ox1eef_, maybe for things that actually are searchable. i have youtube videos downloaded. they won't get any metadata. I have to do it manually. which I don't mind. I just don't have the availability to.
<John_Ivan> not enough tools/good enough tools. hence why I'm trying to think of a good hierarchical system to best do with what I have as the basic folder system.
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<ox1eef_> Create your own tool if nothing fits.
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