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<johnjaye> how do i process 2 arrays at once
<johnjaye> like i have a=[1,2,3] and b=[4,5,6] and I want to process 1 and 4, then 2 and 5, then 3 and 6
<johnjaye> i don't think map is multivariable in ruby which is how i would normally do it
<adam12> johnjaye: a.zip(b).flatten
<johnjaye> nice, t hanks
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<johnjaye> so i guess rails is the elephant in the room
<johnjaye> i googled for things in ruby and the top results are all websites
<johnjaye> like github strangely enough
<johnjaye> does that mean most people using ruby are using it for web apps/
<johnjaye> ?
<filipiz> I'd say yes, that's the majority. But it is not all, of course.