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<johnjaye> in Array the sum method is an instance method correct?
<johnjaye> so why does help("Array.sum") display a page?
<johnjaye> it seems to be the same as help("Array#sum") which I thought was the syntax for an instance method
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<adam12> Grr. Just spent an hour debugging why a module wasn't in the ancestor tree to find I was clobbering the constant after the fact.
<adam12> johnjaye: Someone decided once that `.` in the help would indicate an instance OR class method when accessing the help. I personally hate it.
<adam12> johnjaye: You can see the difference by using `::` to look up class methods.
<adam12> ie. Array::sum
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<szahid> @adam12, VSC autocomplete doesnt work
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<adam12> szahid: That's still not a great part of Ruby development because it's so dynamic. Shopify has a new Ruby LSP that might help, or you can maybe try Solargraph. I suspect this will all improve over the next year as there's a ton of investment into it right now.
<adam12> szahid: Rubymine should work out of box since they ship their own tooling for that
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<adam12> good morning
<desnudopenguino> it's friday, that's good enough!
<adam12> desnudopenguino: 100%
<adam12> I got around to watching the RailsConf keynote from Aaron, since it's usually dynamite, and his pitch for a single LSP for Rails + VSCode plugin makes me insanely jealous.
<adam12> Since I no longer write Rails.
<adam12> I hope ruby-lsp is extendable enough in the future for non-Rails projects to embrace.
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<desnudopenguino> oh, got a link?
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<johnjaye> i didn't even know ruby had an lsp
<johnjaye> i think they're different for every language yea?
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<johnjaye> are {} blocks and the indented ones interchangeable?
<johnjaye> this code i would think should use a {}
<johnjaye> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each do |n| if n.even? even_numbers << n end end
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<newton> adam12, +1, it's sad to solargraph get dusted but I hope that ruby-lsp will support find definition etc in the future.
<newton> I find myself using solargraph over ruby-lsp when sorbet isn't present
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<weaksauc_> yeah i fear ruby-lsp will not be as amenable to people not using the blessed shopify stack
<newton> so not quite there yet, but looks like it's being worked on
<weaksauc_> oh that's good news
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<havenwood> johnjaye: They have different precedence but otherwise the same. Instead of #each with #<< use #map.
<havenwood> >> ((2..6) % 2).to_a
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => [2, 4, 6] (https://carc.in/#/r/flzo)
<havenwood> >> 2.step(by: 2, to: 6).to_a
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => [2, 4, 6] (https://carc.in/#/r/flzp)
<havenwood> >> (2..6).filter(&:even?)
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => [2, 4, 6] (https://carc.in/#/r/flzr)
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<havenwood> johnjaye: Or in this case, #filter or its alias #select.
<havenwood> It's far more common to use #map, #filter, and friends than #each in practice.
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<havenwood> You implement #each to get all the other more useful Enumerable methods.
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