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<johnjaye> hmm. to call a class method on an instance is invalid I guess?
<johnjaye> e.g. f = File.new("test.txt"), you can't do f.absolute_path(f)
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<seydar> I'm working with glimmer_dsl_libui, and I'm having trouble with getting multiline_entry to appear below the rectangle. https://paste.tomsmeding.com/g5Lju4gy
<seydar> anyone have experience with glimmer? or is there another GUI library I should be using?
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<johnjaye> oh strange, so IO class has a readlines class method and a readlines instance method
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<konsolebox> johnjaye: Not strange at all
<johnjaye> yes i noticed it in some other places too
<johnjaye> that would explain why ruby doesn't let me call a class method from an instance
<johnjaye> I was confused about one other thing.
<johnjaye> it makes intuitive sense that I can call Dir.entries with a File argument instead of a string argument
<johnjaye> but I don't see it in the documentation for it. help("Dir.entries") just says it takes a string. is it calling to_s on the argument somehow?
<konsolebox> johnjaye: Class methods that are similarly named to an instance method are mostly shortcuts which does the instantation internally.
<johnjaye> or is ruby just being super nice and has some safeguard for this case
<konsolebox> johnjaye: Many methods that expect a string do call to_s implicitly yes, but some strictly reject non-strings.
<johnjaye> hmm. if i do f.to_s I get "#<File:0x0000... >"
<johnjaye> i assume ruby is doing something here though
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<bas317> Hi I'm new here, trying to do the ruby Koans. I realized I made a mistake, but need further explanation.
<bas317> class DiceSet
<bas317>   attr_reader :values
<bas317>   @values = []
<bas317>   ...
<bas317> end
<bas317> I figured these lines are executed when the .rb file is required, but I wonder what happens to @values as it is no instance variable, but DiceSet.class_variables is also empty. Does it get thrown away after the require? If so, why is it allowed to be named @values instead of for example values only?
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<leftylink> that @values is a class instance variable.
<bas317> leftylink thanks! I'll look it up what it exactly means.
<leftylink> pandabot rb class A; @foo = 19980819; def self.bar; @foo end end; A.bar
<pandabot> 19980819 - https://carc.in/#/r/fln2
<leftylink> here we see that the class method was able to access the class instance variable. just like how an instance method would be able to access an instance variable
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<bas317> Oohhhh, so DiceSet, being a class, is also an object, having instance variables. Now I get it. I'm starting to read about class_variables and the "@@" keyword, then I should be back on track! Thanks again!
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<leftylink> pandabot rb class A; @@cv = :cv_not_modified_GOOD; @civ = :civ_not_modified_GOOD; def self.foo; [@@cv, @civ] end end; class B < A; @@cv = :cv_modified_BAD; @civ = :civ_modified_BAD end; A.foo
<pandabot> [:cv_modified_BAD, :civ_not_modified_GOOD] - https://carc.in/#/r/flor
<leftylink> we see above an important behaviour difference between class variables and class instance variables
<leftylink> the choice between class variables and class instance variables will depend on which of the two behaviours is desired
<leftylink> of course the above code has a value judgment embedded since it calls one of the behaviours good and the other bad
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<leftylink> but that was of course for the sake of space, since it woudldn't be possible to cram all the details of the judgment into one message
<szahid> Which IDE is the best for Ruby except Intelij product ?
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<adam12> szahid: For "IDE" there's really only two; RubyMine and VSCode. For "PDE" there's vim/neovim/emacs :)
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