havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Similar to markdown, asciidoc is a text format that any language could implement their own parser for.
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<seydar> i'm writing my first GUI app (using glimmer-dsl-libui), but i'm struggling to imagine how i should be organizing my code for it. anyone have any advice or good examples?
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<weaksauc_> seydar what are you making?
<seydar> weaksauc_: a simulator for an electric grid/network analysis: https://ibb.co/fkhwk8Y
<seydar> it's pretty useless but it's been a lot of fun to write. i have the CLI and am now trying to make a GUI for it
<seydar> i'm struggling to imagine how to translate MVC to a GUI, and figured someone here might have some wisdom or insight
<weaksauc_> well you could take cues from mac or windows programming
<weaksauc_> have a window controller that delegates certain actions to certain elements
<weaksauc_> wires up the tableview to a tableviewcontroller
<weaksauc_> etc
<weaksauc_> the models do the work of massaging the data into things that you can use on the frontend
<weaksauc_> how is the CLI partitioned seydar
<seydar> how should i manage global state?
<johnjaye> there's probably textbooks on this kind of thing
<johnjaye> maybe the lack of such is why cs is not real engineering
<seydar> if all of the aspects of the GUI are going to deal with a `@grid` variable, i'm not sure how to have that accessible in a sane way
<weaksauc_> you can pass it in as an initializer
<johnjaye> seydar: what would be the ruby way to only let certain files use a class? require statement?
<seydar> meh you can't really restrict it like that
<seydar> and the initializer is prolly what i'm going to do, but i'm leaning towards having a global state hash that is always accessible
<seydar> certainly makes saving state easier, since i just have to save that one variable
<weaksauc_> it's almost never a good idea to have global state but you can try it
<seydar> my other option is to create this global state hash and then initializing every controller with that
<seydar> the benefit of having the controllers vs creating and including files with the appropriate logic is that i don't risk namespace collision, which is good
<weaksauc_> seems like they want you to do it their way
<seydar> ugh this is what i get for not fully RTFMing
<seydar> thank you
<weaksauc_> there's a bunch of examples down the list too
<seydar> the examples haven't seemed particularly clear to me. they're just a class with some helper methods, often
<seydar> but i need to dig more into the snake and tictactoe examples
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<wakaflaka> i have the coolest ruby hasj on irc and discord combined right now
<wakaflaka> wait ill show 2sec
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<wakaflaka> hash
<wakaflaka> its a hash of analog camera modes and their unique.... what was the word
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<wakaflaka> ill add it to the readme later
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