havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
<johnjaye> what is ri?
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<ox1eef_> Command line tool for reading documentation @ the console, ships with Ruby (or more accurately rdoc). Never really worked for me, but I'm interested in giving it a go.
<johnjaye> hmm, is that what i'm invoking with the help command? like help(String)
<ox1eef_> Yep. Looks like it. Given that the help command gives me the same error as ri :))
<johnjaye> why is the : allowed here
<johnjaye> def set_banner(usage:, description:)
<johnjaye> is it a syntax or is it a weird variable naming
<ox1eef_> Keyword arguments.
<johnjaye> ok. i guess ruby has that lispy edge to it
<ox1eef_> A recent Ruby feature. Since Ruby2 I think, but I believe the semantics changed a bit with Ruby3.
<ox1eef_> In that snippet both of those kw args are required, which is a big improvement over accepting a Hash and then raising yourself if the Hash is found to lack them.
<ox1eef_> def banner(usage:, description: nil); one required (usage), the other optional (defaults to nil).
<ox1eef_> Typo too. Should have been %x(ls -1).
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<Guest18> buenas a todos, soy nuevo en ruby
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<gr33n7007h> hey, we've got a bit of ☀️ this morning for the first time in weeks \o/
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<Guest26nakilon> p File.read p "#{$:.first}/#{lib}.rb"  =>  "/tmp/sidekiq.rb" "123"
<Guest26nakilon> require lib  =>   cannot load such file -- sidekiq (LoadError)
<Guest26nakilon> what do I do wrong?
<Guest26nakilon> I want to fake the third-party to trick the "require" directive and avoid installation
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<Guest26nakilon> nevermind, the error does not happen if I use plain ruby Dir.tmpdir instead of fakefs gem
<Guest26nakilon> unfortunately
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<ox1eef_> Although they're gone, $LOAD_PATH should have directories rather than individual files.
<ox1eef_> gr33n7007h: And how many snowmen have you built
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<panella32> Hi Can't add an avatar to a Devise user from console. https://i.imgur.com/RM6piJM.png
<panella32> Any idea? Already spent half an hour and still ROLLS BACK for no reason.
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<gr33n7007h> ox1eef_: middle of summer here and it has non-stop raining for weeks, was just glad the current bun came out for an hour or two 🤣
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<ox1eef_> Rain is nice... for a day or two :P
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<wakaflaka> i *think* i've just designed the world's coolest ruby script
<wakaflaka> just
<wakaflaka> wrong channel
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<havenwood> wait, we want that script...
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<wakaflaka> :D
<wakaflaka> havenwood: its seriously cool, and is only possible because of the combination ruby and AI
<wakaflaka> they're seriously cool, rather
<wakaflaka> havenwood: any chance you've gotten falcon to work with websockets on rails yet?
<wakaflaka> my latest iteration of a future possible falcon logo: https://i.imgur.com/FFD8gMm.png
<wakaflaka> the font is from NZ just like Mr Samuel Williams
<wakaflaka> anyway the first script will aalyze your rails app before you enter the dialog with chatgpt via the commandline. and it then has the required context to better help you add new features to your app almost automatically
<wakaflaka> the other one will review any git repo and make a professional audit report as well as overwrite original files with the new and improved ones
<wakaflaka> but the script that blew my mind..