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<ox1eef_> Lasange++
<adam12> good morning
<adam12> lasagna++ :)
<ox1eef_> I guess it should be lasanga += 1, being #ruby and all xD
<ox1eef_> g'morning, and happy Friday!
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<johnjaye> ruby has this super generous operator overloading right
<johnjaye> so you could define lasanga++ if you wanted to
<adam12> johnjaye: There is no ++ in Ruby.
<adam12> I think there's a blog post about why.
<johnjaye> then how do things like [] and << get defined.
<johnjaye> or are those only for the core and you can't define them as a user
<adam12> johnjaye: I don't have a perfect example because I don't remember teh reasoning, but one of them could be that all Fixnum's are singletons.
<adam12> johnjaye: So 1++ might return 2, but it can't mutate itself to be 2.
<adam12> so you'd need the assignment anyways.
<johnjaye> no i mean operators in general. can you define them in ruby
<adam12> And nobody would do foo = foo++
<adam12> johnjaye: Sure. You can override Integer#+ if you want (I wouldn't tho obviously :P)
<johnjaye> so is it more that you could define ++ but it would be ambiguous
<johnjaye> or maybe there's some check that ++ would fail while building or intepreting?
<adam12> I am not sure `++` is a legit method name, tho `+` is. Ruby might see `++` as `Class#+` with `+` as an argument? Or it might just fail parsing all together.
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<ox1eef_> adam12: Integers being immutable is definitely at least one reason. "++" suggests mutation, but you have to reassign to increment an integer in Ruby.
<f4z4> johnjaye: you can override only a specific set of operators. It’s not like in C++. See https://ruby-doc.org/3.2.2/syntax/methods_rdoc.html#label-Method+Names
<f4z4> You cannot define new ones…
<ox1eef_> You could use define_method to define ++ (or any other name AFAIK) but you couldn't call it as expected (eg foo++) since the syntax is not understood. .send(:'++') should work though.
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<johnjaye> ah i see
<leftylink> you could also mislead someone with a long line and hope it scrolls off the right side of their screen
<leftylink> pandabot rb using(Module.new { refine(NilClass) { def +@; end } }); class Incrementable; def initialize(n) @n = n end; def +(_) @n += 1 end end; a = Incrementable.new(5); a++ p
<leftylink> they'll never notice.
<ox1eef_> Clever :) I like it.
<johnjaye> f4z4: that page doesn't exactly make it clear.
<johnjaye> but your saying you can't defin new operators
<johnjaye> you can define methods but they start with a letter is what it says
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<ox1eef_> You can define +, -, etc as you'd expect: def +(other); self + other; end - and you can define unary operators with the syntax def +@, or def !@. I think unary operators have the most potential to be used in interesting ways.
<ox1eef_> pandabot rb class Foo; def +@; 1; end; ++Foo.new
<ox1eef_> pandabot rb class Foo; def +@; 1; end; end; ++Foo.new
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