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<johnjaye> hmm. there's no description of Array.all? but I guess it takes a regexp
<johnjaye> apparently it takes a number too though. is that intentional?
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<johnjaye> weird. so the ruby source has a description of this method but the irb help doesn't.
<johnjaye> help("Array.all?")
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<leftylink> it is intentional that it takes a regexp or a number or anything that has ===
<leftylink> this fact is explained in the doc for all?
<leftylink> pandabot: ri Enumerable#all?
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Fiddle, and FFI let you call C functions available in a shared library from Ruby. I think Fiddle is preferred these days, at least it would be my first choice, given that it is stdlib and a lot of effort has gone into recently.
<johnjaye> ok. i'm not really familiar with how ffis work
<ox1eef_> A big plus is if you use, say fiddle, then you can call C from a rubygem but never have to actually compile C code when the gem is being installed. A downside I always faced with FFIs in Ruby is that magic constants aren't readily available, so you have to copy+paste them into the ruby code and I think there's always a chance they could become out of sync.
<ox1eef_> Or worse, be different on different platforms.
<ox1eef_> Anyway, if you have a background in C, Fiddle is worth a look.
<johnjaye> leftylink: is the doc not what help command displays then?
<johnjaye> help("Array.all?") shows just the signature, no text
<leftylink> I seem to be unfamiliar with this help command, so I have no further comments here
<ox1eef_> Not the case for me. I see a wall of text for Array.all?, both with ri Array.all? and help("Array.all?").
<leftylink> I just get "Nothing known about Array", so given that you can probably tell why I don't consider it a reliable source of information
<ox1eef_> That means you don't have the ri documentation installed.
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