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<johnjaye> random thought but are there ruby->X language translators for language X?
<johnjaye> i noticed lua and python both also do the whitespace indenting, optional semicolons, and just 'function' instead of def. but it even uses 'end' as the end block
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<newton> wym by whitespace indenting? lua and ruby do not
<newton> * do not require indenting
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<newton> you could probably use gpt ;P
<newton> ruby metaprogramming would make using it as a transpiler awkward, I think
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: ChatGPT is supposedly good at that. Never tried though.
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<adam12> johnjaye: Opal or Ruby2JS for Ruby->JS (Opal being a runtime and Ruby2JS mostly just transpiling)
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<ox1eef_> Gem-ified my optparse abstraction: https://github.com/0x1eef/cmd.rb#readme
<ox1eef_> Probably will use 'as: Regexp' instead of plain Regexp for the type-coercion stuff.
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<johnjaye> ox1eef_: i thought it was funny because apparently ruby and python aren't the only 'significant whitespace' languages around
<johnjaye> so translating a block of code would be easier. could just do it with regex
<johnjaye> maybe significant whitespace is just trendy for the last few decades
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<newton> johnjaye, what do you mean by significant whitespace? ruby does not require you to use whitespace.
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<johnjaye> as opposed to c and java where all whitespace is treated the same and you use {} for blocks
<johnjaye> oh i see. so ruby doens't actually care about indentation. it just appears that way
<leftylink> why did it appear that way?
<leftylink> statement not meant to be interpreted with a tone of hostility but instead with a tone of curiosity
<weaksauce> i consider significant whitespace to be something like python or haml or yml
<weaksauce> where it actually means something to indent
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Ruby is not like Python in that regard. Python uses whitespace to close a method, if statement, class, etc but ruby is using keywords (start with: class, module, if, etc ands ends with 'end').
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<ox1eef_> Imagine being a tourist landing on a plane into that. I'd cancel for sure.
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