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<leftylink> for some reason, I had not thought of the possibility of redefining !@ (in fact, it can just be ! without the @). I think I mixed it up with || and && which you cannot redefine
<leftylink> pandabot rb def (a = {}).!; 1998_08_19 end; !a
<pandabot> 19980819 - https://carc.in/#/r/ft37
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<gr33n7007h> pandabot rb puts "pandabot".reverse
<leftylink> this all came about because I was remembering: huh, how weird, you can map(&:-@) and you can map (&:!@) and you can def -@ but you can't def !@. but actually you can def !@ so I was just wrong
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<sam113101> what's @?
<gr33n7007h> sam113101: for when you're defining unary methods iirc
<gr33n7007h> and presumably calling them
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<gr33n7007h> pandabot rb RUBY_VERSION
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<gr33n7007h> >> RUBY_VERSION
<ruby[bot]> gr33n7007h: # => "3.0.1" (https://carc.in/#/r/ft38)
<gr33n7007h> bot needs an update
<gr33n7007h> that's because AL hasn't updated ruby in over ~2.5 years
<ox1eef_> >> RUBY_VERSION
<ruby[bot]> ox1eef_: # => "3.0.1" (https://carc.in/#/r/ft39)
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<Guest65> anyone in here use roda?
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<ox1eef_> Pretty sure adam12 does.
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<Guest65> so i'm using the public plugin
<Guest65> but i can't get an image to show up in an erb template, no matter what i try
<Guest65> the public plugin is working in at least in some capacity, because if i visit localhost:9292/path/to/image/minus/public/folder.png, it shows the image just fine
<Guest65> the really funny thing is, i can't even get an image from the internet to show up
<Guest65> so, surely this is some obscure gotcha because i'm serving the app locally or something, right?
<Guest65> but even then, something must be wrong, because surely i'm not the first person to ever want to develop my app locally before deploying it to a server that wanted to actually see images get rendered
<Guest65> so wtf
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<johnjaye> is there a better way to call the readline method here?
<johnjaye> begin while true puts f.readline end rescue puts "some error" end
<johnjaye> it gives an error not a different value upon EOF. is there a way to check eof first?
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: ri IO#eof?
<johnjaye> ok
<ox1eef_> You also rescue EOFError.
<gr33n7007h> johnjaye: depends what you're trying to do; if you're just iterating over lines in a file, a simple: `File.foreach(file) { ... }` if needing an IO object to do other stuff File.open(file, mode) { |io| until io.eof? ... } etc?
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<johnjaye> hmm ok
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<Guest808> i don't know if this is a roda-specific issue or not, but i can't get a web app being served on localhost to display images in an erb template
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<Guest808> omg this is so frustrating
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<weaksauce> Guest808 what does the console say? what happens when you try to load it directly?
<weaksauce> it's just debugging at this point
<Guest808> it works when i load it directly
<Guest808> weaksauce: i.e. when i visit localhost:9292/path/to/image/in/public/folder/minus/public.png
<Guest808> but i can't get any images to display in my view at all, neither mine nor any from elsewhere on the web
<Guest808> no special console messages
<Guest808> not that i can see
<Guest808> it's not a browser-specific issue
<Guest808> inspecting the rendered page source suggests nothing wrong with my template
<Guest808> so what am i missing?
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<Guest808> so for the sake of simplicity, let's say i have public/images/my_image.png
<Guest808> visiting localhost:/9292/images/my_image.png shows the image as expected
<Guest808> well, i've already established this isn't a local-file-specific issue, since no image from anywhere on the internet or otherwise loads
<Guest808> is this a rack thing?
<Guest808> a localhost thing?
<Guest808> a linux thing?
<Guest808> so many fucking moving parts, how does anyone get anything done?
<Guest808> how am i the only person on the entire internet with this problem?
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