havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<johnjaye> in while loops can you use python style break statement?
<johnjaye> this example code only shows it doing "break if foo"
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<ox1eef_> >> while 1 < 5; break "foo"; end
<ox1eef_> No bot. The answer is yes though.
<ruby[bot]> ox1eef_: I'm terribly sorry, I could not evaluate your code because of an error: JSON::ParserError:784: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE html>
<johnjaye> well. good thing you're not a bot then
<ox1eef_> Ruby also lets you pass a value with the break statement.
<johnjaye> i did recall that but wasn't sure what it meant
<ox1eef_> >> [1,2,3].find { break "foo" }
<johnjaye> meaning that the while statement itself returns a value?
<ruby[bot]> ox1eef_: # => "foo" (https://carc.in/#/r/fhot)
<ox1eef_> Yep, correct.
<ox1eef_> >> def foo; while 1 < 5; break "foo"; end; end; foo
<ruby[bot]> ox1eef_: # => "foo" (https://carc.in/#/r/fhou)
<ox1eef_> foo method in that case returns "foo".
<johnjaye> hmm
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<hightower3> Hey I forgot, which method in `GC` (or some other module) gives me access to all objects in memory?
<hightower3> (ah, ObjectSpace, not GC, thanks)
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<isene> I have a mindboggling oddity here; In my rsh (https://github.com/isene/rsh), I can do `echo "Hello World" | less`. But when I write a file hw.txt containing only "Hello World" and do this in rsh `less hw.txt` it hangs... nothing happens and I can't even exit the command, I have to kill the terminal. I'we tried all kinds of fixing, magick and even voodoo (however that is spelled). Not even crystals or
<isene> tea leaves seems to do any dent. Help?
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<isene> It hangs on the system() call (https://github.com/isene/rsh/blob/main/rsh#L720) - but doing the alternatives `%x[#{@cmd}]` or simply enclosing in backticks makes no difference. Why is it behaving like this?
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<gr33n7007h> isene: strace it and see where it hangs
<ox1eef_> isene: Try: Process.wait spawn("...")
<ox1eef_> Your shell should really use that, or fork & exec.
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<ox1eef_> system uses "sh", so your shell depends on another shell. No good if you ask me.
<gr33n7007h> yeah, it needs a good overhaul tbh
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<ccooke> isene: It might be issues with blocking on STDIN.
<ccooke> Check to see if 'less -E hw.txt' has the same issue (that should exit after printing the file)
<isene> Cool tips, guys. Will check and test out later.
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<ox1eef_> I would look into fork, and exec. That's most likely what #!/bin/sh is doing. But spawn is powerful too, just to be sure to use it in a such a way that it doesn't use a shell or you're back to square one.
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<isene> I wouldn't mind having it use a shell, since for me, rsh serves the purpose of usability, not of rewriting shell basics. Almost like what a window manager does in adding a layer of functionality/usability on top. But if that is what it takes to remove this strange behaviour,...
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<dnadev2> going off my question above, this is my monkey patch attempt: https://pastes.io/sipr5atiri, think this is a good approach/safe?
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<peterweyand> Ok, I have a dumb ruby on rails question
<peterweyand> for some reason I can't install rails no matter what I do. I've installed ruby, and I've added rails to my path, but for some reason rails -v keeps saying it's not installed.
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<weaksauce> which ruby and where?
<peterweyand> it's the latest version of ruby from homebrew. I've also installed ruby using rbenv but that doesn't work either
<weaksauce> type which ruby
<peterweyand> /opt/homebrew/bin/ruby
<weaksauce> i'd advise you to use rbenv
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<weaksauce> type rbenv init and follow those instructions
<peterweyand> ok I'm doing that, but it should be able to work with either version imo
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<weaksauce> it should but if you want it to be robust use rbenv
<weaksauce> when you get that going open a new shell and type which ruby again
<peterweyand> ok, it works now. Not a fan of homebrew not working with rails; if someone smarter than me could look into that that would most likely help a bunch of people. Thanks!
<weaksauce> i have no clue what homebrew was doing but most serious rubyists use something like rbenv/chruby/asdf or the like
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<leftylink> originally I wanted to make a very sarcastic remark about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman
<leftylink> but I stopped myself
<leftylink> because I realised it would be too rash to make a sarcastic remark about a subject I know nothing about
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<leftylink> basically that I should check myself before I wreck myself
<leftylink> better to close my mouth and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt
<leftylink> and in fact this statement doesn't even apply
<leftylink> if I close my mouth, nobody was going to think me a fool anyway
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<havenwood> weaksauce: Homebrew Ruby is nice in that it's a precompiled, well-maintained binary. A downside is brew gems not being in PATH, but chruby can fix that easy enough. :)
<havenwood> That's ^ a fine little script to get started, and you can add other Ruby versions as projects come up that need them.
<weaksauce> brew gems not being in the path seems like a pretty big deficiency
<weaksauce> can homebrew actually install multiple versions of ruby?
<havenwood> Indeed, makes it hard for folk just getting started to use it for much.
<weaksauce> at the same time that is
<havenwood> yup
<havenwood> I think they only do latest TEENY patch version, but I've had multiple.
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<havenwood> At least with chruby you can switch to brew or ones you build yourself seemlessly.
<havenwood> jhass does similar with Arch Linux and chruby.
<weaksauce> idk seem more complicated and fragile for little gain
<weaksauce> but cest la vie
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