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<Ermine> heat: why do you consider gentoo shit?
<kazinsal> ah, perfect, a reason to post this classic https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/by-others/funroll-loops/Gentoo-is-Rice.html
<bslsk05> ​www.shlomifish.org: Welcome to Gentoo is Rice, the Volume goes to 11 here.
<heat> i do not, it was banter
<heat> but i wouldn't use it anyway
<the_oz> This one is not THAT bad of an idea... essentially how diskless systems work, but that selection of apps is terrible"I notice that my disk does a whole lot of thrashing when I boot up. I have a lot of stuff that gets loaded into memory every time I boot, like X11, ion2, Firefox, Eterm, Thunderbird, etc. It seems to me that putting all of the files necessary to those apps in a contiguous section on the disk and loading that into memory in one shot would
<the_oz> be a whole lot faster. Is there a way to do this? Is it stupid?"
<the_oz> just loading it sequentially into ram straight shot
<the_oz> 898+
<the_oz> cat
<kof673> i recall kde i think, there was some way to speed up libraries loading...don't believe it related to the above, but ...there was some reason it was slow, and some way it was supposedly sped up
<kof673> i can't imagine SSDs people are still saying the above but ...
<kof673> the "kde thing" i believe related to symbol lookup and hashing perhaps
<nikolar> the thing you're referring to kof673 was some dynamic linking and fork magic
<nikolar> like you have a daemon that's linked against kde libs and when you want to run a qt program you ask that daemon to fork
<nikolar> and something something it's faster
<nikolar> i think
<kof673> well there may have been more than one thing :D
<nikolar> true
<the_oz> nvme is the new hotness
<Ermine> not so new
<the_oz> >make sure you flip the a20 on your keyboard
<vai> hi all
<kof673> smallerc example vbe framebuffer actually does that, because you may need a buffer > 1M or whatever lol
<the_oz> I would be hard pressed to find a running hardware where that's even a thing
<kof673> i just that it was funny IIRC you can pick smaller modes, else make sure to enable that so you can access whatever the BIOS gives you lol
<kof673> *thought
<kof673> i may be misremember, saw it in either vbe or vga code lol
<kof673> *misremembering
<heat> nikolar, yeah that .so fork technique is known
<heat> they use it a lot in android
<Ermine> svchost!
<nikolar> Yeah that's too
<Ermine> sohost this time
<heat> forgot what they call it. but they basically keep a jvm with all the jars and .so's loaded in, then just fork if they need to
<Ermine> > in android -- zygote?
<heat> yeah zygot
<heat> e
<Ermine> The name comes from biology btw. When I've first heard of it, I thought that this is a very suitable name
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<heat> google is good at naming things
<nikolar> Sometimes
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<gog> my keyboard arrived
<gog> ahh so nice
<gog> sSsSsSSss
<mjg> my keyboard broke
<mjg> ordered some cheap shite to arrive tomorrow
<zid> no more pride mode
<gog> you mean my lisp?
<zid> yassss
<gog> yaaasssssss
<mjg> i tried to buy one in person earlier today, but the cheapest was almost 2.5x of an equivalent online
<mjg> :d
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<mjg> it's literally cheaper to buy one and pay for shipping
<gog> i spent €130 on the keyboard and then another €35-ish to import it
<gog> fucking skatturinn
<mjg> wtf is that keyboard
<mjg> comes with a massage chair
<gog> it's actually most of the chassis for the laptop
<gog> everything is attached to it
<mjg> my new keyboard is 5eur:p
<gog> and the keyboard is plastic welded to the body
<gog> i have a replacement keyboard assembly but i don't have the tools to unweld and weld plastic
<mjg> at that point i would probalby buy a new laptop
<gog> i nearly did
<gog> but it's not worth it
<mjg> on that note do you even need a *laptop*
<gog> yes
<gog> actually i do
<mjg> that sucks, but it does happen
<gog> yeah
<gog> it's gonna take 2 years to get the patina back though
<gog> the nice little shiny ellipse on the trackpad
<mjg> trackpoint for life
<mjg> my first ever laptop only had that, no touchpad
<mjg> i thought that's the norm
<gog> was it a thinkpad
<mjg> t30
<gog> noice
<mjg> then i kept running into people who only ever used touchpads
<mjg> and who can't believe trackpoint is of any use
<gog> touchpads were bad back then
<mjg> i was using it like a mouse no problem, including precisely and conveniently clicking 'n shit
<mjg> i thought that's normal
<mjg> but apparently no
<mjg> meanwhile i'm puzzled people use touchpads
<mjg> i probably would be one of them if not that one accident
<heat> i use my laptop's touchpad more than my mouse
<heat> it's just closer to the keyboard
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<zid> My asd keys are worn, but not w
<zid> I must be a dirty runner-awayer
<GeDaMo> I got this keyboard in 1992, no fade :|
<GeDaMo> It could do with a clean though :P
<zid> mine has stupid lights, which I immediately turned off
<zid> but it means the keycaps are transparent plastic, painted black
<zid> to let the light shine through the letter
<zid> so ofc the paint just slowly flecks off around the letters
<zid> like that
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<GeDaMo> Can you get different keycaps?
<zid> be cheaper to get a new keyboard, I don't actually care
<zid> This keyboard is shit anyway, ctrl wore out, you can't press super in 10 key mode, lights, strain relief incorrectly designed
<zid> it was sadly, the best I found in several weeks of looking
<zid> for the price
<GeDaMo> :(
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<zid> nikolar: I forgot to renew your culture lessons after you finished eva
<zid> I think you should watch league of gentlemen next
<nikolar> at least i've heard of eva before lol
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<nikolar> actually i did watch frieren
<zid> oh, cool
<zid> autismelf <3
<nikolar> kek
<nikolar> now i get your mondays
<zid> former mondays :(
<nikolar> kek
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<kof673> yes, everyone must train young nikolar > Crows detest large expanses of water and head, as straight as a crow flies, towards the nearest land if released at sea
<kof673> in your language of choice
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<bslsk05> ​news.ycombinator.com: Debugging operating systems with time-traveling virtual machines [pdf] | Hacker News
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<heat> linux kernel operating system
<vdamewood> Linux operating kernel system
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<nikolar> Linux system operating kernal
<zid> Linux app app*
<Mondenkind> linus will never operate an system
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<heat> gnu will never be kerneling
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<immibis> It's actually gnu plus kernel
<immibis> GNU plus like Google plus
<Mondenkind> i thought it was like iphone six plus
<the_oz> I'd just like to interject for a moment...