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<donihalim> kiva: thanks for the info, if you notice there's a somekind of layer between the internal and external keypad, mine is gone, so now the internal and external keypad touching directly which make typing kinda hard
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<Smatkovi> good morning. has anyone tried compiling maemo-leste for the pinephone pro?
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<Wizzup> hi
<Wizzup> Yes, someone did make it happen, but they didn't fully share their work, the main thing you need is a kernel I think
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<Smatkovi> i want to try it, but i only compiled a kernel once with the porting guide for sailfish os and then it didn't boot on the device and i gave up at one point
<Smatkovi> the device was a samsung phone
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<Wizzup> I think I should have a pinephone pro here, but I won't be able to get to this for 1-2 weeks at least
<sicelo> we can probably help guide you regarding compiling kernel
<sicelo> which linux distro are you running on PC?
<Smatkovi> arch-linux based archbang and i also have debian based mx-linux
<Smatkovi> i'm using irc for the first time. i fear that i will not get the chats when i'm offline and come back online. is that true?
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<dsc_> Smatkovi: welcome! :) yes, when offline you'll miss the messages, thats why most people have some sort of server/bouncer that is always connected
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<Smatkovi> i see
<Smatkovi> thanks. or i can theck the irc logs?
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<donihalim> dsc_: hi :)
<donihalim> any info on the vk?
<dsc_> Wizzup: chimaera-devel has vkb for Qt, no?
<dsc_> I forgot if you enabled this for daeadalaius (sry cant spell) or chimaera
<dsc_> donihalim: do you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libhimplatforminputcontextplugin.so
<donihalim> let me check
<donihalim> i cant find x86* on lib
<dsc_> sudo find /usr -name libhimplatforminputcontextplugin.s
<dsc_> sudo find /usr -name libhimplatforminputcontextplugin.so
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<donihalim> seems i dont have the library
<donihalim> the command doesnt return anything
<dsc_> ok thanks
<Smatkovi> i always use locate instead of find, but you might have to install mlocate and then do sudo updatedb
<dsc_> my VM is currently in some half-broken state
<dsc_> but could you at least try to install this:
<dsc_> qt-input-maemo
<dsc_> from apt
<donihalim> will try that
<dsc_> you can use SSH into your n900 btw
<donihalim> got this error 0x0.st/8mGt.txt
<donihalim> Smatkovi: thanks for the tips
<dsc_> donihalim: ok :( im not sure (I also had this error btw)
<donihalim> btw i dont mind switching to daedalus, just need help to make it works, since last time i tried it just freeze on first boot
<dsc_> i can help you setup vkb 'manually'
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<Wizzup> dsc_: it should have vkb enabled but I think there's some ci issue
<dsc_> ah ok
<Wizzup> after tongiht I iwll have more time and can take a look, but am mostly focussed on daedalus tbh
<dsc_> yes np
<donihalim> i could try do the manual step, let met fire up my laptop
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<donihalim6> Hi Wizzup, what do I need to do on first boot on daedalus to make it usable? i heard that it has swap issue so that the system just freeze
<donihalim6> dsc_: What do i need to do now?
<Wizzup> donihalim6: we'll make new n900 images in the next few days
<donihalim6> Nicee, much thanks
<dsc_> donihalim6: ok just a second
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<dsc_> donihalim6: you can install the library by following the README
<dsc_> and then you have to do a thing
<dsc_> let me know when you installed it
<donihalim6> arno11 Hi
<donihalim6> dsc_: should I build it on n900 or on my pc?
<donihalim6> do i need to cross-complie?
<arno11> donihalim6: hi
<dsc_> donihalim6: on the device :)
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<dsc_> note: `sudo make install` should be `sudo make -Cbuild install` in that README
<donihalim6> what are the dependecies to build the package?
<dsc_> qtbase5-dev cmake libx11-dev libxcb-xinput-dev qtbase5-private-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libgtk2.0-dev hildon-input-method-framework-dev
<donihalim6> installing deps now
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<arno11> Smatkovi: hi, all Leste stuff is logged in https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/maemo-leste/
<dsc_> donihalim6: after you installed it, you can `sudo wget https://0x0.st/8mdc.sh -O /etc/X11/Xsession.post/20conversations`, then restart
<dsc_> and yes this is hacky
<dsc_> dealdoeadus will have an image soon :)
<donihalim6> still building man db, this could take a while on n900 right? :D
<arno11> nope, should be quite fast with your u3
<dsc_> personally I use a Droid4 :)
<donihalim6> Still cant find m droid 4 here in Indonesia
<donihalim6> kinda rare
<donihalim6> same as n900
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<arno11> same in europe
<dsc_> yeah
<donihalim6> Still compiling
<arno11> sorry but you should stop compiling it. something is wrong and the plugin is probably there in your install
<arno11> at least i have it in daedalus
<arno11> ootb
<arno11> but doesn't work
<arno11> so it should be in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts
<arno11> i think something is broken somewhere
<donihalim6> ah, I just running sudo make -Cbuild install ...
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<dsc_> dont stop it :P
<arno11> yeah should be fine anyway
<dsc_> he doesnt have the package, he's on chimaera
<arno11> but wonder why it doesn't work anymore
<arno11> i got it in chimaera
<arno11> 100% sure
<donihalim6> Alright, doing this now `sudo wget  -O /etc/X11/Xsession.post/20conversations`
<dsc_> yes but its broken currently in chimaera
<arno11> ah ok
<dsc_> <Wizzup> dsc_: it should have vkb enabled but I think there's some ci issue
<dsc_> so he cant install the package
<arno11> ok i see
<donihalim6> rebooting now
<dsc_> success guaranteed
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<donihalim> Ah yes its working now
<donihalim> Thank you very much :)
<dsc_> nice :)
<donihalim> Sorry for asking too much, but it would be nice if we can select text on the conv app
<dsc_> try long-press on messages
<donihalim> Long press doesnt work, double tapping also doesnt work
<donihalim> Oh wait let me try other theme
<arno11> dsc_: cool, should work on daedalus as well, right ?
<dsc_> donihalim6: whatsthat should have that
<donihalim> Other theme also didnt work, just make the screen/buffer move
<dsc_> but anyway, conversations currently WIP, currently working on an update
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<dsc_> donihalim6: apt policy conversations
<donihalim> Good to know, thanks
<dsc_> what version?
<dsc_> arno11: yes, but its a hacky fix :)
<arno11> ok :)
<donihalim> Its 0.7.25+3m7.1
<dsc_> hmm ok yeah
<dsc_> a bit old ;')
<dsc_> copying text should work soon^tm
<donihalim> Ill just wait for the new daedalus img for now :Great!, )
<donihalim> Please let know if needed a tester, atleast that what i can do to contribute
<dsc_> thanks ;)
<sicelo> donihalim: seem to be having a great time! 😆
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<donihalim> I am! Even pmos is fun, but i also get lots more stuff on leste
<donihalim> Now my modern smartphone feels boring lolappy owning a phone from close to 2decade ago :D
<donihalim> Wait
<donihalim> My message just messedup
<donihalim> Money well spent :)
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<arno11> donihalim: btw do you still have 3G or HSDPA in Indonesia ?
<donihalim> Nope, dead few years ago
<arno11> ok and 2G or 2.5G are still working ?
<donihalim> Yes 2g still working
<arno11> cool
<arno11> if you use calls on n900, let me know if it still works well in 2G
<donihalim> If you know here in Indonesia has some kind device imei regulation, where we well need to register device brought from outside the country, otherwise we'll not be able to use mobile network here
<donihalim> So wifi only
<donihalim> Calls is working fine
<arno11> ok
<donihalim> Been using it couple of time
<arno11> ok cool
<donihalim> But sometime i notice the network dissapear from status bar and back again
<donihalim> Im not sure if it would affect phone call
<arno11> it maybe tries to switch network
<arno11> when the 2G icon is back, calls should be ok
<donihalim> Can i lock it on 2g network?
<arno11> yes sure
<arno11> using ofono scripts
<arno11> let me check the exact path
<donihalim> When i tried to change network mode on the phone setting, it keeps loading, so i cant save any changes
<donihalim> Cool thanks
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<arno11> /usr/share/ofono/scripts/set-tech-preference "gsm"
<arno11> it will lock your phone in 2G/2.5G mode
<arno11> yeah the phone setting is still WIP
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<arno11> with this 2G only mode, power management is a bit better btw, specialy @idle
<arno11> *specially
<donihalim> Do i need to run it every boot?
<arno11> it should survive on reboot
<donihalim> nice thanks again
<arno11> np
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<arno11> Wizzup: @daedalus i maybe forgot to mention there are unmet dep issues with meta pkgs
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<Smatkovi> i saw a motorolla droid 4 on ebay located in the us
<donihalim> Smatkovi: what phone do you own?
<kiva> Smatkovi: I think Droid 4 was officially sale in us and uk only..so somebody had to import if you find it elsewhere. Remember its LTE connection was only work in those official sale countries.
<Smatkovi> good question. i use an xperia 10 v with sfos, have also a pinephone pro now where i want to compile maemo-leste for it
<Smatkovi> https://www.ebay.com/itm/326404667271?_skw=motorola+droid+4&epid=112086754&itmmeta=01JN9C2X9EFASVVZ20EJXZF5DB&hash=item4bff3bf787:g:G4cAAOSwWDVnhaCA&itmprp=enc%253AAQAKAAAA8FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1dme6tWR4lf0lJHqP4d6bJAIVRS8Rh68nDlk9Z7Rt83YLbOvgDSuDzIi18dtxZrkShx2veJK8IAse%252FBRCX83bOCVpEh3NLeKbLUtIi90RTTbC1lrm63ClLPQip85QM%252BnmiWF%252F7T0V2DSIkR4hWgV4bUbrGq5XnZNLIoPCy5PormTMnxb7apc%252BdVftDfpLC3Oy%252BbuVg1Wa96lishM02Qmwfr0lXfhMnHZCR8zEp%252Fq%252
<Smatkovi> oops sorry for the tracking part of the URL
<kiva> not bad price
<kiva> Anyway it's 2.5G working with Leste although it shows 2G near clock.
<sicelo> what device?
<kiva> Droid4
<sicelo> that one has a slight reporting 'issue'
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<Smatkovi> i found this guide for building maemo-leste. https://leste.maemo.org/Image_Builder
<Smatkovi> i can't just set device to pinephonepro to compile for it right? because it is not in the list
<kiva> there should be Device name Rockchip for Pinephone Pro these days?
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<Smatkovi> i see rock64, but it's crossed out
<sicelo> very crude way to start is ... burn the Pinephone image to SD card. then get appropriate PPP kernel (build it, or cannibalize from pmos or mobian) and manually store it in the correct place
<Smatkovi> lool
<Smatkovi> i could cannibalize from mobian
<kiva> I think device name has changed last year.
<Smatkovi> i think i can pull this off without further assistance. i think one can also build an image like this
<kiva> btw have tested Pinphone Pro, could you force boot from SD-card with pushing volume buttos in start?
<kiva> by defaul Pinephone start from SD-card, but Pinephone Pro start from eMMC.
<Smatkovi> @kiva yes i could boot from sd-card to flash tow-boot, but with pressing a small button at the back with a pen
<hexnewbie> The European shop that sells the Pinephone Pros ships (shipped?) them with tow-boot installed
<Smatkovi> The wiki explains how to alter an image to boot from emmc, so i could use these instructions to put the pinephone pro kernel in
<hexnewbie> Tow-boot would give you support to flashing eMMC over USB cable, charging, booting from microSD, etc. But I don't recall which buttons you had to press for each
<hexnewbie> I flashed Mobian on my eMMC over the USB cable, and use it like that (with a non-bootable microSD card for extra storage)
<kiva> I have used Pinephone (not Pro) just direct boot from SD-card. Althouh I know speed is 20MB/s with SD-card and from eMMC it should about 80MB/s.
<hexnewbie> Yep, my OG Pinephone boots from microSD without tow-boot
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<kiva> I actually don’t know how I should do that boot from eMMC and use SD-card as extra disk with Pinephone (not Pro)..if I put empty SD-card then it does not boot from eMMC.
<kiva> another reason is that it just easy to boot Leste from sd-card. Just dd image to sd-card and put it in Pinephone and push power button.
<hexnewbie> Hmm, booting from eMMC and having a non-bootable SD card worked for me in both my phones. And it certainly does work with the one that has tow-boot (I could be wrong on the other one not having it)
<kiva> Maybe have to try again, I do not remember what format that SD-card was. Shoult it format another than EXT3?
<Smatkovi> @sicelo do you mean also renaming the kernel from pinephonepro kernel to pinephone kernel? I'm not sure how it will know to use this kernel at boot
<sicelo> no, you need kernel for PPP. you can't use from PP. iirc they're using different SoCs/CPUs
<Smatkovi> yes i have that from mobian
<kiva> It is easiest to think that Pinephone and Pinephone Pro are two different devices. Its like N900 and Droid4 are two different devices.
<sicelo> they use same kernel ;-)
<kiva> ok N900 and Droid4 are more close :D
<Smatkovi> n900 and droid4?
<sicelo> Smatkovi: so you need to extract PPP kernel modules to /lib/modules/, and the vmlinuz (or whatever it is called in your case) to /boot (sd card partition 1)
<sicelo> then deal with the bootloader to start that vmlinuz
<sicelo> and yes, N900 and all the supported Motorolas use same kernel ... because OMAP
<Smatkovi> is it boot.txt?
<sicelo> no idea :-)
<sicelo> but i'm sure the Pine64 site should have some u-boot details
<Smatkovi> i think maemo takes the image from Image.gz at boot
<Smatkovi> so if i replace that and copy the kernel to the other paths i guess it should work
<Smatkovi> unfortunately mobian does not have a compressed Image.gz so i don't know what kernel file should be compressed
<Smatkovi> maybe initrd.img-6.1-rockchip?
<kiva> sounds good (but I don't know)
<sicelo> no, we don't use initramfs on leste.
<sicelo> let me see if i can find the kernel package for you
* sicelo is busy with other things atm ...
<sicelo> fixing bq27200 driver (for N900) that i botched, and also some upstream iio-sensor-proxy work (for N900, to make proximity sensor work fine)
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<kiva> I want get proximity sensor off with Pinephone to save power, but it is useless with Pinephone Keyboard.
<sicelo> not sure i understand how all those relate - proximity sensor, keyboard,
<kiva> you dont put head as near to phone if you have keyboard attached
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<sicelo> power shouldn't be a real issue with the proximity sensor. or have you observed something that makes you suspect it?
<kiva> I just thinked how much it use. Maybe speaker use more at volume 70%.
<sicelo> anyway, i'm making some improvements to iio-sensor-proxy (which handles the proximity sensor). it should be more power efficient (for certain types of sensors). it's the version of iio-sensor-proxy that i hope we will use in daedalus
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<kiva> anyway with Pinephone Keyboard, you have to answer phone calls at 80 degree angle so proximity sensor is useless to me.
<sicelo> you can probably blacklist the module
<sicelo> although i would really suggest you just leave it be.
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<Smatkovi> i have the image now, but somehow the storage isn't showing up on pc with vol up in tow-boot and if i boot from sdcard to flash tow-boot to spi it says the device it wants to flash to isn't found
<Smatkovi> i made a modem firmware update with gnome-firmware and that failed the first time and did only work at second attempt. could rhat be the issue?
<Smatkovi> *that
<hexnewbie> I don't understand why they didn't make a keyboard addon that is slidable like the N900 one. What issue did they have with it, covering the camera and LED?
<sicelo> presumably more fragile, and more expensive
<kiva> hexnewble: that non slidable keyboard is better, fits more keys and not need any covers, because it is cover when closed...and it does not cover rear camera, LED almost always shows charging, because keyboard side battery charge phone side battery.
<kiva> and led is actally visible in dark room, because it doesn go 100% close easily.
<kiva> actually on LED side there is about 2 mm room to see clow of LED.
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<kiva> Anyway Pine64 should continue make somekind keyboard for Pinephone, old kind or slide. If ask me Pine64 should make special Pinephone version, like in old Nokia Communicators or slide version like was on N810.
<kiva> and I have the name for it already: Pinephone Maemo Edition
<dsc_> freemangordon: hi
<dsc_> `persistent_uid = osso_abook_contact_get_persistent_uid(contact)`
<dsc_> how to do the reverse, query abook with a persistent uid
<dsc_> maybe `osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts`, it takes a `EBookQuery*`
<dsc_> this 'persistent_uid' is just 'uid = e_contact_get_const(E_CONTACT(contact), E_CONTACT_UID);'
<dsc_> so need to make a query against E_CONTACT_UID
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> there might be other ways as well
<dsc_> previously I was using, for example, `osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_im_contact(remote_uid)`
<dsc_> where remote_uid could be `test@xmpp.is`
<dsc_> but this is too ambigious, and could return multiple contacts, I believe
<dsc_> the persistent uid is the actual master EBOOK stuff
<dsc_> or well, a way to be sure its the right contact
<dsc_> I can solve this easily by looping the results and checking the persistent uid after querying
<freemangordon> osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_im_contact() returns rosters contact(s) iirc
<freemangordon> you can always get master contact from roster contact
<dsc_> but rather would just query once and be done
<freemangordon> how do you get uid?
<dsc_> from tp :)
<dsc_> tp, rtcom
<freemangordon> no, uid is EDS thingie
<freemangordon> but well, I might be lacking the detail;s
<freemangordon> and your approach could be right
<dsc_> persistent_uid; // e.g haze/jabber/stevejobs_40xmpp_2etest_2eorg0-test123@xmpp.is
<dsc_> display_name; // e.g Some Display Name
<dsc_> local_uid; // e.g haze/jabber/stevejobs_40xmpp_2etest_2eorg0
<dsc_> remote_uid; // e.g test123@xmpp.is (counterparty)
<dsc_> and uhh
<dsc_> QString remote_uid = props.value(QString("%1.TargetID").arg(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL)).toString();
<dsc_> and Tp targetID is that, I believe
<dsc_> let me check
<freemangordon> I don't think this is EDS uid
<freemangordon> so?
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<freemangordon> maybe install evolution and see what is reported for UID tehre
<dsc_> this code does `uid = e_contact_get_const(E_CONTACT(contact), E_CONTACT_UID);` thats why I think its from EDS
<dsc_> but anyhow
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> it is from EDS
<freemangordon> not from TP or rtcom
<freemangordon> "(22:25:36) freemangordon: no, uid is EDS thingie"
<dsc_> right, yes
<dsc_> so how to query for this uid :P
<dsc_> but its not so important
<dsc_> ill do it the other way
<freemangordon> is I said - get roster contact and then get master contact from it
<freemangordon> *as I said
<dsc_> yup
<freemangordon> I don't think you can have duplicated roster contacts
<freemangordon> the list there is when you use some kind of wildcards, or your query contains OR, etc
<freemangordon> IIUC
<Smatkovi> okay the device name changed from sda to sdb but it doesn't boot after flashing. i will investigate tomorrow and go off now.
<dsc_> you can get duplicate results when using `osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_im_contact`
<dsc_> if you are not checking the master contact
<dsc_> because `test@xmpp.bla` can be a jabber IM account, and also some other protocol with the same email
<dsc_> both assigned to a different contact
<dsc_> anyway
<freemangordon> email is not IM contact
<freemangordon> IM contact is TP account name, AFAIK
<freemangordon> like "haze/jabber/stevejobs_40xmpp_2etest_2eorg0-test123@xmpp.is" from your example
<freemangordon> not sure though
<freemangordon> but I doubt email only is IM contact id
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<dsc_> const char* test = "haze/jabber/stevejobs_40xmpp_2etest_2eorg0-dsc@xmpp.is";
<dsc_> const char* test2 = "dsc@xmpp.is";
<dsc_> l = osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_im_contact(CONV_ABOOK_AGGREGATOR, test2, NULL);
<dsc_> ^-- only test2 yields results
<dsc_> just fyi
<dsc_> not sure
<freemangordon> hmm
<dsc_> I should check EDS yes
<freemangordon> yeah
<dsc_> but also I could ignore it and continue
<dsc_> thanks
<freemangordon> np
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<arno11> Wizzup: pcsx rearmed builds fine on daedalus but i got same sdl overlay issues as picodrive unfortunately but luckily opengl mode works fine so the emulator is ok
<arno11> but there is still the fullscreen opengl crash we carry for a while
<arno11> btw opengl performances seem a bit better in daedalus
<arno11> at least on n900
<arno11> *opengles
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