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<freemangordon> arno11: opengl mode?!? this is SW rendering
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<arno11> freemangordon: sure it is SW
<arno11> and it works a bit better in daedalus (few more fps in games)
<arno11> at the opposite sdl overlay mode now returns wrong window scaling in both picodrive and pcsx. but games themselves work fine and full speed.
<arno11> seems sdl1.2 ---> sdl2 issue
<arno11> i tried to build pico and pcsx with sdl1.2-compat-shim. the result is very buggy (slowness and game crash) but fullscreen works
<arno11> same if i build with sdl2
<arno11> from what i see on the web, some hardcoded stuff must be modified in emulators but i didn't look deeper atm
<arno11> hmm AI says it is maybe only env var issue. will have a look later
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<hexnewbie> hmm, does Maemo use the LED correctly on the Pinephone (and/or Pro), as in blinking yellow (some colour) when charging, constantly led when charged, and another colour for notifications (perhaps preserved when suspended?). Mobian and Manjaro don't do that
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<donihalim> Hi
<donihalim> Its really hard to find good battery replacement for n900...
<inky> hexnewbie: yes it uses led, i think correctly.
<inky> donihalim: and for n810 too. though for droid too...whatever i found either tooo expensive to try or while may work for hours without anything run on hildon, but will nun out in two hours in case of any usage.
<inky> i have an n810 now on my table, i can probably use it for irc without ssl. or maybe i can roll out a chroot environment on sdcard and try runninc programs frow chroot.
<inky> maemo/daedalus won't work, i already tried it with samsung nexus s, and kernel 3.x it has, tte binaries it claims are too new for the kernel, i had such a message. but alpine/pmos rootfs worked with kernel 3.0
<inky> s/daedalus/devuan/
<hexnewbie> donihalim: I got myself PolarCell Li-Ion Akku Nokia 5800 in 2023-03-27 - https://0x0.st/8B8Y.jpg - and have been using ever since. Not sure if they sell them still
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<sicelo> hexnewbie: @pinephone LED: "correctly" is a relative term :-)
<sicelo> but i should think the orange (for charging) and constant green (for full) should work. NB: Maemo doesn't use suspend, so there are no optimizations for that
<hexnewbie> Well, yeah, but Mobian and Manjaro don't use the LED to signify charging at all, Phosh displays notification when they're about to suspend (which is silly because I always end up turning on the phone back to check what happened) and (while I imagine that may be a hardware problem), the LED dies after suspend on the Pro
<sicelo> it should be working in Maemo for those situations. if not, perhaps you could help us fix it? probably by simply sharing what /sys/class/leds looks like on the device
<hexnewbie> I only have Maemo on my N900, my PinePhone is with Mobian, so I can't, I was just wondering
<sicelo> get an SD card maybe? :-)
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<donihalim> inky: am also experiencing similar issue with replacement battery
<donihalim> The original battery now only last around 4h
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<donihalim> nDoes anyone know how to simulate right click on the netsurf browser?
<sicelo> xdotool ;-)
<donihalim> Ahsicelo: , same as in pmos?
<sicelo> yes
<sicelo> the 'hard' part with Leste will be adding the shortcut for it ... might need to install something like xbindkeys, keyd, or similar
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<Smatkovi> i mounted the maemo-leste image, chrooted into it with binfmt-misc and qemu-user-static installed. then i installed the 6.-31-rockchip debian package with dpkg. it did an update-initramfs, but unfortunately it doesn't boot with tow-boot. do i need u-boot?
<donihalim> sicelo: alr thanks
<donihalim> on leste i can screencshot with ctrl+shift+p, where are these keybind handled?
<freemangordon> hildon-desktop
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<arno11> donihalim: polarcell battery is a good choice imo. i also use it for a while
<arno11> still available from germany. world deliver is 5-25 days
<arno11> *delivery
<arno11> they say it is 1600mA, but in fact that's rather 1300-1400mA but works really fine
<arno11> it gives between 24h and 30h idle easely
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<Smatkovi> @sicelo thanks for the kernel package, i already learnt some ingesting things
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<freemangordon> BTW, did we finally fix the images?
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<dsc_> had to re-do some QML layout stuff
<dsc_> ^ annoying to make
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<inky> > on leste i can screencshot with ctrl+shift+p, where are these keybind handled?
<inky> wow i didn't know that!
<inky> hexnewbie: nothing as easy s trying leste: just dd an image to sdcard and boot from it.
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