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<arno11> just to confirm guys, if i see 'MESA: info: Loaded' when i launch an app, it means HW acceleration works, right ?
<dsc_> maybe!
<dsc_> it at least loaded a library related to hw accel, yes
<arno11> ok, i see it when i launch a qt app.
<arno11> it disappears when i use qt5 raster surface stuff
<arno11> and apps start a lot faster
<dsc_> apps start faster with rasterization?
<arno11> yes a lot on n900 and daedalus
<arno11> not with chimaera
<arno11> so i suspect it is related to new pvr stuff
<arno11> because i see quite the same behaviour with new picodrive (no qt but seems to use HW with same MESA msg on launch))
<dsc_> maybe let our GPU wizard know, create a github issue, something like this
<arno11> yep
<arno11> i mean it is not a major issue, but behaviour is different in daedalus
<arno11> and emulators with few changes work better in daedalus
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<arno11> i.e SW opengles works better and HW accel seems to work with new picodrive (for scaling/fullscreen mode)
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<inky> hmmm my bionic was booting, and was okay.
<inky> then it turned off bcs of battery charge
<inky> thet i charged it atd it took the charge and i saw that battery ot screen
<inky> and now separate charger shows it is 75% full
<inky> but inntead of booting it
<inky> it hangs there :/
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<Wizzup> are you booting with microusb cable attached?
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<sicelo> heh, and here's Movuan ...
<sicelo> Devuan based fork of Mobian. in the meantime, postmarketOS is looking at a name change
<Wizzup> confuse ALL the things \o/ :D
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<inky> booted! charged, and turned on without a cable.
<inky> is there a way to disable seach, back, home, etc button leds? when reading in the night i have to cover them with finger, those are too bright for the night to have in front of eyes always.
<inky> i am talking about bionic.
<Wizzup> I think so, uvos probably knows
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