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I still doesn't understand what happen when the system boot, the system often freeze after booting to the desktop that i had to force shutdown by removing the battery
This makes rebooting the device quiete frustating
donihalim: please elaborate
with chimaera and kernel 6.6 and sd swap ?
*chimaera -devel
Ah sorry, so this is what happen: i powered on the phone and it boot normally, since i have display timeout set to 30s, after the phone boot to the hildon desktop the display will turned of after 30s
After that the system often freeze, touching the screen or using the lock button doesnt not turned on the display
This often happen everytime i reboot the phone or powered on the phone from shutdown state
Yes im using chimaera -devel and kernel 6.6
To workaround this i had to touch the screen after the initial 30s display timeout
hmm yeah the screen time out could be a problem
i usually disable it btw
or set it to 2min
when you say 'reboot', you mean you reboot the device from command line ?
Either rebooting from cli org poweroff the phone via power menu
did you disable trackers or ?
Yes i disable tracker and apt worker, following the wiki
and sure your fstab is ok ?
and do you use some custom scripts on boot ?
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anyway, worth a try to set screen time out to 0 or 2 min
I don't think it makes sense to disable apt worker
it is just useful for first boots, need to update wiki
/swap is being created when dist-upgrade to -devel
Wizzup: should i activate it again? How?
so as i said try to set time out to 0 or 2 min
for apt worker, same command but with different value
let me check
I've set backlight timeout to 2min, see if still causing freeze
for apt worker you can set check_interval to 10080 (once a week)
or 1440 for every day (original value)
*using the command from wiki
Will try that, thanks
Wizzup: on daedalus, no need to deactivate ap worker for sure
but from chimaera img it is useful as many important optimisations are only in devel
and device is very slooow and absolutely not usable if apt worker start
anyway, no need now with new imgs
i still haven't got my libseat problem resolved, so still have never got a successful boot of daedalus.
Wizzup: any ideas?
i haven't been able to spend any time on it tbh ... maybe if i do, i can figure it out
arno11: setting backlight timeout to 2min doesnt solve the issue, i've tried rebooting several time, now the phon freeze again
Time doesnt change, display not turned off even after 2 min
btw you didn't encounter same issue on daedalus, right ?
i've chrooted to it now... doing apt-upgrade. maybe it'll do a miracle
arno11: it happen on daedalus aswell
Maybe hardware problem?
really don't know tbh
checking your Xorg log could be useful
sicelo: i doubt apt-upgrade could be useful as the img is almost up to date with chimaera -devel
The following packages will be upgraded: conversations hildon-application-manager hildon-application-manager-settings-standard hildon-input-method hildon-meta hildon-meta-core hildon-meta-n900 libclockcore0-0 libgnutls30 libhildon-im-ui3 libjavascriptcoregtk-4.1-0 libopenh264-7 libtasn1-6 libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0 ofono ofono-scripts openssh-client openssh-server openssh-sftp-server qt-input-maemo
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED: gtk2-engines-pixbuf libcal1 libcityinfo0-0 libclutter-0.8-0 libgail-common libgail18 libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-common libiphb0 maemo-keyring
20 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 11 downgraded, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
that downgrade is fine/acceptable?
(versioning was wrong, that's why it says downgrade)
donihalim: ah, i forgot something...let me check
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donihalim: ls /etc/sysctl.d
do you see n900-perf.conf in red ?
Let me check
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arno11: did we not push the no parallel apt change to chimaera?
sicelo: I think there's more problems going on there
it looks to be loading swrast
[ 72.767] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
having chrooted into the sd card, got an excuse to also build upstream iio-sensor-proxy already. so i can now spare my N900 ;-)
but i supposed it is instead, or ?
donihalim: oh
so there is a real problem lol
Wizzup: some important commits are missing in -devel for n900
whats the content supposed to be?
donihalim: i think you should comment all lines in this file and reboot :)
arno11: -devel being chimaera-devel yeah
sicelo: let me check my n900
this file is supposed to be removed or empty
Wizzup: yep, old vm tweaks are still there
Should remove the link or?
so no surprise if donihalim device is freezing after boot
donihalim: just comment all lines
sicelo: yes, ok, I see, the omap error I also have but it seems to be ok
I don't have this libseat issue, I wonder if it is a race condition somehow
I guess I should flash the latest n900 image
Glad it's not hardware issue :)
yes indeed :)
I'll rebooting several time, i'll report back
i need to check one more thing because maybe another file is problematic
donihalim: do you have 'leste-config-n900' in /etc/init.d/ ?
if yes, delete it or move it to $HOME
Yes it present in /etc/init.d
I'll move it to home
ok so that is the real culprit
it should work fine now on next reboot
Nice, many thanks arno11 :)
Wizzup: commits eaf6d22 is missing in chimaera, don't know why
chimaera, or daedalus? also what repo?
(it reverts problematic nr_request and vm stuff on boot)
for daedalus it seems ok
so that's weird
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leste-config repo
arno11: ok, I can fix that today, so I just need to check what is missing in chimaera?
yes, in leste config
seems ok in daedalus as i've never seen those files
donihalim: np, but many thx to YOU for the feedback
i asked about my libseat issue in the libseat room, and they said it's failing during shutdown ... but i'm booting :-p
so that suggests that the libseat errors are not the real culprit. i need to find who/what initiates a shutdown
oh i'm dumb ... i think it's upower :-D
that's quite possible
I dist-upgraded so I still have the old upower
you can -x upowerd and see if it works
but why no issue on my device ? (daedalus same img)
arno11: my device has broken USB, so % readout in /sys/class is always 0%
ah ok
it can happen to you as well if you remove the battery for a long time, since the fuel gauge will get reset. if you try and boot again, i'm sure you'll have same experience as i, assuming you don't connect to a charger
ok i see
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upower from leste/chimaera made some estimations based on voltage
and yay, i'm in Hildon now
yeah cool
welcome in daedalus !
with my subpar SD card, can't do anything yet.
arno11: so (1) swap, (2) that /etc/init.d/leste-config-n900, what else?
you have also leste-config-n900 in daedalus ?
no idea. haven't looked yet. i'm just asking for what fixes i need to make in order to be able to use this ...
my card isn't of the best quality, so yeah
I think it's just swap
ok, so you should not have troubles with leste config files but yes you need sd swap
if your sd is slow, you should block tracker3 or at least add .nomedia in $HOME
and use 500MHz min freq
that's it
I don't block tracer3 on my n900 fwiw
yes i know but your card is fast :)
i didn't have it blocked in chimaera, nor played with frequencies
that's just suggestions
still struggling to get to terminal to even do expandcard :-D
that's normal
first boot is a pita with slow sd
should work fine on next reboot
oh wait ... maybe it's so dogslow because it's still trying to show that first boot thing ... still hasn't shown btw, and that's 14 min after :-D
yeah that's the problem
top should probably show what it is doing
btw on next boots the only very slow thing should be apt and ham (if the card is not fast enough)
thank God for lp5523 ... at least the white LED gives consolation
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I'm more excited to see my iio-sensor-proxy working in Leste ... so screen will now get blanked during a phone call
I'll submit MR later today hopefully
if time permits, next stop should be upower ... we need to fix our stack
thank you for all the energy/efforts :)
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cool @iio-sensor, will save at least 50mA
during calls
70mA saved in fact with brightness @50
(on n900 calls actually burn around 350mA !)
oh wow! didn't realize that
the cpu routing part of it probably causes a bunch of that
pipewire might make some of that a bit better
i have given pipewire some thought for sure ... but i guest we will need to write a pipewire component for cmtspeech :-/
unless we go cmtspeech -> pulse -> pipewire
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cmtspeech -> pulse -> pipewire should be easy, there is module for that iirc
but anyway, i doubt we can improve cpu usage, just my opinion
unless we find a way to use dsp chip...
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i really wish so too (dsp)
oh now i remember what fmg said about cmt_pulse cpu usage: some neon code is missing for resampling 8000 -> 48000Hz iirc
and 48000 to 8000 in the other way
sicelo: yeah definitely @dsp
@ neon code ... i think it's in one of the repositories. have never looked at it closely though
yes indeed iirc. the answer is probably in irc logs
if nobody has spare time for that, maybe AI could help
i mean for neon code
dsc_: have you ever used the calendar in Leste? any idea where one can look if they wanted to fix the layout/display issue, namely, the week display on the left is 6 rows, but the actual days/dates are 5 rows..
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sicelo: my life is so boring I dont need a calendar