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Wizzup: freemangordon: new VM image does work. at least it boots to H-D and basic usage indicates it's working
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this is the chimaera or daedaus one
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daedalus i guess. let me check
at least /etc/debian_version said 12.7
i will use it to work on iio-sensor-proxy & mce
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Wizzup: perhaps now it's time to resolve the issue with sphone providing 'legacy' sms shortcuts/items that don't work. i think at the time the legacy items were kept because the new ones were still in flux
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Hi arno11 i always get this error when tried to save pcsx config: menu_write_config: failed to open: ./.pcsx/pcsx.cfg
Can you help me?
sicelo: sounds good ot me, but that's mostly a packaging thing, I think uvos is intent on keeping it so that he can use them on his device with the non-tp backend
donihalim: yeah it is an issue with perms
sudo chmod 777 ./.pcsx/pcsx.cfg solves the issue
(workaround atm)
there is a wiki page for pcsx btw
and there are many info about it on maemo talk
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Wizzup: yeah i seem to recall something like that. it does look/feel 'odd' to a casual new user though, so some consensus needs to be reached ... e.g. not have those shortcuts in general, and uvos can add them easily on his personal devices
maybe respond to that issue with some icons that we could select from. i'll do the packaging
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sicelo: agreed
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Wizzup: something with daedalus apt config:
N: Ignoring file '00maemo.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus-extras.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
you can ignore this
sicelo: ok i'll have a look
Wizzup: for sphone shortcut, we can maybe simply move .desktop files elsewhere by default, no ?
*sphone sms shortcuts
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sicelo: i added a comment with 2 icons generated by AI
not sure there are good enough
first one seems not too bad
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i can also generate others, that's an oppotunity to test maemo-gpt with daedalus :P
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and i must finish maemo-gpt btw...only few remaining boring things to do before packaging
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arno11: maybe generate a couple more, and we can have folks choose :-)
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sicelo: will do this evening
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huhu, rebased and built iio-sensor-proxy
Wizzup: btw do we have an easy way to cross-compile stuff? i'd like to test this on N900. i possibly can build directly on N900 itself, but would be nicer if I could cross-compile
Anyway, it's high time I try daedalus on N900
yeah and it is fine to compile stuff directly with it
as a reminder just be careful with emmc swap activated by default
you should switch to swap file to avoid freeze
*with last daedalus img
I should first check what my Chimaera was like. I don't ever recall dying anything about swap there
well the issue is: screen sometimes not responsive for few seconds with kernel 6.6 and emmc swap, not with 6.1
no idea with newer kernel
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it has been confirmed on several N900's (arno, Wizzup, donihalim, mkf iirc)
maybe others on TMO, can't remember well
cool, i'll see. so the swap file is already provided, or i need to manually prepare one?
it is already provided ;)
you have just to modify fstab
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any idea why we don't already have correct fstab? or only N900 needs it?
that's just a problem on n900
the reason is in img building
we have correct fstab but it is somehow overrided atm
*with daedalus
re: cross compile, qemu-user with lxc is an option
I think spinal also had some systemd thing
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Wizzup: the iio-sensor-proxy is quite ugly. i started with master from maemo-leste-upstream-forks, rebased on upstream master. this is acceptable, or there's cleaner rebasing regime?
i would like for us to remain 'true' to upstream. if anyone has a patch, let's accept it here as a very last resort, but upstream it first. that way, maybe in excalibur we can drop our repo (assuming they have 3.7 or higher by then) :-)
s/is quite ugly/history is now quite ugly/