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<sicelo> Wizzup: freemangordon: new VM image does work. at least it boots to H-D and basic usage indicates it's working
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<Wizzup> this is the chimaera or daedaus one
<Wizzup> daedalus
<Wizzup> ?
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<sicelo> daedalus i guess. let me check
<sicelo> at least /etc/debian_version said 12.7
<sicelo> i will use it to work on iio-sensor-proxy & mce
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<sicelo> Wizzup: perhaps now it's time to resolve the issue with sphone providing 'legacy' sms shortcuts/items that don't work. i think at the time the legacy items were kept because the new ones were still in flux
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<donihalim> Hi arno11 i always get this error when tried to save pcsx config: menu_write_config: failed to open: ./.pcsx/pcsx.cfg
<donihalim> Can you help me?
<Wizzup> sicelo: sounds good ot me, but that's mostly a packaging thing, I think uvos is intent on keeping it so that he can use them on his device with the non-tp backend
<arno11> donihalim: yeah it is an issue with perms
<arno11> sudo chmod 777 ./.pcsx/pcsx.cfg solves the issue
<arno11> (workaround atm)
<arno11> there is a wiki page for pcsx btw
<arno11> and there are many info about it on maemo talk
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<arno11> let me check the links
<arno11> and
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<donihalim> Ah i missed the wiki, thanks arno11
<arno11> np
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<mkfx> Yipee
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<sicelo> Wizzup: yeah i seem to recall something like that. it does look/feel 'odd' to a casual new user though, so some consensus needs to be reached ... e.g. not have those shortcuts in general, and uvos can add them easily on his personal devices
<sicelo> arno11: please help me with the maeotp icon ... https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/736 :-)
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<sicelo> maybe respond to that issue with some icons that we could select from. i'll do the packaging
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<Wizzup> sicelo: agreed
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<sicelo> Wizzup: something with daedalus apt config:
<sicelo> N: Ignoring file '00maemo.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
<sicelo> N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus-extras.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
<sicelo> N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
<Wizzup> you can ignore this
<arno11> sicelo: ok i'll have a look
<arno11> Wizzup: for sphone shortcut, we can maybe simply move .desktop files elsewhere by default, no ?
<arno11> *sphone sms shortcuts
<Wizzup> mhm
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<arno11> sicelo: i added a comment with 2 icons generated by AI
<arno11> not sure there are good enough
<arno11> first one seems not too bad
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<arno11> i can also generate others, that's an oppotunity to test maemo-gpt with daedalus :P
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<arno11> and i must finish maemo-gpt btw...only few remaining boring things to do before packaging
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<sicelo> arno11: maybe generate a couple more, and we can have folks choose :-)
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<arno11> sicelo: will do this evening
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<sicelo> huhu, rebased and built iio-sensor-proxy
<sicelo> Wizzup: btw do we have an easy way to cross-compile stuff? i'd like to test this on N900. i possibly can build directly on N900 itself, but would be nicer if I could cross-compile
<sicelo> Anyway, it's high time I try daedalus on N900
<arno11> yeah and it is fine to compile stuff directly with it
<arno11> as a reminder just be careful with emmc swap activated by default
<arno11> you should switch to swap file to avoid freeze
<arno11> *with last daedalus img
<arno11> bbl
<sicelo> I should first check what my Chimaera was like. I don't ever recall dying anything about swap there
<arno11> well the issue is: screen sometimes not responsive for few seconds with kernel 6.6 and emmc swap, not with 6.1
<arno11> no idea with newer kernel
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<arno11> it has been confirmed on several N900's (arno, Wizzup, donihalim, mkf iirc)
<arno11> maybe others on TMO, can't remember well
<sicelo> cool, i'll see. so the swap file is already provided, or i need to manually prepare one?
<arno11> it is already provided ;)
<arno11> you have just to modify fstab
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<sicelo> any idea why we don't already have correct fstab? or only N900 needs it?
<arno11> that's just a problem on n900
<arno11> the reason is in img building
<arno11> we have correct fstab but it is somehow overrided atm
<arno11> *with daedalus
<Wizzup> re: cross compile, qemu-user with lxc is an option
<Wizzup> I think spinal also had some systemd thing
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<sicelo> Wizzup: the iio-sensor-proxy is quite ugly. i started with master from maemo-leste-upstream-forks, rebased on upstream master. this is acceptable, or there's cleaner rebasing regime?
<sicelo> https://paste.pics/a76c68f31745674552f9c86122b19b99 here's what it looks like
<sicelo> i would like for us to remain 'true' to upstream. if anyone has a patch, let's accept it here as a very last resort, but upstream it first. that way, maybe in excalibur we can drop our repo (assuming they have 3.7 or higher by then) :-)
<sicelo> s/is quite ugly/history is now quite ugly/
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<sicelo> arno11: last daedalus image for N900 is from Feb? https://maedevu.maemo.org/images/n900/20250209-daedalus/
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<arno11> sicelo: yes, the last one
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<arno11> the previous one was a tiny img
<sicelo> ok. thanks. i see there was an image built yesterday or so, but that seems to be chimaera?
<arno11> yes
<arno11> chimaera
<arno11> daedalus failed yesterday or this morning
<arno11> because of swap iirc
<sicelo> downloading the Feb image
<arno11> currently testing icon/image generation in maemo-gpt with daedalus
<arno11> cool it still works fine
<arno11> will upload other icons in a bit
<arno11> done
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<sicelo> it's not booting to H-D
<arno11> ? weird
<sicelo> i'll check the log
<arno11> ok
<sicelo> x11 is failing to start successfully
<arno11> oh
<arno11> other msgs ?
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<sicelo> things seem to break from line 207 onwards.
<arno11> yeah
<arno11> but that's something have never seen
<arno11> i mean on my n900
<arno11> compare to my xorg logs, those libseat fails are not normal
<arno11> hardware failure ? or something wrong during img burning ?
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<arno11> this img works for sure for Wizzup, donihalim and me
<arno11> this omap error line 207 is weird indeed
<sicelo> i'll see if i can burn it from scratch
<arno11> ok
<arno11> btw 'AV Jack bla bla ignoring device' msg is also not normal
<arno11> quite the same for tsc2005
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<Wizzup> sicelo: I think rebasing on master is fine, or perhaps on the daedalus version in devuan if it makes sense