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<Wizzup> n900 image built
<Wizzup> I will disable tmpfs again now that I think I solved the I/O issue
<Wizzup> well, it still took 8 hours :)
<Wizzup> but that's better than nothing for now!
<Wizzup> (above is not daedalus fyi)
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<arno11> Wizzup: cool @chimaera img
<arno11> i see it is still kernel 6.1 which is good to avoid freeze on first boot :)
<arno11> is devel stuff almost included in the img (like daedalus) or ?
<Wizzup> most of it should be, my next step is to look at your MRs and merge to daedalus stable
<Wizzup> and I guess the main n900 image problem now for daedalus is the swap
<Wizzup> image-builder overwriting the leste-config
<arno11> yes indeed
<arno11> and yes this is the main issue (swap)
<Wizzup> yeah, this is a bit annoying since it's all /etc/fstab and postinst magic
<Wizzup> there is no /etc/fstab.d or whatever
<Wizzup> let me see what I can do afte
<Wizzup> s/afte//
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> maybe we run the leste-config configure again at the end of something
<Wizzup> that seems like a sensible generic solution imo
<donihalim> df lh
<arno11> Wizzup: ok
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<kiva> yellow exclamation mark updates done today..worked in Pinephone.
<kiva> although..still clock crash if I try change time.
<Wizzup> is there a github issue/bug report for this?
<Wizzup> otherwise I am not sure why some meta pkg reorderings would fix this
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<kiva> it is that old problem..and problem might be somewhere else..it is mentioned in wiki and there is how to set timezone.
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<Wizzup> please file a bug report with reproducible steps if there is no issue yet
<kiva> I think it is known bug. Just start Clock app and just touch clock time and app crash.
<Wizzup> works fine for me.
<Wizzup> please file a bug report with the device, distro version, and steps to reproduce
<arno11> works fine for me as well
<kiva> really? When next sd-card image for Pinephone comes, it would be best that I test with fresh image.
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<arno11> yeah that's probably a good idea
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<kiva> wait a minute there is new image dated today :)
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<arno11> Wizzup: i opened few issues for Daedalus (not critical, just as a reminder: osso_games, sdl, qt5 launch)
<Wizzup> ty!
<Wizzup> btw, any opinions on (eventually) moving away from github to our own hosted env?
<Wizzup> I thought github would make contributing much easier, but I don't know that really is the case
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<uvos__> i would say github helps discovery if nothing else
<Wizzup> we can still keep the repos, just as read-only mirror or something
<Wizzup> anyway just an idea, we have bigger fish to try any way
<Wizzup> but if we do go for says gogs we'd have the ability to control our ci a lot more
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<inky> uvos__, what should i do to disable hope, search etc leds on bionic? in the night those are very bright, brighter than the screen, i cover them with finger to read. on d4 those are fine and not noticable.
<inky> s/hope/home/
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<sicelo> Wizzup: re - move away from GH - "I thought github would make contributing much easier, but I don't know that really is the case" - what issues have you observed?
<Wizzup> I haven't seen a lot of people come to github before coming to irc :)
<Wizzup> the thought was that having to make an account [to another service] would be a blocker to contributing
<Wizzup> and also tbh, I've never liked github much, and I'd rather move away from the US-centric service
<sicelo> alright. of course an own env is an extra thing to maintain
<sicelo> postmarketOS has moved around quite a bit: github.com -> gitlab.com -> sr.ht -> gitlab.com -> gitlab.postmarketos.org (hosted by OSL) ...
<arno11> moving away from US-centric services makes sense for a foss project in 2025, imo
<sicelo> i am not against a move, but not sure it's *that* important
<sicelo> arno11: while linux kernel remains under US legislation :-p (hence a couple of months ago they stripped Russian maintainers of their maintainership ... maybe that will change now though since Trump appears to be pro-Russia)
<arno11> lol indeed
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<Wizzup> yeah I wouldn't want to move too much to different services
<freemangordon> Wizzup: 2:2.24.33-2+m7.8
<freemangordon> this is the version in daedalus
<freemangordon> it should be 2:2.24.33-2+4m7.8, no?
<Wizzup> or gtk?
<Wizzup> yes, agreed, that needs to be fixed
<freemangordon> yes, gtk
<Wizzup> will rebuild
<freemangordon> thanks
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: done
<arno11> got my first HAM/apt-worker notif on daedalus. works fine, no slowness
<arno11> are meta pkgs updates actually safe or should i need to wait a bit ?
<arno11> (seems all 4m7)
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<Wizzup> should be ok I think
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<arno11> ok will try in a bit
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<dsc_> i will veto gitlab
<dsc_> just so you know lol
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<arno11> Wizzup: meta pkgs updates from HAM work fine but a bit bewildering as it works exactly like in fremantle: it disconnects everything included H-D, making the device unresponsive for a while (progress bar works fine during the update)
<arno11> then it reboots automatically
<arno11> showing the success update msg once in H-D
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<arno11> btw i tried to update qt-input-method for example and now unmet deps errors disappeared
<arno11> so it seems ok
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<arno11> hmm if i dist-upgrade, it wants to update hildon-meta-core but wants to downgrade some libgtk pkgs i have, and libclutter
<arno11> same with apt upgrade
<arno11> *libclutter-0.8-0
<arno11> ah it says downgrade but wants to upgrade to 4m7 instead of m7.1
<arno11> freemangordon: ^
<arno11> so i suppose i should accept downgrade, no ?
<arno11> hmm really unclear...in ham i still have previous meta pkgs versions
<arno11> anyway, will upgrade from apt and see
<arno11> ah ok, for apt m7.1 > 4m7
<arno11> from apt-cache policy, things seem ok now
<arno11> *after apt upgrade
<arno11> cool
<Wizzup> arno11: yes, that was on purpose @ like in fremantle
<Wizzup> arno11: accept the downgrades
<Wizzup> we're still clearing up some mistake in the CI/CD where most chimaera packages were versioned wrong
<Wizzup> anything +m7 is bad, it should have been +3m7 for chimaera
<arno11> yeah ok
<Wizzup> daedalus is +4m7 - but that's 'lower' than +m7
<arno11> understood
<Wizzup> this is why we have these pin files to orce daedalus pkgs to be installed over chimaera
<Wizzup> the gtk/libcal/cityinfo/libclutter were build with the wrong version for daedalus - +m7
<Wizzup> I only found out a bit into the build process and these are normally the packages we build first
<Wizzup> I just fixed this today and that's why you are getting these 'DOWNGRADE' warnings, they will not be there upon the real release
<Wizzup> part of my steps now is to find others like these and fix it
<Wizzup> regarding the 'full system upgrade' ham upgrade pattern, that is intentional, but we can control this and decide not to do it.
<arno11> ok, thx for clarifications
<Wizzup> I was amused it worked and decided to turn it on
<Wizzup> and re qt-input-maemo, this is some CI/CD issue where things get messed up if you build them concurrently
<Wizzup> which is what I think dsc normally does :)
<arno11> ok :)
<dsc_> who what where
<dsc_> im innocent :(
<Wizzup> yeah it is a ci/cd problem
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<arno11> dsc_: btw, any idea why conversations chat windows show the main window if i use 'force raster surface' on boot ?
<arno11> *on boot or at least if rasterisation starts before conversations
<arno11> sorry, scratch that, qt5ct creates a xsession.d file and modify some stuff before conversations starts. will try to move qt5ct after conversations
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<dsc_> arno11: your warranty is void when using conversations in a manner that is not certified by Leste's Standards for Stability(c)(tm), such as pushing pixels over the CPU
<dsc_> arno11: that said, ill see if I can reproduce in a VM
<dsc_> im kinda waiting on images
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<Wizzup> might have fixed the mount: bad usage
<Wizzup> (in image build)
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