I will disable tmpfs again now that I think I solved the I/O issue
well, it still took 8 hours :)
but that's better than nothing for now!
(above is not daedalus fyi)
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Wizzup: cool @chimaera img
i see it is still kernel 6.1 which is good to avoid freeze on first boot :)
is devel stuff almost included in the img (like daedalus) or ?
most of it should be, my next step is to look at your MRs and merge to daedalus stable
and I guess the main n900 image problem now for daedalus is the swap
image-builder overwriting the leste-config
yes indeed
and yes this is the main issue (swap)
yeah, this is a bit annoying since it's all /etc/fstab and postinst magic
there is no /etc/fstab.d or whatever
let me see what I can do afte
maybe we run the leste-config configure again at the end of something
that seems like a sensible generic solution imo
df lh
Wizzup: ok
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yellow exclamation mark updates done today..worked in Pinephone.
although..still clock crash if I try change time.
is there a github issue/bug report for this?
otherwise I am not sure why some meta pkg reorderings would fix this
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it is that old problem..and problem might be somewhere else..it is mentioned in wiki and there is how to set timezone.
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please file a bug report with reproducible steps if there is no issue yet
I think it is known bug. Just start Clock app and just touch clock time and app crash.
works fine for me.
please file a bug report with the device, distro version, and steps to reproduce
works fine for me as well
really? When next sd-card image for Pinephone comes, it would be best that I test with fresh image.
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yeah that's probably a good idea
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wait a minute there is new image dated today :)
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Wizzup: i opened few issues for Daedalus (not critical, just as a reminder: osso_games, sdl, qt5 launch)
btw, any opinions on (eventually) moving away from github to our own hosted env?
I thought github would make contributing much easier, but I don't know that really is the case
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i would say github helps discovery if nothing else
we can still keep the repos, just as read-only mirror or something
anyway just an idea, we have bigger fish to try any way
but if we do go for says gogs we'd have the ability to control our ci a lot more
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uvos__, what should i do to disable hope, search etc leds on bionic? in the night those are very bright, brighter than the screen, i cover them with finger to read. on d4 those are fine and not noticable.
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Wizzup: re - move away from GH - "I thought github would make contributing much easier, but I don't know that really is the case" - what issues have you observed?
I haven't seen a lot of people come to github before coming to irc :)
the thought was that having to make an account [to another service] would be a blocker to contributing
and also tbh, I've never liked github much, and I'd rather move away from the US-centric service
alright. of course an own env is an extra thing to maintain
postmarketOS has moved around quite a bit: github.com -> gitlab.com -> sr.ht -> gitlab.com -> gitlab.postmarketos.org (hosted by OSL) ...
moving away from US-centric services makes sense for a foss project in 2025, imo
i am not against a move, but not sure it's *that* important
arno11: while linux kernel remains under US legislation :-p (hence a couple of months ago they stripped Russian maintainers of their maintainership ... maybe that will change now though since Trump appears to be pro-Russia)
lol indeed
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yeah I wouldn't want to move too much to different services
Wizzup: 2:2.24.33-2+m7.8
this is the version in daedalus
it should be 2:2.24.33-2+4m7.8, no?
or gtk?
yes, agreed, that needs to be fixed
yes, gtk
will rebuild
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freemangordon: done
got my first HAM/apt-worker notif on daedalus. works fine, no slowness
are meta pkgs updates actually safe or should i need to wait a bit ?
(seems all 4m7)
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should be ok I think
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ok will try in a bit
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i will veto gitlab
just so you know lol
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Wizzup: meta pkgs updates from HAM work fine but a bit bewildering as it works exactly like in fremantle: it disconnects everything included H-D, making the device unresponsive for a while (progress bar works fine during the update)
then it reboots automatically
showing the success update msg once in H-D
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btw i tried to update qt-input-method for example and now unmet deps errors disappeared
so it seems ok
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hmm if i dist-upgrade, it wants to update hildon-meta-core but wants to downgrade some libgtk pkgs i have, and libclutter
same with apt upgrade
ah it says downgrade but wants to upgrade to 4m7 instead of m7.1
freemangordon: ^
so i suppose i should accept downgrade, no ?
hmm really unclear...in ham i still have previous meta pkgs versions
anyway, will upgrade from apt and see
ah ok, for apt m7.1 > 4m7
from apt-cache policy, things seem ok now
*after apt upgrade
arno11: yes, that was on purpose @ like in fremantle
arno11: accept the downgrades
we're still clearing up some mistake in the CI/CD where most chimaera packages were versioned wrong
anything +m7 is bad, it should have been +3m7 for chimaera
yeah ok
daedalus is +4m7 - but that's 'lower' than +m7
this is why we have these pin files to orce daedalus pkgs to be installed over chimaera
the gtk/libcal/cityinfo/libclutter were build with the wrong version for daedalus - +m7
I only found out a bit into the build process and these are normally the packages we build first
I just fixed this today and that's why you are getting these 'DOWNGRADE' warnings, they will not be there upon the real release
part of my steps now is to find others like these and fix it
regarding the 'full system upgrade' ham upgrade pattern, that is intentional, but we can control this and decide not to do it.
ok, thx for clarifications
I was amused it worked and decided to turn it on
and re qt-input-maemo, this is some CI/CD issue where things get messed up if you build them concurrently
which is what I think dsc normally does :)
ok :)
who what where
im innocent :(
yeah it is a ci/cd problem
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dsc_: btw, any idea why conversations chat windows show the main window if i use 'force raster surface' on boot ?
*on boot or at least if rasterisation starts before conversations
sorry, scratch that, qt5ct creates a xsession.d file and modify some stuff before conversations starts. will try to move qt5ct after conversations
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arno11: your warranty is void when using conversations in a manner that is not certified by Leste's Standards for Stability(c)(tm), such as pushing pixels over the CPU
arno11: that said, ill see if I can reproduce in a VM
im kinda waiting on images
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