maybe dpkg --force-all -r gconf2 dbus-x11 and then re-install them
(to reproduce)
or perhaps some other pkg/deb of gconf2
maybe we need to locally build a 'newer' gconf2 and install that, see if that causes it
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Wizzup: doing 'dpkg -i gconf2-common_3.2.6-8_all.deb' allows dist-upgrade with (almost) no issues
so I think we shall fork gconf2 and make gconf2 binary package to pre-depend on gconf2-common
I can;t think of any better solution
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someone else in #devuan should have some idea why it's not that way already...
weird to me that everyone isn't running into the same issue over there though
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freemangordon: ok, I am happy to do that if you're sure this is it
freemangordon: do you know why gconf2-common?
gnarface: if you google for the gconf2 -> gconf2 dep problem oyu'll find some threads from years ago for ubuntu/debian based distros that have this issue
I suspect gconf just isn't widely used for a while anymore
it also occurs to me now that maybe it's just that something else that depends on those packages usually pulls them in in the right order in common configurations. i believe i do recall seeing dependency errors slip through to stable for that reason before
i also mostly run headless servers, and of the few graphical desktops i have, most of them don't use a graphical login manager, so that might also be why i haven't seen it here
well, gconf is replaced by gsettings for a while now
i seem to have both installed on this system, but it has been through a lot of upgrades
Wizzup: I am not sure
like, I am not sure what I proposed will fix the issue
but, I think we can try it
do you want me to do the fork?
why gconf-common: because it contains files that trigger gconf2 trigger
hmm, wait
because it contains /usr/share/sgml/gconf/gconf-1.0.dtd
and seems this trigger sgml trigger
anyway, I *think* pre-depends trick will do it
the thing is, it should have been fixed already upstream long ago, so the real question is why it isn't
because gconf is no longer supported
everyone moved to gsettings
officially no longer supported or just de-facto no longer supported?
because the latter, it's still their job to fix
afaik in unstable it is officially unsupported
in stable it is de-facto unsupported
that's my understanding
also, if we have a quick-fix in our repos, I'd rather not deal with debian issue tracker :)
yea but daedalus is still stable, so whatever happened in unstable after that, it's against their own rules to change retroactively in previous relases
no, no, i get that. i really get that. but the situation isn't made any better by letting them shirk their own rules.
agree, but we really don;t have the manpower/spare time to fight that battle
to be really sure this is not our fault (not that I can see how it could be), I have to install chimaera (not leste) in a VM and then dist-upgrade
hmm.. even not that
in the past, one reason this type of thing might get skimmed over is because systemd actually fixes up the installation order through its own dependencies, in which case we've seen blatant hostility when attempting to hold them to their own rules, but even just being able to collect links to all such bug reports getting refused still helps our cause in the long run...
but i do sympathize with not wanting to bother
I will have to install bullseye and try-to dist-upgrade to bookworm
and I bet it will not fail
there was someone in #devuan who had made a sort hobby of putting through bug reports like this that we knew ahead of time would get refused without valid cause though, maybe you could hook up with them, since it's possible this still affects devuan stable and just nobody has noticed
(and maybe this conversation already happened over there but i just forgot because i smoke too much weed)
yeah, that's a well known side-effect
gnarface: I'd rather first try to fix it in our repos
that report on #devuan, so if anyone is interested to just pull the fix
freemangordon: we already forked it
no nee to re-do the work
freemangordon: I don't see a rule to trigger on sgml dir
yeah, I saw
maybe we can try to create some minimal reproduce case where we build gconf locally, increase the version, remove/reinstall it and some other deps and see if it triggers the problem
whay not put it in daedalus repo?
I don;t think we can repro
if not in the repos I mean
Wizzup: so, I will pull gconf, drop the directory change commit, add pre-depends
I think if you put that in hildon-meta, HAM will show "system upgrade"
we shall fix repos first ofc
freemangordon: parazyd used to do that for us
I know
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freemangordon: ok, hildon meta shows up now in regular ham
I will make the same changes for daedalus and then try a dist upgrade
it also reboots and says 'operating system upgraded' btw
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freemangordon: for dist-upgrade to work we also need to add devuan repos to ham catalog
how else will the user get the upgrades
freemangordon: yeah, I made a switch to daedalus repos and cssu thinks the system upgrade wil l download 7kB :)
so I don't think dist-upgrade will work this way
as expected, it doesn't ensure every pkg is fully up to date, it just checks if some deps are satisfied
so we'd have to version/pin everything in hildon-meta for this to work
and even then it won't do the same for devuan pkgs
I will check with red pill mode
that helps, but it is still not very clever with dep handling :(
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we probably want it to act like dist-upgrade and not like upgrade
freemangordon: see doc/packaging.txt section ### Installation and removal policy
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it seems like HAM can't do dist upgrades
but we can use it for regular updates if we pin everything version wise
freemangordon: strangely, what i recall those locales errors from is danctnix arch on my pinephone... fix involved the choice of either a force reinstall of some particular package or just delete the whole locale cache directory first, i think
but we can use it for upgrades to the system with specially crafted meta files
re maemo section: as I said, we just need to add a dependency to lets say glibc in daedalus
(it's too bad it can't just use the apt dist-upgrade logic tbh)
you can try it but I am 99% that won't work
99% sure
why would in not?
why would it help to pull in new libc?
most pkgs don't care about the libc version
and it's also a hack for sw that doesn't properly resolve dependencies
yeah, agree
Wizzup: I think we can use HAM, just have to create a metapackage with the correct dependencies (and conflicts)
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Wizzup: so, we can do apt upgrade and then check what has not been upgraded with apt dist-upgrade
and then include that in the metapackage
* freemangordon
I don't think this will even work
it will fail immediately
I don't really see the point, then just make ham act like apt
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Wizzup: did you push the new leste-config?
ah, seems yes
N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus-extras.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
N: Ignoring file 'pin-daedalus.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
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has to end with .pref
I don't think it has to end in anything
this is just a result of our gen-displace
you might want to start the names with digits too, so you can control the order they load
it's hardless
there is pin-daedalus and pin-daedalus-extras
as you can see
next to the .leste versions
I know its harmless, but will appear on every upgrade
yes, until we remove it again in the near future
no real way to solve it, I think we just live with it
can;t we just provide the real files?
why we have to divert?
or whatever we do?
feel free to try, I don't have the time to focus on this
we install all files this way
try what, sorry
feel free to try to install them throug the pkg
hmm, ok
I think it's a waste of time
we just remove the divert in a couple of weeks/months
we don't even need the divert in daedalus anyway, only in chimaera
hmm, I think it is better to keep the priorities
I don;t want newer mesa to come from backports, for example
but ok
Wizzup: so, do we have any other issue?
or I shall dist-upgrade my d4?
I guess we'll have issues with upower
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sicelo: did you try to contact upower maintainers?
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no, haven't. tbh i'm not even sure what we would ask for
well, you said some patches were rejected
a part of me does just think we should hack our kernel and call it a day. it's only a problem with N900 and mapphones (at least D4), so maybe not rock the whole boat just for these
yes, my patches were rejected, and i don't know what would change now. of course, seems the new maintainer is more open, so there might be a chance
ok, what is that problem we have on d4 and n900?
I really didn't follow back then
at some point, both do not report a percentage/capacity
that's the only problem
do they report charge level?
like low, high, etc?
at least d4 do I think
yes. cpcap driver has hardcoded them to certain voltage levels (it's really a hack). n900 also has them (they're based on status flags in the hardware)
but, upower doesn't care one bit about that
ok, so, we can as would they accept a patch that makes upower use that data when there is no capacity/percentage reported
*can ask
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it's exactly what i asked ... with disastrous ending :-)
but, maybe current maintainer would
right, but you said minatiner changed
at least they may give us ideas what to do
ok, let me dist-upgrade my d4 to see how would it behave with that new upower
maybe you can see where things went south in the communication, and perhaps how to express it better in future
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ok, will have a look later on
< freemangordon> ok, so, we can as would they accept a patch that makes upower use that data when there is no capacity/percentage reported ... in reality, our drivers report 0 at that point
to which the previous maintainers said "Right now, it's garbage in, garbage out. If we start assigning specific meaning to capacity = 0 or returning errors from reading some files, this needs to be documented so that the next driver writer that needs the same functionality isn't making their own stuff up that we'll need to work-around in upower"
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daedalus d4
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freemangordon: really great to have the gconf issue solved
yeah, my d4 dist-upgraded without any issue whatsoever
do calls still work? :D
I'll dist upgrade as well then
I mad an image of the SD card, just in case
btw, I did make some progress with ham and doing sys upgrades
well, I got it to show, disable the ui, reboot, say the operating system was upgraded successfully
like, things work
just not for dist-upgrade
so we can either start adding the right section for all our sw, or we have to make a meta that pulls in these various pkgs and pins the required version to tell ham (which is a little dumb) that is has to upgrade them
yeah, for dist-upgrade we'll have to come-up with something else
I bet aptitude could do it, or some other ui
I think for now we can just ask the power users to use dist upgrade
but I guess we can do that fro the futore
I guess all of our current user base can do
anyway, bbl, the kid from Amsterdam is here, want to spend some time with
Wizzup: hmm power usage seems very high
could be tracker re-indexing
pretty sure
so to resume: issues are solved, right ? then dist-upgrade from chimaera is supposed to work only from chimaera-devel or could it work from 'stable' ?
Wizzup: does not seem to be tracker
oh, scratch that
Wizzup: do not upgrade yet
this is still chimaera I see that big power usage
freemangordon: ok, I am confused :)
I am fighting some cold and not very focused :)
so I was about to dist-upgarde
i dist upgraded my n900 to daedalus and didn't see any problems but I did not look super hard
but only upgraded
2 days ago I think
says 1 day of battery at 99%
which is normal for my n900
however, ahve to find the reasopn for that high power usage first
yeah, it is somehitng here on that device
maybe it is just you who sees it
Wizzup: calls still work btw ?
so, I am running dist-upgrade now
arno11: will check tomorrow
arno11: fmg said Yes. anyway, there's been no change for N900, so should work fine still
ok cool
sicelo: yes, but I made a mistake
so I *do not* confirm that calls work
sicelo: no change but PA is new (v15) iirc with new modules like module-match
so remixing on n900 should probably be modified again (to improve/avoid remixing during calls)
arno11: haha, yes, that one needs YOU :p
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Wizzup: dpkg: warning: downgrading osso-icons-default from 2.5.3+3m7 to 2.5.2+4m7
dpkg: warning: downgrading libconnui from 2.89.2+3m7 to 2.89.1+4m7.1
not sure about that one though, may come from experimental
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freemangordon: can check
the last is 2.5.2
ah, no
I missed one
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btw, I think I still need to build gpsd with dbus support