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<Wizzup> interesting enough, my ofono just crashes now (will probably go away if I reboot)
<Wizzup> but not in gdb, of course...
<sicelo> d4?
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> it seems like powering up the modem doesn't work and then it gets sigabort
<Wizzup> # ofonod -n
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: oFono version 1.34
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: parse_devices_reply: found 1st battery device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: Could not open dlc0
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: Could not open dlc1
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: Could not open dlc2
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: Could not open dlc3
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: All DLC freatures not available
<Wizzup> ofonod[5103]: Aborting (signal 11) [ofonod]
<Wizzup> intresting, seems like the device rebooted or something
<Wizzup> overnight, I mean
<dsc_> /win 57
<dsc_> aww
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<arno11> Wizzup: i didn't noticed we still use ofono 1.34 in daedalus
<arno11> *notice
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<sicelo> arno11: yes, but Leste has always had its own fork
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<Wizzup> arno11: hm, did I build the wrong version?
<sicelo> ah, didn't see your version :-D
<sicelo> at least you definitely didn't build the one fmg worked on. that should be 2.1x
<Wizzup> damn
<Wizzup> I think I built whatever we had in -devel in chimaera?
<sicelo> Wizzup: freemangordon: any quick idea regarding my daedalus issue? (i guess main issue is from line 207 onwards)
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<sicelo> Wizzup: according to , we had 2.13 somewhere ... maybe -experimental?
<sicelo> anyway, the 1.34 should work too
<Wizzup> looks like it should be 2.13
<Wizzup> fixing
<arno11> yeah 2.13 in -devel
<arno11> sicelo: btw for your issue, it seems some drivers or directories are missing, no ?
<arno11> oh, btw what is the size of your sdcard ?
<sicelo> 16GB
<sicelo> at least when i had the SD card mounted, the FS seemed OK. the image's sha256sum also checks out
<arno11> ok
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<sicelo> arno11: maybe share your Xorg.log, then we can compare.
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<arno11> Wizzup: ofono 2 seems ok on n900 daedalus
<arno11> sicelo: as you can see, almost no libseat failure
<arno11> oops sorry, a part of the file is missing apparently
<arno11> scratch that, this is the entire file
<arno11> so the problem is definitely @line 207 on your xorg
<arno11> hmm, 205 or 208
<arno11> will ask maemo-gpt
<sicelo> diff says the OMAP bo stuff is exactly the same in your case too
<sicelo> so real issue is the libseat stuff
<arno11> yep
<sicelo> Wizzup: the mailing list seems unhappy. i generally CC it when sending stuff to kernel, and i'm getting lots of bounces
<arno11> but why only on your device ?
<arno11> any error in /var/log/boot btw ?
<sicelo> because Leste doesn't want me? :-D
<arno11> :D
<arno11> maemo-gpt suggests HW failure or RAM issue (for leabseat error). maybe something still wrong with swap ?
<arno11> *libseat
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<Wizzup> sicelo: hm, it's devuan hosted I think
<donihalim> Hi all, is there any gui matrix client for leste?
<donihalim> Sadly message from whatsapp bridge doesnt showing on coversations
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<dsc_> donihalim: conversations can do matrix
<donihalim> dsc_: yes, but messages from whatsapp bridge doesnt showed in conversations
<dsc_> whatsapp -> matrix -> conversations
<dsc_> this?
<dsc_> the bridge is from whatsapp to matrix?
<donihalim> Im not sure, but im using this bridge
<donihalim> gomuks works, but for some reason pressing enter on the physical keyboard print 0M instead of sending the message
<dsc_> im hoping to finish my conversations PR today or tomorrow
<dsc_> after which I can investigate such issues
<donihalim> Nice, thanks dsc_
<donihalim> Alr gomuks works fine on stterm
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: we can add more records to maemo dns if we want right, like or something?
<freemangordon> no idea
<Wizzup> well, we need help from others :)
<freemangordon> I have no clue where records are hosted
<Wizzup> but we got maedevu/phoenix/leste so clearly it works
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> but I don;t know how :)
<freemangordon> ask warfare
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I'd like to experiment some time in the next month with moving our repos to gitea
<Wizzup> I'll just make a mirror/clone of github first, and then we can browse it
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<arno11> donihalim: very nice @gomuks
<donihalim> arno11: :)
<donihalim> I still figuring out how to make it run properly on osso-xterm
<arno11> donihalim: ok, btw @matrix and conversations, i suppose you see your own msgs but not those from matrix, right ?
<donihalim> here's on osso-xterm
<donihalim> arno11: regular message/channel are showing just fine, it just rooms that created by whatsapp bridge doesn't showing on the msg lists
<arno11> ok
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<arno11> donihalim: btw is pcsx ok now on your device ?
<arno11> are you able to get fullspeed gaming ?
<donihalim> arno11: saving config work using the workaround
<donihalim> Not yet reaching fullspeed gaming
<donihalim> oh btw im using chimaera
<arno11> all games work fullspeed on chimaera
<arno11> question of settings and ctl+shift+N to disable compo
<arno11> and F for fullscreen
<arno11> and a real bios :) instead of HLE
<arno11> don't hesitate to give feedback, as pcsx is a real pita to configure
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<sicelo> @ dns records - yes anything can be added, as long as the dns master is available
<sicelo> the SOA indicates that maedevu dns is controlled by Falk
<sicelo> those screenshots - Maemo really has the nicest (and most useful) status bar of everything in the Linux world!
<dsc_> the bar is not very high... :D
<sicelo> donihalim: arno11: maybe we need a font that can display gomuks well
<sicelo> haha, nice pun ;-)
<dsc_> hehehe
<sicelo> donihalim: the whatsapp bridge thing is reliable? doesn't get the number banned at some point?
<dsc_> but yes, Leste is nice
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<donihalim> arno11: last time i tried, it's mostly default config so thats probably why i cant get fullspeed
<donihalim> Thanks btw :)
<donihalim> sicelo: i havent use it for long enough to say if it reliable or not
<donihalim> I'll let you know after atleast a month
<donihalim> sicelo: donihalim: arno11: maybe we need a font that can display gomuks well <- any idea which font might work? Btw im using monospace on st and seems fine
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