(after dist-upgrade and meta stuff, the correct version is 3.2.6-8+4m7 for libgconf-2-4)
hmm, still same output
on my device, iirc, i first updated meta from ham and then dist-upgrade
arno11: so did it solve the problem or not?
oh, sorry
names are equally long and on my black on white terminal I can't actually see the name when I get highlighted :D
sicelo: what about apt-get install -f
same :-/
I wonder if something was manually installed
maybe just remove the pkgs with dpkg -r --force-all and then apt-get install -f ?
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Wizzup: thank you. that worked
Wizzup: weird, qalendar update didn't come through ham/apt-worker. i did apt update and then it worked
dpkg: python-is-python2: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you requested: hildon-meta-core depends on python-is-python2.
this is correct/normal?
seems something i still wrong with meta
sicelo: ham is not ok when it comes to pinning
I don't think it honours it
I would ask not to use ham yet for these dist-upgrade like things
python-is-python2 should just have been removed, I wonder if you somehow got an older hildon-meta-core package.
* sicelo
is using apt
Wizzup still doesn't see nicknames apparently
yes this is a frankenstein installation, hehe. it's PP image that I put on L5. we upgraded it to Daedalus very early (with fmg) while tracking down the xorg issue
sicelo: are the chimaera repos still enabled
in ham or /etc/apt/sources.list.d
or /etc/apt/sources.list
no, it's all daedalus
arno11: yeah I thought the python-is-python2 was from the same user :D
dsc_: thx for qalendar update, perfectly fine on n900 screen
arno11: nice
sicelo: you should check your meta pkgs versions imo
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hildon-meta should be 2.16.1 and hildon-meta-core 2.17
and indeed python-is-python2 is still there in h-m-c 2.15
that's bad if daedalus
cc freemangordon
Wizzup: remember sicelo's install is experimental
by default, daedalus needs fmg's last meta update
at least, that's how i fixed wrong versioning from a fresh install
oh, yeah... experimental is not to be used mostly/imo
when i say experimental, i mean that's custom stuff for L5
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freemangordon: looks like libseat is not happy with udev hwdm reload / trigger
I lost my touchscreen input device because it's not allowed to re-open it
btw new daedalus n900 img is almost done. fingers crossed for swap :P
but we still have wrong fstab
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it is clearly visible in jenkins console: indeed arm-sdk overrides fstab after leste-config
yeah, I know where it does it
I'm down with a cold the last few days, not able to think that straight - I'll fix it today or tomorrow
ah ok
Wizzup: sorry, I am not sure I understand what the issues are
freemangordon: if you upgrade leste-config-mapphone, the postinst will tell udev to reload its hw db
this will trigger xorg to reload its input devices
and now the ts stops working because xorg can't reload it somehow
something seatd related I'd guess
seatd is the devuan specific thing right?
as opposed to elogind?
as opposed to systemd
I have elogind on my system and I don't have systemd
I never needed seatd
well, it is libseat actually, not seatd
we don;t have seatd running
maybe try to contact seatd maintainer, he was quite responsive
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Wizzup: cool, new n900 daedalus img is ok with correct meta versions, and no error at all :)
if/when we also want to run on debian, there will be no libseat right?
arno11: good, so just fstab remaining then
yep exactly
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Wizzup: libseat and seatd are available in Debian as well.
weston and all the wlroots wayland compositors use libseat.
arno11: so, is there any issue or not?
you mean with the img ?
LeePen: cool, ok, sounds good
well if you run debian (with systemd, to be specific) you won't need libseat, of course. it's only needed if you don't run systemd (which is also possible with debian itself)
arno11: yes
freemangordon: the img is ok but we need to build a new one with a reverted commit to get sd swap working
sicelo: hm it's never asked me during the installer
it doesn't say where in the install wizard/steps to do this
ah, you have to manually chroot, ok
The choose-init udeb is Devuan only. Debian won't accept it.
devuan is mostly debian anyway, so I've mostly just been using devuan
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LeePen: did someone try to send it to debian?
We made enquiries and the systemd-zealots were clear it wouldn't be accepted.
I might try again for the forky cycle.
just submit the package :-)
Too late for trixie. The toolchain freeze has started.
debian's stance is clear - systemd is default, but other inits are welcome.
Some would say unwelcome ;)
they're always welcome to say what they want. speech is free in 2025 ;-)
Yes, but practically it is very hard work.
that wiki page clearly shows that other inits are being used and receive testing
hard, how/why?
Because, the supporters of systemd who wanted that to be the one and only continue actively to remove the infra other inits need and use.
LSB initscripts, cron jobs...
that's not debian's fault or problem though :-)
debian can't help it if gnome wants systemd
actually that's the bind pmOS found themselves in ... hence they're doing systemd too
It is nothing to do with gnome, it is just that individual maintainers are allowed to remove alternative init support if they want.
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i was just making an example with gnome
Yes, I know. My point is that it isn't to do with upstreams that choose only to support systemd (of which there are only a few) it is existing support in Debian that is being recklessly removed.
can i see a concrete example of that? (maintainer maliciously removing support for alternative init)
and looks like, eventually someone sends a good patch, and problem is fixed. true, maybe the maintainer jumped the gun
and didn't communicate properly ahead of time
(I sent the patch!)
That is why I said it is a lot of work!
things need work, no? the same thing will happen in pmOS. people who choose to remain on openRC will have to put in the work, which pmOS promises to accept
I think maintainers not willing to support other files is following the direction to the letter and not ideal
That is the issue in Debian, there is no obligation on a maintainer to accept a good, tested patch with offer of on-going support.
both bugs show maintainers accepting your patches though :-/
Not the mdadm one.
He 'fixed' it by adding a NEWs entry. It still doesn't work.
Actually a debconf message.
you appear to be a DD yourself (basing on your @debian.org addy) ... i'm sure there's structure for taking this further? :-)
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
have further comments please address them to 1100035@bugs.debian.org,
There is and it has been tried and refused.
* sicelo
would like to be a DD someday (soon)
Great, come along!
i've been messing with ofono in debian (with fmg's help)
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Wizzup: still, all this should not prevent you from contacting seatd maintainer, see https://github.com/kennylevinsen/seatd, "how to discuss" at the end of the page
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Wizzup: btw @fstab and arm-sdk, maybe we should remove zram
*as well
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