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So, after installing wireguard from ham and reboot the phone, now i cannot boot to leste. After loading the kernel, the display just blank for a moment then powering off
I can boot to fremantle tho
Is it known issue with wireguard on daedalus?
Wizzup: I will split hildon-meta to base and device-specific source packages, ok?
that way we can leave hildon-meta-core to be no system-upgrade
or rather, there will be no need to upgrade hildon-meta-core/device hildon-meta is upgraded
*if hildon-meta is upgraded
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donihalim: no issue like that afaik
did it work in chimaera btw ?
you should check boot logs imo
arno11: i've never tried wg on chimaera
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freemangordon: I am not quite sure what you mean
I guess it sounds fine to me
donihalim: wg shouldn't cause that. maybe just your ongoing power issues
Battery's fine, i tried using another sdcard that has leste on it and it boot normally
Wizzup: will see, will push later today
donihalim: did you check /var/log/boot ?
(maybe just tmp files corruption)
sicelo: I wonder what's going on with ZDI, that behaviour does not look normal
I'm totally annoyed too. when I started with chasing the CVEs, some people mentioned that sometimes the people/organizations behind CVE reports mostly only care about the bounties/money. what's happening here seems to validate that
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donihalim: i was using wg on chimaera just fine
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arno11: donihalim: did you check /var/log/boot < can i mount the partition from fremantle? Or i should take out the sdcard and use my pc?
Step to reproduce, fresh install daedalus from the latest available img, do the initial setup(including fixing swap), upgrade package, install wireguard from ham, reboot/poweroff
donihalim: you can easely mount the card in fremantle and check
It's /var/log/boot right?
and maybe syslog
*if there is nothing relevant
in boot log
i dont see anything relevant, last log is regarding mafw-tracker-source
In boot log
hmm no errors ?
ok and syslog ?
syslog also only showing rtkit-daemon
Do you have wg installed?
mind to test install wireguard on your exisiting daedalus? But please make backup first, since i cannot boot to the system after installing wg
sorry, but i can't do a backup now. no pc around
but something is unclear to me
when you boot, the devive shutdowns itself ?
arno11: sorry, but i can't do a backup now. no pc around < np
Yes, after the kernel is loaded, screen then blank for a while, and then just shutting down
no message ever shows?
i'll post a video
it's a power issue then
how wireguard starts on boot btw ? init script, xsession or ?
unless the installation got borked in some other way (unrelated to wg)
donihalim: try to boot with charger connected
unlikely to be upower, since this is dying too early. charger may help indeed
hmm, right
booting while connected to a charger also doenst make difference
but still seems power lelated, indeed
warn: vid size are over 100mb
I see no charger connected
also, do you have wall charger (d+/d- short)?
yeah, from the video, seems power related
what battery is that?
freemangordon: i've test it using wall charger, still wont boot
Its the original battery
I can boot fine to fremantle
maybe put uSD card in PC and to fsck on it
*do fsck
i could try, last time i do fsck on pc it just destroy the partition, whats the correct command?
sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sdX2
where X depends on SD device
could bre /dev/sdc2 etc
The root partition right?
so the thing is ... as mentioned before, we are using up way more power than fremantle, so comparing with it doesn't always hold true
you might be having a contact issue. that's likey why industry decided to switch to screw on (like d4) or clip-on (most phones today) contacts
sicelo: so it's my battery then?
It's interesting to me that wireguard could cause such issue
it's not WG
sorry i dont understand, but why is it happen only after installing wg?
it is possible if it uses too much cpu with a weak battery
donihalim: just pure coincidence :-)
on boot
sicelo: i've tried doing fresh install and then installing wg, then this happen
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Now, if i do fresh install again, it would boot normally
donihalim: A side note - daedalus is yet not released
But to make sure, hopefully someone could try installing wg on daedalus
I mean maemo-daedalus
so for now better stick to chimaera
I could try it tomorrow
freemangordon: yes i probably should stick with chimaera
as we speak I am trying to iron out some lesta metapackages issues
sicelo: thanks
and Wizzup said he will be back to whatever needs to be done
but I'm 100% sure it's not WG because your system dies too early, to the point nothing ever shows on screen
so holpefully in 2-3 weeks we'll have a release
sicelo: it doesn't show anything anyway on daedalus: logs on screen are deactivated
wasn't aware
freemangordon: we have a daedalus img working fine on n900 btw
that's what i sue daily now and what donihalim is currently testing
maybe we should enable those logs
yes but donihalim said there is nothing relevant in boot log
which log?
maybe what he can do is tar up all of /var/log and share it privately
i could say that the only log showed in boot and varlog are logs from previous working system(probably before reboot after installing wg)
I cloud see from the timestamp
there are many other log files there, and off hand I can't think which one would be relevant
for example, there's a daemon.log which might also be helpful
can't find it on my device
arno11: I am not sure extras are compiled for daedalus
only few pkgs
right, and that might bring problems
yes indeed
arno11: wait, no /var/log/daemon.log ?
wow, I should shut up then since I'm clearly outdated
yup, I'm back finally :)
Wizzup: :)
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in the meanwhile, please, everyone who does not feel brave, disable -devel repos
sicelo: at least boot and syslog are relevant for boot
I am pushing things there that might potentially broke stuff
we are all brave and adventurous :P
ok :)
agree wirh arno11 :)
arno11: donihalim: but then again, having nothing relevant in those logs more strongly suggests the power issue I'm on about... i.e. the system is dying before syslog itself is up
and full working stuff is boring
Another reason to get a new polarcell battery then :)
that way HAM can upgrade hildon-meta, without having to upgrade -core or device specific package and vice versa
hmm wireguard currently installs linux-image-6.1.0-31-armmp on 6.6 kernel. not sure it is harmless
freemangordon: sounds good
*with 6.6 kernel
I doubt :D
freemangordon: you will have to change the changelog entries
arno11: that's bad, we have wireguard module in our kernel
freemangordon: it says hildon-meta, not hildon-meta-core
freemangordon: in hildon-meta-core pkg
our CI will complain and not allow it
it was true back then, no?
ah, I see
ok, will do
as far as I am concerned you can empty the changelog
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donihalim: seems your install is broken :(
arno11: not sure why this would happen
I think we provide the right meta pkgs
is this daedalus?
daedalus yes
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if it's an installation that must be recovered at all costs, it can be done by chrooting into the card and installing correct kernel. I'd guess this armmp kernel didn't modify the uImage in /boot
Ah i've already overwite the sdcard with new img...
here might be your first contribution opportunity 😃
daedalus is experimental at this point
I'm not surprised there might be these kind of pitfalls
hmm, seems you deleted more than needed
lemme rebuild gconf for -devel
I just removed everything part of gconf from -devel, -experimental and stable
in chimaera
but now repos seem inconsistent, so I am rebuilding gconf for -devel
that should fix it, hopefully
I suspect you'll see an error with the same soruce tag
lets see
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Wizzup: going to try dist-upgrade
WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
hildon-meta hildon-connectivity-rtcom (due to hildon-meta) osso-calculator (due to hildon-meta) qalendar (due to hildon-meta) clock-ui (due to hildon-meta)
Wizzup: any idea?
do you have the pins files?
pin files
hmm, maybe I should have changed HAM catalogues as well
lemme see
hmm, yeah, that was it
Wizzup: qt-input-maemo must be rebuild, there is some mess in the repos