Hi all, actually it doesnt has to be surf, it happens that when i tried some of the browsers on chimaera, surf is the fastest one with js support
If there's other browser that atleast perform as well as surf on chimaera, i'd love to try it
I fact i also use dillo a lot for simple web
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sicelo: did they send anything to the ML?
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Hi, there's an error on the daedelus-testing repo
freemangordon: no, not yet. ZDI makes me unhappy :(
freemangordon: tmlind: i have a patch that made its way to linux-next. but, it has a mistake, so it needs to be fixed. i guess i need to submit a fresh patch with the fix, since the git history for linux-next likely shouldn't get rewritten
question is - do i need the "Fixes" tag as well, or because this patch didn't make it into a released kernel yet, i shouldn't?
or linux-next allows history rewriting and i could just submit a v2 patch?
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I don't think it will allow rewriting anything once it's merged
donihalim: we haven't put anything in daedalus-testing yet for extras
that's why you see the error
mmm, it's possible linux-next is the wild west :-D
anyway, maybe i'll submit the fix, and a v2 simultaneously (with appropriate comments), and leave it to the maintainer to pick what works for him. v2 would look cleaner that's for sure
sicelo: can you convince debians to take ofono as is currently, making a promise that we will fix it when there is more info from ZDI
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freemangordon: no, they won't (knowingly) take something that makes systems insecure. what we're trying is to get them to lower the severity of the remaining bug.
it seems they are willing to consider that. so in essence, it's same thing as what you suggest