donihalim: depends of what you mean: testing/optimizing new functionalities or fixing existing issues :P
(or porting new stuff ?)
i mean, apart modern web, almost everything else already works but needs most of the time optimization
(ah i forgot camera and bluetooth, which are the last not working things)
with the omap3isp patch, camera at least probes correctly now, and shows the required v4l2 endpoints. it should be possible to get some images out of it
really cool
with the bluetooth, i would like to investigate how to provide a bluetooth address to the driver. from discussion with sre, there's a timing issue somewhere (firmware perhaps?) which will be very hard to troubleshoot
anyway you never know ... maybe if we provide the address early enough, it might just make all the difference in the world
with BT working (even if not perfectly), we would then be able to bring up the FM radio receiver :-)
> with the omap3isp patch, camera at least probes correctly now, and shows the required v4l2 endpoints. it should be possible to get some images out of it
my droid strangely doesn't want to connect to the network some of the time
i also got some troubles with chimaera: disconnections, wlan1 issue. not anymore with fresh daedalus
sorry, I meant the mobile network
ah ok
is it with ofono1 or 2 ?
arno11: regarding wlan1 ... someday i'll submit patch to make that problem history. we would no longer require the interface to be named wlan0
ofono 2
sicelo: yeah that does need fixing
i've looked at it a bit, and can see how we could implement it. -ETIME is the only major problem atm :-)
on the wlan topic, anyone has an opinion on iwd?
as opposed to wpa_supplicant?
I haven't tried it, but I'd be worried about compat with older devices and how we'd do host mode
and of course having to rewrite a bunch of C code :P
it supports hotspot. and works fine on N900, which i guess is oldest device we will ever support
what makes it more suited than wpa_supplicant?
I don't really know 😆
imo, if we wanted to swap out some things I'd want to replace PA with pipewire at some point
it is said to be mobile optimized (comes from ofono people)
if it can do host mode in the same daemon that could be somewhat useful
yes, hotspot is builtin
imo I'd prefer to defer just because it's more work
yeah, completely agree. it's a project for some future day :-)
never ending list
I hope that at some point it won't be never ending :)
but for now, YES :D
if we were to set up gitea on say git.maemo.org or src.maemo.org (preferences?), should we allow openid/oauth logins from github and the like?
sauce.maemo.org :-)
jokes aside, I'd probably go for git.*
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hmm got again that random issue when wifi burns +30mA...disappearing if i disconnect/reconnect
how do you correlate that to wifi?
well, idle is around 45-47mA idle with modem on (3.5g). with wifi connected: 52-58mA
but sometimes 85mA with wifi
until i reconnect it
(or until i disconnect it and idle is back to normal 45-47mA)
ok. maybe wpa_supplicant? we're still using same kernel from chimaera, right?
yes same kernel
maybe htop or dmesg could give you clues?
arno11: how you measure the power consumtion?
sicelo: no htop or dmesg unusual stuff
donihalim: have a look in /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/
very useful
i.e to get quite accurate idle current draw: sleep 30 && cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/current_now
you can even check battery health and temperature
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Cool, thanks for the tips
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can the latest images be flashed on n900 or they are borken?
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mkf: hi
mkf: hi
mkf: hi
latest daedalus works fine but you need to edit fstab to switch to sdswap
it uses mmc?
arno11: let me see if I can figure out the rootfs-overlay
I think we can modify daedalus.blend, where it rsyncs the files, and see if we can have it be more clever
mkf: yes but just because of building issue
how newcomers can know what imege should dl with any device? How many had dl some image that does not work and gave up and newer check leste again?
another n900 user, cool :)
should separate stable and dev images?
I think the problem is doing swapon in the postinstall
maybe we should not do that
arno11 ^
in leste config postinst
I think mkswap and fstab writing makes sense, but swapon does it
does not*
yes, i agree
will fix
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Wizzup: let me few min to check something
yes you're right
that's probably the problem
'sw' option in fstab makes the swapon iirc
no, we called swapon explicitly
yes i know
what is that option? i can't find it in `man 5 fstab`
well, we don't need 'swapon /swap' but we need sw option
(alongside of rw, rq, ro and xx options)
on my N900 i have `/swap none swap defaults 0 0`
otherwise, there is no swap on boot at all iirc
I think we have it don't we?
yes that's what i said
sicelo: weird, iirc it didn't work before (without sw)
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devuan fstab also doesn't show that 'sw' :-)
on my ubuntu fstab, it is
anyway, the problem seems swapon /swap
back in a bit
yeah, the image-builder still had it enabled as swap :D
that's why the rm failed
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sicelo: oh now i remember how it works with sw
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if you create the swapfile yourself, you don't need the sw option. at the opposit, if the swap file is created during the postinstall, you need it
otherwise, no swap at all
/swap is created when dist-upgrade to devel
Wizzup: ^^^ we had this issue when we switched to emmc swap by default (see irc logs)
donihalim: yes with chimaera, that's normal, emmc swap is still the default one without devel
donihalim: on daedalus, default is sdswap (like chimaera -devel) because emmc is buggy with kernel 6.6
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Yes, the swap file is created by postinst
that is normal
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should work fine now (hopefully)
I still need to fix the fstab, but the postinst should be ok
ah yes @fstab
the problem is that our daedalus.blend just overrides the fstab regardless
Maybe we have it append instead?
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hm... actually... there's *two* places where we override fstab, lol
arm-sdk writes it, extra/n900/etc/fstab
and daedalus.blend writes it
cat <<EOF | sudo tee "$strapdir/etc/fstab" >/dev/null
so I can change arm-sdk not to write the emmc entry, which I think is what is still present, right?
yes agree
the workings of the builder seem to be a mystery to me :(
and i need to understand it in order to add the L5 ..
it's actually not that hard, it is just a bit tricky because arm-sdk and vm-sdk aim to work to build images for devuan, regardless of maemo
and then 'maemo' is added as a 'blend'
so devuan has its own idea of what etc/fstab should look like
and then so does maemo with its rootfs overlay, and then our .blend file (mistakenly, imo) also overrides that
probably not more than 10-15 minutes of dedicated concentation to fix
i'll give it a closer look again
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for an hobbyist like me, yeah indeed builder is not so complicated: it is pleasant to troubleshoot compared to deal with valgrind and memory leaks lol
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my bionic (which is stable) says it got an update for calendar and for some reason from ovi store. Is it expected?
but the description is 'an open source clone of the default maemo calendar application'
yes calendar was updated recently
good, thank you
they added new days and months
the 'ovi store' made me wonder where those words come from.
I'm not sure about 'ovi store'
where do you read it?
what is it?
alas i didnt screenshot
ah nokia
when i tapped on the update indicator on the status bar it opened ham, i think, which mentioned at the top 'ovi store' and below 'calendar'.
but yes it was updated
good to know, thank you (:
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inky: 'ovi store' is just some translation string I think
but yeah it's funny, I think it's due to the domain changes by freemangordon
19:50 < mkf> tries to run x11, dies somewhere before i can see a thing
19:50 < mkf> i can only see tty.
I think this is upower
yes, he needs to charge, then upower won't trouble him
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hm, i dont have a charger, i can charge batteries
(using a charge module)
i wonder if that casues the phone to not calibrate and think my phone is ran out of battery
i've tried two batteries right now.
i recall when i used leste before it thought my battery had 0 out of 2560(?) mW, which wasn't correct (and i had a regular BL-5J), so i wonder if that's because my battery isn't calibarated in leste (i wonder how can i do so without a charger port)
mkf: that won't help you (charging externally) ... the problem here is that the fuel gauge, which is inside the N900, is currently reporting 0% *even if* your battery has charge