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<Wizzup> freemangordon: not sure @ image builds
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<davidhamner> I'd love to do a deep dive and cover Maemo Leste on my Youtube Are there any devices that are anywhere close to daily driveable? I have a N810, N900, N9, Pinephone OG, and a Librem 5 I can flash on.
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<donihalim> Hi
<gnarface> davidhamner: stick around, slow channel
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<sicelo> davidhamner: from your list, Pinephone OG & N900 I guess
<sicelo> Librem 5 port still in progress (blame me)
<freemangordon> but better find d4
<sicelo> N9 port is stalled a little
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<donihalim> Hi, does deleting message on the conv app doesnt work?
<Wizzup> I think it should work, how are you deleting it?
<donihalim> open the message and select delete chat from the menu
<donihalim> it seems only clearing the chat
<donihalim> sms got deleted but matrix and irc are still there
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<donihalim> im already deleting both accounts
<Wizzup> dsc_: ^ ?
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<dsc_> donihalim: ill have an answer later
<dsc_> currently fixing some other stuff @ conversations
<donihalim> Thanks Wizzup and dsc_
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<sicelo> lux values from ALS on N900 seem pretty accurate when the sensor is provided with calibration data from CAL
<sicelo> I'll try to MR the required stuff soon.
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<kiva> sicelo: Do you think that N900 can work as lux meter?
<davidhamner> sicelo: I'll give it a go on my N900. I also noticed the matrix bridge is down, I get a spinning circle when connecting to the room ""
<arno11> davidhamner: note that we actually don't have n900 image working well OOTB
<sicelo> kiva: probably not *that* accurate. i think there's a photolightmeter application in extras btw
<donihalim> arno11: its 20240825 img that work for me
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<davidhamner> arno11: What device has the best OOTB with a flash experience?
<davidhamner> sicelo: I have a spare L5, if you'd like some help getting it up and running.
<arno11> davidhamner: OOTB probably droid 4 and pinephone
<arno11> n900 can returns good results but with a bit of work after install
<arno11> donihalim: ok
<kiva> davidhamner: Pinephone is easiest, but to show the power of Maemo over another phone OSs it need Pinephone keyboard.
<sicelo> davidhamner: i do have L5 too. i'm kinda waiting for daedalus to go live, since the L5 needs newer Xorg
<davidhamner> arno11: I'm still leaning towards the N900 as I'm rather fond of that device from the old days. The droid 4 seems like it might have network issues on T-mobile in the US. But I don't really expect much better from the N900 as both are rather old.
<sicelo> you're in US?
<sicelo> should be easy to get D4 then
<kiva> D4 is usefull with Maemo even without can transfer .deb packages into it with USB-stick.
<kiva> and it's microHDMI output works better with Maemo than in any OS (including original OS).
<arno11> davidhamner: ok i see
<kiva> davidhamner: try that 20240825.img with N900, it is not latest but at least knowing to work.
<arno11> hmm...yeah but not OOTB
<arno11> and need absolutely -devel upgrade
<arno11> anyway better to wait a good daedalus img
<davidhamner> sicelo: 3G went away about 2 years ago for me, and with it support for most of my older devices. I'm hoping to make a video about daily driving maemo in 2025, mobile network is not a deal breaker for the video. Tho I'd love a device I can keep daily driving after.
<davidhamner> I'm out of the loop, what is needed for daedalus to go live?
<kiva> davidhamner: there is coming big next step for maybe it is better wait.
<davidhamner> arno11: I don't really need it to work OOTB, just as long as it won't take me a week to get running. I have to be careful not to speed 3 week on a project to make a single video. :)
<arno11> ok :)
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<kiva> I takes under 10 minutes to get Pinephone to desktop (even not so fast internet connection for download and not so fast sd-card reader dd and push power button)
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<kiva> (and no rush to put sd-card in Pinephone, I think I broke one Pinephone modem when I accidentally put in SIM-slot, even without powering on)
<sicelo> yeah, common mistake with PP
<sicelo> L5 has its own SIM/SD-slot quirk - don't ever eject them while system is powered
<Wizzup> davidhamner: re: daedalus, a few full days of the devs attention :)
<Wizzup> I'm already using it daily, but we need to fix some image build issue and then a few pkgs
<Wizzup> that's it mostly
<Wizzup> and make a news post :)
<kiva> Sicelo: It should be like with Nokia N810. memory card accessible from outside :)
<arno11> Wizzup: yeah :)
<sicelo> kiva: was it the N810, or N800 that can take 2 or 3 memory cards?
<kiva> N800 takes 2 memory cards.
<kiva> filemanager and can access usb-sticks with right cable and you can charge with old fashion Nokia charger same can be pocket fileserver ;)
<arno11> Wizzup: btw for daedalus, i built (locally) picodrive with 'mainline' notaz last stuff and used sdl-gles to configure it. it mostly solves issues i experienced. still a bit of work (and time i don't have) but should be ok soon
<arno11> (so pico, pcsx and drnoksnes should be ok)
<donihalim> arno11: have you tried harvestmoon btn on pcsx? is it playable?
<sicelo> kiva: i still would like to make OTG work on N900 with Leste. on Fremantle it could also charge while supplying power to usb sticks, etc.
<arno11> donihalim: i didn't try it but should work fine
<donihalim> ok
<arno11> in fact most games work full speed
<arno11> depending of bios and settings mostly
<Wizzup> arno11: great :)
<Wizzup> arno11: I'm finally with more time now :)
<kiva> sicelo: It is not important is that real OTG..because N900 has 200mA current limit anyway, It would be fine if it works at least as it works with H-E-N. If you really needed, it worked.
<arno11> Wizzup: ok cool :) i will try to help you with daedalus. just ping me if needed
<kiva> sicelo: and remember test usb-stick with Fremantle first, because I remember N900 was very picky what stick works and what not..I remember that I had two Kingston sticks that looks like same, but had one letter different in model number, one worked another not and but was under current limit.
<sicelo> can always provide external power. that worked too. i think i still have my custom made y-cable :p
<kiva> all my uses was that usb-cable that came with N900. I just added usb-a gender changer.
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<kiva> so no extra power..but also some (not all) mices, keyboards worked too.
<sicelo> I even did console to Cisco routers with the N900, which always raised eyebrows
<kiva> but that I remember with mices that all old usb-mices with ball worked..some led mouses work some not.
<kiva> I dreamed wired video calls with usb-ethenet :) , but I newer really try harder to make it work.
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<inky> i am trying to make that maemo update on pinephone, and i get: Unable to update 'Maemo Leste'.
<inky> Conflict with application packages: hildon-base (1.6+m7.1)
<inky> tried also apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
<inky> and then again this message.
<dsc_> how to fix this one: (clean VM, deb chimaera-devel main contrib non-free in apt/sources)
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<dsc_> Wizzup: ^
<Wizzup> this is chimaera?
<Wizzup> dsc_: this should be fixed once and for all after this
<Wizzup> but I think you run dpkg --configure --force-all gconf2
<Wizzup> or dpkg-reconfigure --force-all gconf2
<inky> what about 'Conflict with application packages: hildon-base (1.6+m7.1)' when doing HAM update of that maemo package?
<inky> and when doing dist-upgrade: E: This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential package hildon-base:arm64 due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
<inky> E: Reverse conflicts early remove for package 'elogind:arm64' failed
<Wizzup> inky: what kind of system is this?
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<dsc_> Wizzup: ah
<dsc_> ty
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<inky> pinephone. maemo, chimaera. has devel enabled.
<Wizzup> ok, so no other repos, like daedalus
<Wizzup> and you get this when you run 'apt update; apt dist-upgrade'
<Wizzup> please share the whole output if you can
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<freemangordon> I made some experiments with hildon-meta, it is still not ready, obviously
<freemangordon> do not enable -devel unless you know what you do
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