<dsc_> freemangordon: is it possible to open address book given a contact, via XDG or otherwise
<Wizzup> I think it should be
<Wizzup> fremantle can do it
<dsc_> btw
<dsc_> Leste seems to only allow for online/offline status
<dsc_> but 'busy' could also be nice
<dsc_> (availability)
<Wizzup> this exists, but only for some protocols
<Wizzup> if you have an xmpp account I am pretty sure you can set it
<Wizzup> it's in the status menu
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<freemangordon> however, I am not really sure what "open address book given a contact" is supposed to mean
<freemangordon> dsc_: re online/offline - as Wizzup pointed, those depend on the protocol being used, you are allowed to choose only supported statuses
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<sicelo> i wonder if the beryllium port still works
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<dsc_> freemangordon: opening the address book application given a contact
<dsc_> where it raises the address book window for that contact
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<donihalim> Battery says 2050mAh now, intersenting that now it last more than 10h :)
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<arno11> donihalim: indeed your battery really needs calibration lol
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<donihalim> @irc_libera_arno11:qbo.web.id btw does telegram call works on you?
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<dsc_> freemangordon: I need some help again with the VCARD stuff sorry
<dsc_> I set e-mail, phone, gender, but these do not trigger 'contacts_changed' signal from abook, in addition the address book does not show these vcard attrs
<dsc_> using haze CM
<dsc_> I remember this working, but might be wrong
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<freemangordon> dsc_: sorry, tomorrow
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<arno11> donihalim: @telegram, yes it works for me but buggy on wifi (not leste specific btw)
<arno11> it works quite well on hsdpa
<arno11> with overclock/boost and the proper alsoft.conf file
<arno11> audio msgs work fine on both wifi and hsdpa btw
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