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it may be some time. but aren't you already running deadalus?
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inky: you can disable it in mces 90-bonic.ini
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donihalim: you can already try daedalus with last n900 img 20250209
but you have to modify swap like your chimaera install
also 2 env var should be modified temporarily in /etc/profile.d/qt-maemo.sh.leste
because qt5 and input method are buggy OOTB
comment or remove QT_IM_MODULE=him
add 'export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct'
then install qt5ct pkg and activate 'Force raster surface' in troubleshooting tab
but that's just a workaround: you should deactivate raster surface before shutdown and reactivate it after every boot to avoid display bug in conversations.
otherwise, everything else seems to work fine in daedalus
and you can use same tweaks as n900 chimaera btw
(you can skip qt5ct stuff but qt5 apps will be very slow to launch)
sicelo: im still in chimaera
anro11: uh nice thanks, will try that after i get back from work
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Succesfully landed on daedelus, after configuring swap system works fine
donihalim: great
Sorry for the impatient, i guess im just too excited :)
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a fact guys: the weak n900 cpu is still not a problem in 2025. at the opposite RAM is really too limited but with swap optimisation and fast sdcard, it is still ok (see how well tg-desktop works even with 400MB of swap)
i wonder if it is possible to optimise Jib (more) to get a quite good result on n900
let's see jib's behaviour with rasterisation
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arno11: in about 2-3 years we will have ladybird
we will be able to optimize it according to n900 specs
in 2-3 years web will become more advanced. that's the race microsoft couldn't not only win, but even participate in.
the web's spec is the problem.
there shouldn't be such a spec.
we need to stop the W3C from making RFCs :P
i cant seems to find surf2 on daedalus, is it dropped?
also there's only few apps on the hildon app mngr
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donihalim: daedalus is still WIP :)
yeah, many apps in HAM haven't been already ported
also WIP
for surf2 idk
arno11: ah oke, thanks
ah i forgot surf2 was in extras, so not dropped, just not already ported/pkg'd for daedalus
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wait, i found something interesting
what is it ?
I know that 3g network on my country is down few years ago
But when i try to connect to mobile data its connected
Although the signal only shows 2g
surf2 is not ported, for a webengine/webkit based thing, use jib, otherwise, use dillo
you can have mobile data over 2g
ohhh thats why
yeah it use probably edge
Wizzup: jib doesn't work at all on n900 :(
for a while
Wizzup: surf2 is not ported, for a webengine/webkit based thing, use jib, otherwise, use dillo < thats sad, it works fine on chimaera tho
except i cant copy text
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you can git clone surf2 and try to build it on your n900
(i'm currently trying to build it as well)
seems all deps are ok
so it should be easy to package
donihalim: you should use maemo/chimaera branch
arno11: thank you
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it just needs a couple of min to build
hmm really buggy
window display is wrong/bad. and very cpu heavy. unable to load a basic web page
donihalim: did it work for you without any tweaks on chimaera btw ?
Only need to set zoomlevel to 0.7
ok, and no display issues or too much cpu usage ?
surf -z 0.7
ok thx
Nope, works fine
ah yes works better
just very slow to launch because of MESA errors (again)
Yes first launch is slow, also sometime i experience crash
i see lot of webkit and css errors in console
anyway have to go, see you later :)
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Ah yes, much slower than chimaera
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arno11: donihalim: if N900 reports 2G, then it's 2G, not edge. the reporting is fully working/correctly
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in theory i am pro democratically governed ngos
and xmpp works very well in this regard.
but c++ and w3c don't. because there are companies, corporations, and they have own interests.
so netflix, aplle, meta, google, they all push for more and more features for "their products" "to deliver" something "to their customers" and "increase revenue" of "their shareholders".
in c++ comitee there are people representing companies: half of them earn they bread by not allowing to deprecate something. another half show colorful presentations and justify their existence by adding new shiny features.
xmpp works very well but people say (ploum.net) that when google was engaged and active they didn't do well.
it's not a coincidence that i packaged lagrange for maemo.
half of my internet time i spend in gemine, another half on xmpp (i am here via xmpp gateway).
almost no time in web. even if i use web, i mostly use it via web to gemini proxy (which i managed to build for maemo, i need to package it i guess, but it's python with lots of deps) and it strips all the web crap and i only get the relevant text part of web page.
donihalim: I didn't port surf2 since it doesn't work nearly as well we jib and I think they are the same resource wise
I don't think we benefit from 4-5 browsers that all internally use webkit
on the n900 I think you're probably just stuck with dillo or something that isn't this heavy
to me most usable web browser on d4 is qtwebbrowser.
on pinephone i run firefox.
qtwebbrowser uses the same engine as jib
but it's an example product with a different vkb hacked ni
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(I also quite like it, fwiw, but jib is better imo, also with ad block)
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re: N900 browser - we should import and keep up with the latest dillo :-)
I agree
i would like to say i would pick that up ... but then i currently don't seem to be able to keep up with what i've already taken on
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* sicelo
does make a note to do it at some point thoug
I'm finally getting back into things
this weekend I'll work on the images and daedalus
i can have a look @dillo
*last dillo
sicelo: ok @2G
re: surf2 - i think there might be some benefit to porting it at some point. it was relatively lean, and the basic UI parazyd made was mostly usable on Leste. guess surf2 is one of those things i'm adding to my todo
i'm currently building new dillo btw
sicelo: ok, but like, how many browsers do we need?
I mean, it's good to have many
surf2 would only mainly benefit N900. i tried jib on it (a while ago) and N900 seemed overwhelmed (not jib's fault)
surf always looked overwhelmed to me
on n900
it's really the same core: webkit/webengine
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new dillo is very good
fast and smooth on n900
yes, the only pages that deserve to live are those that dillo is able to open. (:
they promise some further improvements in coming months
or deserve to be visited.
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Wizzup: we can import new dillo easely: no weird libs or so
i hope to be able to build librefox anyway when we switch to daedalus.
it works much faster. i tried it on pinephone/pmos and it works much faster. and on my laptops too.
they disabled lots of crap there, maybe that's why.
and since mozilla behaves not beautiful recent times, it becomes more important.
i was able to install palemoon on pinephone and maemo. there is a palemoon aarch64 repo somewhere.
interesting @librefox
sicelo: ty @new dillo news
easy to build, really fast for n900 (much better than old one)
rendering is sometimes a bit distorded, but really...not a problem
it seems as fast, maybe a bit faster than links2 gui
glad to help point you in a useful direction ;-)
arno11: sonds good @ dillo
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