<Wizzup> nope, still there, sigh
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<jk_000> hello 0/ I am having trouble upgrading packages :P
<jk_000> devel-branch
<Wizzup> what device are you on, and what image did you flash/when?
<jk_000> droid4 and n900
<jk_000> images are from last year... may be june?
<jk_000> The following packages have unmet dependencies: gconf-service
<jk_000> Ignoring file '*.leste' in directory '/etc/apt/preferences.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
<Wizzup> and you're fully up to date?
<Wizzup> as in' apt update'
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<Wizzup> you can ignore the warning about the invalid file extension
<uvos__> commenting that out should suffice
<inky> uvos__: sorry i didn't notice you answered. just noticed.
<inky> >inky: you can disable it in mces 90-bonic.ini
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<jk_000> yes, apt apdate was done :)
<inky> uvos, did it, rebooting, thank you!
<jk_000> Wizzup: sorry it took me a while to answer :P
<Wizzup> jk_000: so what is the error you're seeing?
<jk_000> The following packages have unmet dependencies: gconf-service
<Wizzup> uvos__: no mention, too bad
<Wizzup> jk_000: right, but does it explain what it missing?
<jk_000> Depends: libgconf-2-4 (= 3.2.6-7) but 3.2.6-8+3m7.1 is installed, Depends: gconf2-common (= 3.2.6-7) but 3.2.6-8+3m7.1 is installed
<jk_000> I also don't know how to proceed
<Wizzup> jk_000: this is helpful, I'll try to see what's up
<Wizzup> also, do you have this when not on -devel?
<jk_000> Wizzup: I'll have to check. the switch is just commenting out #-devel in apt-sources, right?
<jk_000> hhmm... is devel chimera or daedalus?
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<jk_000> Wizzup: sorry my droid4 disconnect regularly from WLAN... I am back now
<jk_000> if I comment out #deb https://maedevu.maemo.org/leste chimaera-devel main contrib non-free droid4 in sources.list the problem with gconf-service is still there
<Wizzup> jk_000: well, you're on chimaera right?
<Wizzup> or are you on daedalus?
<Wizzup> btw, are you using 'apt upgrade' or 'apt dist-upgrade'
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<jk_000> Wizzup: chimera
<jk_000> I tried both: apt full-upgrade and apt upgrade
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<Wizzup> I don't know what full-upgrade is, is that dist-upgrade?
<jk_000> Wizzup: supposedly they are equivalent, but I'll try dist-upgrade now
<jk_000> jup, same erros message about gconf-service needing specific dependencies that are not installed
<Wizzup> jk_000: can you share your /etc/apt/sources.list
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<Wizzup> ok, that looks pretty normal
<Wizzup> and can you share the paste showing the error in dist-upgrade (or what shows the dep issues)
<Wizzup> thanks btw
<jk_000> Wizzup: no way! THANX to YOU, leste-developers!! :D
<Wizzup> what if you run 'apt --fix-broken install'
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<jk_000> Wizzup: omg! that worked: https://bpa.st/Q7VA ... I am really sure I tried that before, both on the n900 mand droid4, but whatever :D
<Wizzup> cool
<Wizzup> yeah, not sure what happened, but on -devel this can be expected from time to time
<jk_000> good thanx again :)
<jk_000> ciao 0/
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<uvos__> Wizzup: ?
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<Wizzup> uvos__: hm?
<Wizzup> uvos__: oh, of leste :)
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<uvos__> Wizzup: ah ok, yeah to bad.
<arno11> Wizzup: i see that last d4 daedalus img was almost done in jenkins apart mounting image errors. why is that ?
<Wizzup> I am trying to figure it out
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> you mean the 'bad usage' right?
<arno11> yep
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<inky> fmg, i am sorry to ask you to troubleshoot it, you did with gabble and my utf domain, now haze does not login for me.
<inky> you had ֆմգ@ծոց.հայ for test
<inky> i can reset password if it is not saved anywhere.
<Wizzup> arno11: I thought that maybe I am passing in an empty string and this trips up mount, I am going to investigate
<Wizzup> I thought I found it yesterday, but it was very late so maybe I messed up the fix
<arno11> ah ok
<Wizzup> arno11: yeah my fix was wrong
<Wizzup> I think
<arno11> in libdevuansdk or ?
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<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> let's see
<arno11> ok
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<Wizzup> sicelo: maeotp icon when? :)
<arno11> btw with daedalus i see sometimes unusual wifi current draw. it stops if i disconnect/connect again
<arno11> around +60mA
<arno11> *idle
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I think the mount: bad usage is fixed now
<Wizzup> let me fix it also for arm-sdk
<arno11> cool
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<inky> ploum wrote about maemo, i think my message didn't reach you https://ploum.net/2025-03-08-linux_desktop3.html
<Wizzup> uvos wrote about it earlier today
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<uvos__> Wizzup: no i dident that was inky the first time around too :)
<uvos__> thats why i was extra confused about your comment
<freemangordon> inky: sorry, no time for that now, I am super busy with my RL job and have t ofix ofonoCVE first
<Wizzup> uvos__: ha, ok :D :D
<Wizzup> inky: looks like I got you confused with uvos earlier
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think image builds should be fixed now btw
<Wizzup> daedalus vm image just built (I haven't tested it yet)
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<arno11> it built and quite quickly
<freemangordon> Wizzup: great
<freemangordon> lets see fi anyone will test it
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<dsc_> nice @ image
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