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<freemangordon> sicelo: you said only CVE-2024-7537 has to be fixed, right?
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<freemangordon> dsc_: which contact do you set those on?
<freemangordon> also, why conversations change contacts information?
<dsc_> conversations does not change contact attributes, but it listens for attribute changes from abook
<donihalim> arno11: @telegram, voice msgs indeed works fine
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<arno11> donihalim: @telegram, for wifi pretty sure that's just a question of port forwarding (because it works quite fine on some local networks, not on others)
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<arno11> *@calls
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<dsc_> freemangordon: maybe you know if attrs like telephone, e-mail are picked up by address book?
<dsc_> via haze xmpp CM
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<sicelo> freemangordon: yes, only that one, since we basically already fixed all the others
<freemangordon> sicelo: ok, great
<freemangordon> dsc_: sorry, I still don;t get it how CM, haze or not, knows telephone, mail, etc
<dsc_> hi
<dsc_> my question is, does the address book show/store vcard attrs like telephone from xmpp through haze CM
<freemangordon> however, if that's the case, I would say it is eds-backend-telepathy that shall deal with them, not conversations, unless I am missing something
<dsc_> yes my question is if Leste stores telephone, etc.
<freemangordon> lemme check
<dsc_> if the counterparty changes or adds such attribute, address book is not updated to show these
<dsc_> (im not sure if it ever supported that)
<freemangordon> I remember fremantle facebook xmpp plugin using BDAY from facebook
<freemangordon> lemme check what it was doing back then
<freemangordon> dsc_: is this ^^^ what you mean?
<dsc_> yes
<freemangordon> various contact attributes coming from the remote contact
<freemangordon> ok
<dsc_> birthday is one of the attrs
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> lemme try to find something
<dsc_> full name/gender/birthday/address/email/phone/pubkey
<dsc_> probably some xmpp extension specification
<dsc_> some of which I *may* want to use in conversations
<dsc_> for example, if its the birthday, there need to be fireworks particle simulation with compute shaders
<freemangordon> yes, I understand
<freemangordon> but I don;t remember anything else but BDAY being used
<dsc_> ;')
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<dsc_> another question, how to raise the address book window of a specific contact
<dsc_> you showed me some links
<freemangordon> yes, those addressbook supports dbus calls
<dsc_> right ok
<freemangordon> however, what is "address book window"?
<dsc_> the screen of an individual contact, as opposed to the overview
<freemangordon> contact view with actions?
<dsc_> yes
<freemangordon> you can open that dialog in conversations
<dsc_> I want to open/show this from conversations
<dsc_> because address book shall handle friendship authorization
<freemangordon> no, this does not work like that
<freemangordon> abook handles only "request auth"
<freemangordon> hmm, lemme see what did I do back then
<dsc_> btw, re: attrs; there is 'display name' which is most used
<dsc_> I just changed my name to `dsc_bla2` but address book doesnt update this
<freemangordon> dsc_: ok, why should it update it? roster contact is connected to master contact usually
<freemangordon> however, I may be missing the usecase here
<freemangordon> also, haze is not the best CM to use
<dsc_> in conversations I'd like to display the most up-to-date display name
<freemangordon> I remember that being properly updated for facebook (through haze)
<freemangordon> are you sure haze CM propagates that to TP?
<freemangordon> the change
<dsc_> let me check
<freemangordon> check with dbus-monitor
<freemangordon> dsc_: should work, see osso_abook_contact_fetch_roster_info()
<freemangordon> if it does not, either data is not provided or there is a bug
<dsc_> ok yes, haze does not properly update 'NICKNAME'
<dsc_> it does not update NICKNAME at all*
<dsc_> or maybe the sender of this dbus message is something else.. not sure
<dsc_> I updated the counterparty display name
<dsc_> which generated this traffic
<dsc_> I went from `dsc_bla2` to `dsc_bla235`
<dsc_> it doesnt even mention `dsc_bla2`
<freemangordon> are you sure this is contact property and not some UI thing?
<dsc_> its gajim xmpp client
<freemangordon> so, AliasesChanged wha emited, right?
<freemangordon> *was
<dsc_> yes
<freemangordon> but, with wrong data?
<dsc_> yes
<dsc_> i dont understand it tbh
<dsc_> so there must be state somewhere
<dsc_> i rebooted few minutes ago
<freemangordon> and?
<freemangordon> maybe the server does not distribute the change immediately
<dsc_> unlikely
<freemangordon> perhaps start haze from shell with debug logs enabled and see what comes
<freemangordon> back to auth requests: that shall be handled by rtcom-notifications-ui
<freemangordon> (which we still lack :) )
<dsc_> lets see if eBPF is present on Leste
<dsc_> so I can MITM TLS traffic
<freemangordon> noneed
<freemangordon> haze will dump clear traffic
<dsc_> ok
<freemangordon> given you provide correct env vars
<dsc_> anyway, regarding NICKNAME/display name
<dsc_> even if Tp provides it
<dsc_> we ask abook for such info
<freemangordon> so?
<dsc_> yeah just fyi
<freemangordon> well, sure
<dsc_> ill check traffic
<freemangordon> but tp eds plugin shall provide it
<dsc_> disregard that link, in my PR it asks abook for it
<dsc_> but yes
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<dsc_> traffic looks ok
<dsc_> `dsc_bla123` is the new one
<freemangordon> ok, but if haze propagates that?
<dsc_> yeah.
<freemangordon> btw, why do you use haze for xmpp?
<dsc_> the other one was more broken
<freemangordon> hmm
<dsc_> i forgot the exact issue
<dsc_> but haze worked better
<freemangordon> jabber is broken?
<dsc_> yeah, let me check what exactly was broken because I forgot
<inky> it has problems for me too, i send but dont receive.
<inky> let me try agait
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<inky> oh you fixed it? amazing it works!
<inky> i now both send and receive in gabble
<inky> haze i can't login with my utf jid
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<dsc_> ok forget about haze, jabber works
<sicelo> freemangordon: thanks so much for looking into ofono!
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<sicelo> btw, debian-side, we managed to get the security team to downgrade the severity of that CVE, so as of this morning, ofono is in
<sicelo> in 'testing', which means it is slated to be available in Trixie :-)
<dsc_> freemangordon: ah I see now, avatar changes dont work with jabber (gabble) CM
<dsc_> they work after the counter-party goes offline/online though :)
<dsc_> but yes, this was the issue
<dsc_> in addition, no dbus traffic when xmpp attributes change
<dsc_> correction: vcard attrs specifically, because presence updates do work
<Wizzup> sicelo: amazing, ty!\
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<Wizzup> (and freemangordon of course)
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<dsc_> sicelo: do you have a screenshot with what you mean @ qalender
<dsc_> i can quickly take a look today
<sicelo> mmm, i don't have my leste N900 handy atm, but in a couple of hours will. however, qalendar is preinstalled on all Leste devices, so you also have it. :-)
<sicelo> turn to the month view and you'll see the week numbers on the left don't line up with the actual week rows
<sicelo> qalendar --> the calendar application in Leste, since the original was closed source
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<dsc_> ah yes
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<dsc_> height is -1 because dynamic, probably used in a table
<dsc_> ah no, QVBoxLayout
<dsc_> i can control the height
<dsc_> but it needs to be aware of how many rows there are on the right side
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<dsc_> hmm no the main view is actually scrollable
<dsc_> ah ok ill fix it..
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<dsc_> close 'nuff
<freemangordon> sicelo: this was before I sent the patch?
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<sicelo> freemangordon: yes :-)
<sicelo> dsc_: nice, and thanks! i wouldn't have got it. and yes, i have looked before :-)
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<sicelo> fun fact: qalendar didn't have this problem in Fremantle. wonder how Qt4 vs. Qt5 caused it
<dsc_> hmm not sure
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<freemangordon> sicelo: part of the issues are because style plugin lacks functionality
<freemangordon> I will look at it, someday
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