conversations does not change contact attributes, but it listens for attribute changes from abook
arno11: @telegram, voice msgs indeed works fine
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donihalim: @telegram, for wifi pretty sure that's just a question of port forwarding (because it works quite fine on some local networks, not on others)
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freemangordon: maybe you know if attrs like telephone, e-mail are picked up by address book?
via haze xmpp CM
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freemangordon: yes, only that one, since we basically already fixed all the others
sicelo: ok, great
dsc_: sorry, I still don;t get it how CM, haze or not, knows telephone, mail, etc
my question is, does the address book show/store vcard attrs like telephone from xmpp through haze CM
however, if that's the case, I would say it is eds-backend-telepathy that shall deal with them, not conversations, unless I am missing something
yes my question is if Leste stores telephone, etc.
lemme check
if the counterparty changes or adds such attribute, address book is not updated to show these
(im not sure if it ever supported that)
I remember fremantle facebook xmpp plugin using BDAY from facebook
lemme check what it was doing back then
dsc_: is this ^^^ what you mean?
various contact attributes coming from the remote contact
birthday is one of the attrs
lemme try to find something
full name/gender/birthday/address/email/phone/pubkey
probably some xmpp extension specification
some of which I *may* want to use in conversations
for example, if its the birthday, there need to be fireworks particle simulation with compute shaders
yes, I understand
but I don;t remember anything else but BDAY being used
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another question, how to raise the address book window of a specific contact
you showed me some links
yes, those addressbook supports dbus calls
right ok
however, what is "address book window"?
the screen of an individual contact, as opposed to the overview
contact view with actions?
you can open that dialog in conversations
btw, why do you use haze for xmpp?
the other one was more broken
i forgot the exact issue
but haze worked better
jabber is broken?
yeah, let me check what exactly was broken because I forgot
it has problems for me too, i send but dont receive.
let me try agait
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oh you fixed it? amazing it works!
i now both send and receive in gabble
haze i can't login with my utf jid
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ok forget about haze, jabber works
freemangordon: thanks so much for looking into ofono!
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btw, debian-side, we managed to get the security team to downgrade the severity of that CVE, so as of this morning, ofono is in
in 'testing', which means it is slated to be available in Trixie :-)
freemangordon: ah I see now, avatar changes dont work with jabber (gabble) CM
they work after the counter-party goes offline/online though :)
but yes, this was the issue
in addition, no dbus traffic when xmpp attributes change
correction: vcard attrs specifically, because presence updates do work
sicelo: amazing, ty!\
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(and freemangordon of course)
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sicelo: do you have a screenshot with what you mean @ qalender
i can quickly take a look today
mmm, i don't have my leste N900 handy atm, but in a couple of hours will. however, qalendar is preinstalled on all Leste devices, so you also have it. :-)
turn to the month view and you'll see the week numbers on the left don't line up with the actual week rows
qalendar --> the calendar application in Leste, since the original was closed source