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<donihalim> :q
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<davidhamner> Was having a lot of fun playing with the build script. Too much fun, perhaps.
<sicelo> the zoom in-out effect is ... disturbing.
<sicelo> wonder why theme is not applied in your VM. you created the VM yourself, or you downloaded it off maedevu?
<davidhamner> sicelo: Haha, the zooming was just me being lazy because it's late. It's a hackjob of Debian 12 base and systemd plus and a hacked on daedalus repo for the maemo pakages. I'm just glad it boots at all.
<davidhamner> Gotta listen to the song. ;)
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<sicelo> oh nice @systemd
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<Wizzup> davidhamner: fun @ video :D
<Wizzup> where is the list of changes?
<dsc_> davidhamner: hehe nice
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<inky> this is the output on pinephone:
<inky> that's apt output. HAM output when installing maemo update is:
<inky> get: Unable to update 'Maemo Leste'.
<inky> Conflict with application packages: hildon-base (1.6+m7.1)
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<dsc_> hmm
<dsc_> I think my chimaera is broken
<dsc_> its a fresh VM, connected to IRC, it is connected but cannot receives messages
<dsc_> no dbus traffic
<dsc_> is this correct?
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<inky> sorry my paste was without devel enabled (i thought it could help), new paste, restored devel line in sources.list, but no change
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<donihalim> i just find out that using 0.7 scaling on surf browser make it usable on the n900
<donihalim> you might also want to enable boost to make it smoother
<donihalim> if you patient enough you can also browse repository on github lol
<donihalim> n900 still rocking
<sicelo> :-D
<sicelo> 15 years on
<dsc_> nvm @ apt.sources
<dsc_> when closing a conversation window
<dsc_> but only in my new refactor of conversations ;(
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<sicelo> very nice work indeed!
<dsc_> ok ehh
<dsc_> chimerea-devel is just broken maybe
<dsc_> ive been debugging why conversations is crashing for the second day
<dsc_> well.. the master does work
<dsc_> oh look at that, its related to my remote debugging setup
<dsc_> so something changed, which makes remote debugging with CLion not work anymore
* dsc_ pulls out hair
<dsc_> Wizzup: ETA Daedalus image :)
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<Wizzup> inky: I think freemangordon explicitly stated that -devel was broken in this sense currently, and that this is expected on -devel
<inky> ah ok. but interesting, since d4 is also on devel and it's fine. was able to do the same. but ok, it is a known issue.
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