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<sewn> hi
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<synima> Hellu friends, currently getting "Cannot create DRM backend: disabled at compile time" enabled some DRM kernel modules and decompiled however its still giving me the error, using dwl btw
<sewn> synima: did you build libdrm and wlroots?
<sewn> and from which repo
<synima> One moment
<synima> Using version 0.17, had to fork and make my own
<synima> Newest version of dwl needs 0.17
<synima> But the version I forked was from kiss-community, same for libdrm
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<ugacac> guys, do u maybe know whats preventing me to update kiss packages? /home/stakor # kiss update
<ugacac> -> Updating repositories
<ugacac> -> /home/stakor/repos/kiss32-repo
<ugacac> ERROR Invalid KISS_SU value: (valid: doas, sudo, sls, su)
<ugacac> do i need to create user and execute the command using doas for exsample and not root?
<ugacac> ok... Just rechrooted again and it works now...
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<sewn> synima: try head of dwl
<sewn> ugacac: ensure youre using kiss-community tarball, extracted in a directory where there is root perms
<sewn> kiss32-repo is dead
<sewn> it seems to be archived
<ugacac> yeah i had a problem again... I found out i did not clone with "git clone --recurse-submodules repo" as it says at github :)
<ugacac> ill test it soon. maybe that was the problem
<sewn> kiss32-repo is deeaaaddd
<ugacac> is there a community repo for 32 bit?
<sewn> what are you trying run kiss on?
<ugacac> ancient hardware :P
<sewn> imo you should run gentoo or alpine instead
<sewn> unless you really have the passion to start maintaining a 32-bit repository
<ugacac> id like to learn... And it seems like a nice thing to make me learn about linux, isnt it?
<sewn> this primarily teaches you about how to make a linux distro
<ugacac> exsactly
<sewn> if that's the case, you can start forking kiss-community/repo, and adjust it in a way to make it build on 32-bit
<sewn> similar to kiss32-repo
<sewn> you can see gentoo or alpine for how they handle architectures
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<synima> Anyone gonna update wlroots in the community package or shall I make a pull request
<synima> Needs a few more deps
<synima> Community repo*
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