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<beach> Wow, the example code in the FUNCALL dictionary entry does not only invoke undefined behavior, but is in fact specified to be nonconforming.
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<beach> And I don't see an easy way to fix it, because it relies on the symbol CONS to mean three different things.
<beach> I guess define a new global function and substitute it for CONS.
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<scymtym> speaking of, did we discuss before that https://novaspec.org/cl/f_mapc mentions a result-type in one sentence without any connection to the rest of the entry?
<ixelp> mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon | Common Lisp Nova Spec
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<beach> I don't recall that.
<beach> That phrase must have been copied from MAP.
<scymtym> (i don't mean novaspec specifically. dpans contains the same sentence)
<beach> Yes, of course.
<beach> Indeed, the same sentence appears in the entry for MAP.
<scymtym> the resolution is just removal for MAPC and friends, right?
<beach> That's what I think, yes.
<beach> scymtym: Speaking of which, I haven't been writing "issues" for WSCL because of the constraints on the layout. I wonder whether there is a way to fix that.
<beach> I kind of imagined a website where one could fill in a form, more or less complete, and then work on it little by little.
<beach> But I am not able to create such a thing myself. I asked (I think here) whether someone would be interested, but I unsurprisingly didn't get any takers.
<beach> ... despite my impression that the majority of participants do web programming all the time.
<scymtym> for small things or when short on time, i have just submitted github issues. those can be turned into proper issues or, if uncontroversial, immediate changes as described in https://github.com/s-expressionists/dpans/tree/main/changes
<beach> Yes, I see.
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, I'm wondering about approaches to out-of-band signaling in CL. I've got a procedure (method) that mostly is just processing a lot of incoming data, but occasionally needs to signal to higher level code that something needs to be done. Not an error, just pass out a message. Was wondering what approaches I might take here.
<gilberth> Define a condition. Conditions don't need to be errors.
<gilberth> ,(progn (define-condition foo () ()) (handler-bind ((foo #'(lambda (c) (format t "~%Hey! ~S~%" c)))) (prin1 'foo) (signal 'foo) (prin1 'bar)))
<ixelp> (progn (define-condition foo () ()) (handler-bind ((foo #'(lambda (c) (format t "~%Hey! ~S~%" c)))) (prin1 'foo) (signal 'foo) (prin1 'bar))) FOO ↩ Hey! #<FOO #x14411786> ↩ BAR => BAR
<gilberth> A pity still that the colour is lost.
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<lispmacs[work]> okay, thanks. I'll look at that more closely when I get to the part of the code that needs to raise the condition
<lispmacs[work]> I like these examples in the hyperspec
<lispmacs[work]> => ATE-TOO-MUCH-ICE-CREAM
<lispmacs[work]> (make-condition 'ate-too-much-ice-cream
<lispmacs[work]> :flavor 'chocolate)
<lispmacs[work]> :weight 300
<lispmacs[work]> :person 'fred
<lispmacs[work]> => #<ATE-TOO-MUCH-ICE-CREAM 32236101>
<gilberth> Em. (signal 'used-wrong-site :user 'lispmacs[work] :should-follow "https://novaspec.org/cl/f_define-condition")
<lispmacs[work]> I'd have to figure out how to make slime's HYPERSPEC-LOOKUP jump to that instead
<gilberth> Oh, that is perhaps something that I should offer.
<gilberth> There must be some table mapping symbols to URLs.
<lispmacs[work]> I think there is one variable for that, I'll look...
<gilberth> I find some MAPC mapping over a list. But it doesn't include the kind of definition you want. Like e.g. CONS is both a function and a type.
<lispmacs[work]> one can set common-lisp-hyperspec-root, but I don't know if your URL structure is compat or not
<gilberth> I don't have those landing pages that ask you whether you meant CONS, the type, or CONS the function.
<gilberth> But thanks! I keep that in mind and next time round I attend to my Nova Spec, I'll come up with something.
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<lispmacs[work]> is there some handy built-in function for checking if a number is in a certain range. Other than the obvious "(and (>= ...) (<= ...))"
<gilberth> ,(<= 0 5 10) ,(<= 0 99 10)
<ixelp> (<= 0 5 10) => T, also (<= 0 99 10) => NIL
<thuna`> lispmacs[work]: (<= min val max)?
<lispmacs[work]> oh, okay, I didn't know that took more parameters
<lispmacs[work]> thanks
<moon-child> what's annoying though is there is no way to say (and (<= x y) (< y z))
<moon-child> aside from like (typep y `(real ,x (,z))) or something
<gilberth> Indeed.
<thuna`> How would a range be represented? A cons cell is the obvious choice but then you can't specify closedness
<moon-child> however you want
<thuna`> moon-child: A "sane" representation, I mean. I can't think of any
<thuna`> ((min . closedp) . (max . closedp)) maybe?
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<gilberth> Type specifiers have it (real closed-min closed-max) and (real (open-min) (open-max)).
<gilberth> And * for infinity.
<thuna`> gilberth: Oh, I wasn't aware of the (open-min) syntax
<gilberth> Would I really suffer I'd just define (defun <=< (a x b) (and (<= a x) (< x b)) and be set.
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<BrokenCog> hellos. I'm trying to figure out how to use dexador, (dex:get *url* :basic-auth '(("uname" . "pass"))) returns the HTML, but, I'm not able to authenticate. The root page has a "username" and "password" input forms.
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<BrokenCog> I'm not tied to dexador, if a different package works better I'm happy to use it.
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<gilberth> Then I would assume that HTTP basic authentication isn't used at all. It almost never is. There is no general solution, you would need to reverse engineer what requests go back and forth when the user submits the user name and password.
<BrokenCog> ah. okay. does dex:post work over HTTPS? that shouldn't be related ?
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<lispmacs[work]> thuna`: gilberth: I noticed in SBCL that my (<= min val max) function gets translated to a function called SB-KERNEL:RANGE by the compiler
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<bike> probably cos it can do some hacker's delight trickery to make it one comparison.
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