jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<trocado> paulapatience: I don't know about Qlot, I'll check it out.
<trocado> That seem more complicated than installing quicklisp though
<paulapatience> That's the trick though, I don't use Qlot. I just picked the same format to avoid inventing another
<paulapatience> It's trivial to parse with Awk and dispatch the downloading to git or curl
<paulapatience> You can also just put the dependencies in a shell script where you directly invoke curl or git
<paulapatience> Now, if your project has many dependencies, the list of transitive dependencies may be quite large. I think some people have written some code to walk the list via ASDF. You could then look up the sources Quicklisp uses.
<paulapatience> I went a different way. I wrote a Guix script which fetches that information from Guix instead.
<paulapatience> I will eventually release the script, but for the time being if you are interested in trying this method, just tell me your direct dependencies and I can send you the full list of transitive dependencies.
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<pve> Hi, is it allowed to do this for dispatching macro characters?
<pve> (set-macro-character #\# (get-macro-character #\# readtable-1) readtable-2)
<pve> It works on sbcl, but ecl doesn't like it.
<pve> oh, I may have spoken too soon
<pve> ok, sorry I meant:
<pve> (set-macro-character #\# (get-macro-character #\# readtable-1) nil readtable-2)
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<beach> What is the error signaled by ECL?
<pve> beach: 'Reader error in file #<string-input stream from "#(1 2 3)" 0x7f45614abbe0>, position 1: # is not a dispatching macro character'
<pve> when I try to read-from-string "#(1 2 3)"
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<splittist> And if you get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\( readtable-[1|2] on the implementations?
<pve> for 1 it returns a function, for 2 it signals "#\# is not a dispatch character."
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<pve> this is what I tried:
<pve> oh, I should probably do (copy-readtable nil), let me change that
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<splittist> So it sounds like SBCL copies across everything that # dispatches to, and its dispatchiness, whereas ECL does not. If you set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\( (get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\( rt1) rt2), I would think that should work.
* splittist should upcase the CL: symbols
<pve> splittist: yeah, that works
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<splittist> Now, I wonder if, having dispatchified # once, the other sub-chars will now magically work?
<pve> splittist: they do!
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<pve> but my impression (from reading the hyperspec) was that a dispatching macro character *is* a macro character and that using just set-macro-character should work, but apparently not?
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<splittist> Is the dispatchiness a property of the character or the readtable? The note for SET-/GET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER says "It is necessary to use make-dispatch-macro-character to set up the dispatch character before specifying its sub-characters." Whatever that means.
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<splittist> pve: sounds like you really want SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR #\# #\# rt1 rt2. "If the character is a dispatching macro character, its entire dispatch table of reader macro functions is copied."
<pve> splittist: ah, thanks, let me investigate this
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<pve> splittist: The page for make-dispatch-macro-character says, under "side effects", that "the readtable is altered". To me this sounds like the dispatchiness of a character is a property of the readtable.
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<pve> oh I think I understand what you meant now, nevermind
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<madnificent> Is there a way to make sbcl throw up a stack trace when the control stack gets exhausted? We seem to have an issue luckless but I'm not sure. The call originates from hunchentoot and hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* is nil.
<madnificent> s/issue luckless/issue with luckless/
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<beach> I get a backtrace for an exhausted stack.
<madnificent> Strange. I had expected that but don't see it in sly's mrepl nor in the inferior lisp buffer.
<beach> Hmm.
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<beach> Perhaps it is due to the fact that I use (DEBUG 3) always.
<madnificent> I do see =Control stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution=
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<madnificent> That would be a logical step to add to Luckless for this. Assuming that's where it actually breaks.
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<madnificent> I created a stupid infinite recursive call and that shows a stack trace when running from the repl, but not when the call is handled through hunchentoot.
<beach> Oh, I see.
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<decweb> `*break-on-signals*` might be of use, or not.
<madnificent> Too bad the code doesn't support easily mocking the incoming request. Luckily break and the repl let me hack around that.
<madnificent> Looks like an issue with Luckless.
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<madnificent> decweb: it's nil at this point, so worth trying
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<madnificent> hmm, but that would be weird, because it does break on signals if called from outside of hunchentoot
<decweb> I use it to debug hunchentoot
<decweb> (more accurately, my code dispatched from a hunchentoot thread)
<madnificent> decweb: that indeed makes it break, not the nicest for this code though as it throws and catches.
<madnificent> but it helps!!
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<madnificent> Shinmera: hope you read this :) It seems I have hit an infinite loop in Luckless HashTable. It goes (setf gethash) -> put-if-match -> %put-if-match -> copy-slot-and-check -> %help-copy -> copy-slot -> %put-if-match. Any suggestions on mitigating this, providing a report, or a good strategy for hunting it down?
<madnificent> First food
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<Shinmera> no
<Shinmera> hayley might have some ideas, she looked at it more than I have
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<madnificent> hayley: crossed fingers. Perhaps I'm sending incorrect data or somesuch.
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<madnificent> I cannot reproduce with the branch at no-defun-allowed but I do not know if that is due to different heuristics or due to fixes in the implementation because I am not sure what the intent is.
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<lispmacs[work]> I am wondering about jpl-queues package, specifically bounded vs. unbounded FIFOs. It would more convenient for me to use an unbounded FIFO, but unbounded FIFO conses the new elements, so I'm wondering how brutal that will be performance wise for a really active FIFO
<lispmacs[work]> with the memory allocation and the garbage collection
<lispmacs[work]> well, could just make it a really big bounded queue, I suppose
<lispmacs[work]> what's a few megabytes between friends
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