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<jcowan> KMP will be presenting "Lisp Life Lessons" (online) at 6 PM New York time on Dec 12. See https://www.meetup.com/lispnyc/events/296163568/
<ixelp> Lisp Life Lessons; An evening with Kent Pitman, Tue, Dec 12, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup
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<phoe> jcowan: will this be recorded? asking as a European
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<skeemer> hello everyone i was considering reading the seasoner schemer but with common lisp, i know it's a scheme book mainly but it was just to grasp the concepts explained without leaving slime/cl
<skeemer> i was wondering does sbcl has TCO ? i mean tail call optimization
<bike> yes, but unlike in scheme it is not considered a necessity for the semantics, so whether the optimization is applied can vary based on optimization settings etc.
<beach> And the standard doesn't require it, so some implementations might not have it.
<beach> skeemer: In Scheme, iteration is explained in terms of tail recursion. In Common Lisp, that is not the case. Common Lisp has a lower-level primitive that iteration is usually defined in terms of, namely TAGBODY.
<skeemer> beach: clear, it was more of a curiosity
<skeemer> but good to know
<skeemer> i knew TCO was not in the standard and it is up to the implementation
<skeemer> also do you know if following the seasoned and the reasoned schemer is viable through cl ?
<beach> Not me. I haven't read them.
<beach> Is there something wrong with "Practical Common Lisp"?
<skeemer> beach: PCL has nothing wrong... but PCL is "Practical", the TLP series explores more CS concepts
<skeemer> i guess a problem i will have with cl is that cl does not have continuations iirc
<skeemer> can somebody confirm that ?
<skeemer> i guess the seasoned schemer goes a bit deeper with continuations
<beach> Common Lisp does not have first-class continuation if that is your question.
<skeemer> beach: as opposed to scheme ?
<beach> Scheme does have first-class continuations, yes.
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<pranavats> skeemer: The reasoned schemer does Logic Programming using miniKanren. You might want to use kanren-trs library from quicklisp for that. Or you can implement microKanren in CL (mostly 1-to-1 translation from the scheme code) Continuations are not required for miniKanren. Don't know about the seasoned schemer.
<skeemer> pranavats: thanks a lot
<skeemer> yes pranavats seasoned schemers plays a lot with continuations
<skeemer> iirc
<skeemer> maybe there is some porkaround i could use from CL
<aeth> you can make the first or last argument of every function into an implicit continuation, but then you need to transform it back to normal
<aeth> or, rather, the other way around, you need to transform normal into continuation passing style
<skeemer> aeth: ok so i can still do them in cl
<aeth> if someone else wrote a library for that
<beach> I think it will be hard to use Common Lisp to simulate the use of call/cc.
<beach> But if all they do is CPS, then a Common Lisp implementation with tail-call optimization should work.
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<skeemer> beach: i am skimming through the book in question, The Seasoned Schemer
<skeemer> and i just see the use of letcc and letrec
<skeemer> but no call/cc
<skeemer> but i don't know what letcc and letrec do
<skeemer> so they could just be another name for call/cc
<skeemer> i don't know it yet
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<skeemer> beach: why hard? isn't cl the extensible programming language where we can add all features that we want?
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<yottabyte> hello, I've been doing Advent of Code to learn CL, I was hoping someone could give me feedback/code review: https://github.com/NoorKhan/advent-of-code-2023/blob/main/2/2.lisp
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<pfdietz> skeemer: up to a point.
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<bike> let/cc is just call/cc framed as a binding operation. letrec is unrelated.
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<beach> skeemer: call/cc (call-with-current-continuation) is a very low-level primitive that requires the possibility to save the current stack (the current continuation). You can't emulate that in a language that doesn't have it already.
<beach> yottabyte: Why all the blank lines inside top-level forms? That's not conventional style.
<beach> yottabyte: Top-level comments should have three or four semicolons.
<yottabyte> that's actually something my friend told me to do, before I had no blank lines so it was just one line after another
<beach> It sounds like you should not listen to that friend for advice on Common Lisp.
<beach> Where did that friend learn Common Lisp?
<yottabyte> maybe I misunderstood him... are you saying I should not have any blank lines in a function?
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<beach> Not inside a top-level form, no. Between top-level forms, one blank line.
<beach> yottabyte: Do you use SLIME and Emacs to write your code? I am asking because your LOOP indentation is not what SLIME gives.
<yottabyte> yup, slime and emacs
<yottabyte> if my formatting is ever off I highlight the entire function and press tab and that's what it gives me
<beach> Then your WHILE and your DO should line up with your FOR.
<beach> You are using an IF without an `else' form. If the value of your IF is used, then you should provide and `else' form. If not, you should use WHEN instead.
<beach> You didn't answer my question about where your friend learned Common Lisp.
<ixelp> Loop, iteration, mapping
<yottabyte> do these blank lines look better now? https://github.com/NoorKhan/advent-of-code-2023/blob/main/2/2.lisp
<beach> The indentation of LOOP clauses is inconsistent on that page.
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<beach> The LOOP clause keywords should line up. And that's what SLIME does, at least when you use SLIME-INDENTATION which I believe is the default now.
<beach> You should never indent things manually, or at least only exceptionally.
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<yottabyte> so like for, while, and do should be vertically aligned?
<beach> If a person reading your code discovers incorrect indentation, that person must, in order to understand your code, count parentheses (because the indentation can't be trusted). And that is not polite.
<beach> Yes.
<yottabyte> yeah my emacs doesn't do that for some reason...
<yottabyte> but use WHEN if you don't have an else form for IF, got it
<beach> Also, line 10 is incorrectly indented I think.
<beach> Are you using SLIME-indentation?
<yottabyte> how do I find out?
<beach> Look in your Emacs startup file where SLIME is configured. There should be a slime-indentation there somewhere. But I thought it was the default these days.
<beach> Silly question: did you start SLIME before editing your code?
<yottabyte> yup, I always have the slime repl open in another buffer
<yottabyte> I C-x C-e all day
<beach> You should have something like this: (slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-tramp slime-asdf slime-indentation))
<beach> ... in your Emacs startup file.
<yottabyte> I actually have no slime setup in my .emacs. I do load slime-helper.el from quicklisp
<beach> Maybe it's done differently these days. Quicklisp used to tell you what to put in your .emacs, or perhaps even add it for you.
<beach> Maybe someone else knows how to get the correct SLIME setup these days.
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<beach> You might consider using the "p" suffix like "validp" and "valid-subset-p" rather than "valid" and "is-valid-subset".
<yottabyte> blank lines look better now though? or should I have blank lines in my let and let*
<yottabyte> ah yes, I know about that "p" suffix convention
<beach> There is usually no blank lines inside a top-level form.
<yottabyte> but aren't there multiple top level forms in the let, and you said to blank line between top level forms? each variable bound
<beach> If you have the desire to put blank lines inside a top-level form, it is better to split it into several top-level forms.
<beach> A top-level form is one that is not inside another form, so anything inside a LET is not top-level.
<yottabyte> ohhh so I still have blank lines I need to remove
<beach> Instead of a (LET ((CUBES...)...) ...) inside another LET in the LOOP, you can do (LOOP FOR SUBSET IN SUBSETS FOR CUBES = (UIOP:SPLIT....)).
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<beach> Same thing with the LET* inside the DO inside LOOP. You can do FOR CUBE-INFO = ... FOR CUBE-COUNT = ...
<beach> And you might want to insert a few newlines to avoid very wide lines.
<beach> Stuff like IF gets more readable if you put the test and the `then' and `else' forms on different lines when the sub-forms are big.
<yottabyte> okay, so doing them inside the DO acts like a LET*?
<beach> Not inside the DO, as separate LOOP clauses.
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<yottabyte> ah
<beach> Doing them as separate FOR <stuff> = ... will act as a LET*.
<yottabyte> gotcha
<beach> And you can use (LOOP WITH CUBES = ... WITH VALID = T ...) to avoid a surrounding LET as well.
<beach> This will save you some horizontal space which is a precious resource.
<beach> Am I reading GET-GAME-POWERS right that you create GAME-POWERS in the beginning and then no use it until the end?
<beach> A very general rule in programming is that you want to minimize the scope of your variables so that the person reading your code has fewer things to keep in mind simultaneously.
<yottabyte> that's what I want to return, and I add to it when I'm able to
<beach> Oh, wait, I see. The loop adds to it.
<beach> You might try to use the LOOP keywords COLLECT and APPEND to avoid such side effects.
<yottabyte> ah yeah, that would be cleaner than the verbose setf I have
<beach> Or in this case, perhaps a DO iteration variable. I can't read DO, so I can't tell.
<yottabyte> I might have to still setf actually. but yeah
<beach> You might want to extract the (loop for value being...) to a separate function.
<beach> In general, several small functions (correctly named) will give a more readable program.
<moon-child> in my experience slime is completely broken for nontrivial use of loop
<beach> moon-child: Your experience is totally different from mine. SLIME-INDENTATION is quite good actually.
<beach> It even does stuff line AND correctly.
<moon-child> I don't have an example handy. But I find it gets completely confused for any nontrivial nesting
<beach> I am guessing you are not using SLIME-INDENTATION.
<yottabyte> right, I just kinda copied and pasted that loop for value thing. I shouldn't extracted it out into its own function, that was just laziness haha
<yottabyte> I should've*
<beach> yottabyte: Anyway, that should give you some work for a while. Perhaps you can resubmit after those improvements.
<yottabyte> for sure, I took down all of your notes and I will address them beach. thanks
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<Shinmera> more scymtym fixes, more engine progress! https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/111517980354801065
<ixelp> Yukari Hafner: "Some more progress made, still got quite a bit to…" - TyNET
<yottabyte> I still don't know what's going on with some of the formatting, like the fors are still not vertically aligned
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<fourier> yottabyte: in a loop instead of "do (when" just use loop´s own "when". loop is powerful
<fourier> Also please note beach's suggestion on using loop with instead of surrounding let
<yottabyte> loop with?
<yottabyte> I did a bunch of for = where I could
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<ixelp> CLHS: Section
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<yottabyte> oh interesting... so should I change my for ... = ... to with ... = ...?
<yottabyte> oh, I think I still need the for ... = ... for things that are in my iterable, but yeah, the with is nice for the outer lets
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<aeth> right... for iterates, with stays constant unless you SETF it
<yottabyte> it looks strange because for ... = ... I'm not iterating, I just need this set for each iteration. but I guess I can read it like that and then it's not so strange
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<fourier> "loop with a = x" is essentially the same as "let ((a x)) (loop ...". Just saves you an indentation :)
<yottabyte> right
<yottabyte> that link that edgar-rft shared was nice. someone should add it to https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/iteration.html#terminate-the-loop-with-a-test-until-while
<ixelp> Loop, iteration, mapping
<yottabyte> maybe even I'll look into putting up a PR...
<fourier> Of course if you are not planning to use the variable after the loop
<yottabyte> I generally find the hyperspec to be very hard to read. but maybe that's because I haven't read it enough. the syntax is a lot to look at
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro LOOP
<yottabyte> like what in the world is this. I'm sorry
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<yottabyte> maybe I'm just dumb
<fourier> Hyperspec is a reference, not a tutorial. I usually use practical coo
<fourier> practical common lisp as a "tutorial" instead
<fourier> Its free online
<yottabyte> right, I've worked through some of it
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