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<Gojira> question about map function. I'm trying to pass a keyword to the function: (map 'list testfunc alst :num num) ... the keyword :num belongs to testfunc ... but it's being consumed by map. any suggestions??
<beach> (map 'list (lambda (x) (funcall testfuc :num num)) alst)
<Gojira> ah ... presumably (map 'list (lambda (x) (funcall testfunc alst :num num))) works as well ... finding out.
<beach> Gojira: But you really need better naming. Not TESTFUNC, ALST, :NUM, NUM.
<beach> Well, I presume the TESTFUNC applies to a single element of ALST.
<beach> So then you don't want (FUNCALL TESTFUNC ALST) because then it applies to the entire list.
<Gojira> ahh no. I'm typing what you suggested and now realizing that's what you were thinking ... i do wnat it to the list. Originally I had:
<Gojira> (map 'list testfunc alst)
<beach> Then TESTFUNC applies to a single element.
<Gojira> but, I want (testfunc alst :key num) to be mapped.
<Gojira> right.
<beach> ,(map 'list #'1+ '(1 2 3 4 5))
<ixelp> (map 'list #'1+ '(1 2 3 4 5)) => (2 3 4 5 6)
<beach> Here 1+ applies to each element. Not to the list.
<beach> But (FUNCALL TESTFUNC ALST) will apply TESTFUNC to the entire list. Not to each element.
<beach> ,(funcall #'list '(1 2 3))
<ixelp> (funcall #'list '(1 2 3)) => ((1 2 3))
<Gojira> correct. because funcall expects a list of lists.
<beach> *sigh*
<Gojira> osrry ..
<beach> No, FUNCALL applies its first argument to the remaining arguments.
<Gojira> correct. because testfunc expects a lidst of lists.
<beach> I don't think so.
<Gojira> don't think what?
<beach> You said (map 'list testfunc alst), so then TESTFUNC is applied to each element of ALST.
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<Gojira> and alst is a list of lists.
<Gojira> so testfunc will get a list.
<beach> Fair enough, but that is not important here.
<Gojira> correct.
<Gojira> i want map to not consume :key, but instead pass it to testfunc.
<Gojira> along with alst
<beach> Until now, you have not told us the shape of ALST not what TESTFUNC does.
<Gojira> didn't seem important here.
<beach> But I showed you how to do that.
<beach> It is not important.
<Gojira> presumably then it should be (lambda (x) (funcall testfunc x :num num))??
<beach> What is important is that you want the second argument to MAP to be a function with a single parameter, since you are giving only one sequence for it to map over.
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<Gojira> right.
<beach> Ah, yes, I forgot the X in my example.
<Gojira> okay. that's what i was syaing originally wasn't right.
<beach> But you said (funcall testfunc alst :num num) and not (funcall testfunc x :num num)
<Gojira> right. I confused myself :)>
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<beach> Gojira: What you are doing is known as "currying", and there are library functions that can do that for you.
<beach> Presumably named after Haskell Curry.
<beach> I haven't tested this, but (map 'list (alexandria:rcurry testfunc :num num) alst) or something like that might work.
<beach> ... but you really need to improve the names of your functions and variables.
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<Gojira> I know of the concept but I've never been able to get my head around it. Don't even understand it enough to recognize when it's relevant :)> [currying].
<beach> You can read up on it on Wikipedia.
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<beach> In the DEFCLASS macro, it is indicated that the slot name must be a symbol that is syntactically valid for use as a variable name. But I can't find any such restrictions in the MOP specification for class initialization. I suppose a custom direct slot specification class could allow any old slot name.
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<agm> if you set *READ-SUPPRESS* manually, how do you go back?
<beach> ::clhs *read-suppress*
<ixelp> CLHS: Variable *READ-SUPPRESS*
<beach> agm: You set it back.
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<beach> Or you can bind it instead of setting it.
<agm> yeah okay, but you can't read a SETQ form
<beach> What?
<agm> if you're in the repl, once you set that variable you can't read other forms, i think...
<beach> I mean, of course you can. But I don't see how that is relevant.
<beach> Then don't set it manually.
<agm> haha i agree
<beach> "This variable is intended primarily to support the operation of the read-time conditional notations #+ and #-."
<agm> yes, maybe that page should include some kind of warning
<beach> agm: Good idea. I suggest you contribute such a thing to the language reference document that dnhester26 is creating.
<agm> i'll consider that
<beach> We can't directly modify that page, so this is the best we can do I think.
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<dnhester26> agm: with this link you can just edit the page (I think without having to do a fork etc) https://github.com/lisp-docs/cl-language-reference/tree/develop/docs/chap-23/cd-c-dictionary/read-suppress_variable.md
<dnhester26> If you are modifying the original specficiation because of an error instead of adding information then you can modify the original spec file here: https://github.com/lisp-docs/cl-language-reference/blob/develop/docs/chap-23/cd-c-dictionary/_read-suppress_variable.md
<dnhester26> Notice it's imported in the first file, and named the same with an additional `_` underscore prefix
<hayley> I'm told I need to make a fork when I press the edit button.
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<agm> dnhester26: thanks
<dnhester26> agm I didn't mean to bother though so no pressure, just trying to remove the friction if you were actually thinking of writing something
<dnhester26> hayley: ok, sorry, I didn't know. I guess since I'm in the repo it just let me make the change
<dnhester26> agm hayley if anyone wants to just be added to the repo to skip the fork process I can also add you if you give me your github username
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<Shinmera> By the way... you can now get Kandria and its fabulous OST in a bundle with some extra bits off on Steam (it's on sale!): https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/37667/Kandria__OST/
<ixelp> Welcome to Steam
<Shinmera> And for those not in the know, Kandria is a Lisp game: https://github.com/shirakumo/kandria
<ixelp> GitHub - Shirakumo/kandria: A post-apocalyptic actionRPG. Now on Steam!
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<paulapatience> Shinmera: Is this normal? https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4052
<paulapatience> Basically pathname-utils:native-namestring fails when provided with the result of asdf:system-relative-pathname when it has no type.
<paulapatience> Tried on the latest commit.
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, what is the trick again for quieting the style warning when a specific parameter variable is not used in a specific function
<beach> (declare (ignore <name>))
<pfdietz> Or ignorable (which is better in macros where the parameter *might* be ignored, or might not be.)
<lispmacs[work]> okay, thanks
<yitzi> Also better when there are #+/#- in the body.
<pfdietz> Also, if it's a method, you can specify (<param> t) and you don't the warning if it isn't used (but if you just write <param> in the parameter list, it does.)
<beach> pfdietz: What passage in the standard says that?
<bike> "The expansion of the defmethod macro ``refers to'' each specialized parameter (see the description of ignore within the description of declare). This includes parameters that have an explicit parameter specializer name of t." in clhs defmethod
<beach> Thank you!
<pfdietz> Right, on the page for defmethod.
<bike> technically it's undefined whether an unspecialized parameter is "referred to". sbcl treats every parameter as being referred to, specialized or not
<beach> SBCL apparently declares every parameter, specialized or not, as IGNORABLE.
<pfdietz> I think that may have changed at some point?   Vague memory.
<beach> Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
<pfdietz> It might be nice to have a NOT IGNORABLE declaration, meaning this code must refer to the name.
<beach> That would have been a good idea.
<beach> Hmm, does this mean that if a specialized parameter is explicitly declared IGNORE, that would deserve a warning?
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<paulapatience> CCL warns, though.
<beach> Good! SBCL does not.
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<pfdietz> I *think* sbcl could do it if line 732 of src/pcl/boot.lisp were changed.
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<scymtym> regarding the editor work beach mentioned yesterday: i'm currently working on an editing library one layer above the cluffer library (which handles items, lines and cursors within a buffer)
<scymtym> this new library is independent of any user interface or command processor and provides the usual operations for movement and editing of objects (like items, words, expressions, etc), multiple cursors, marks and regions. there is also code for incremental search, undo and "abbrevs"
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<mfiano> Great!
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<jcowan> scymtym: oooh, shiny
<jcowan> how are words defined?
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<Gojira> question about loop. I'd like to iterate a list, with element being (car alist) and nextelement being (cadr alist). Is this possible using loop?
<pfdietz> You can destructure in loop.
<pfdietz> (loop for (a . b) in alist ...)
<Gojira> ahhhh. thanks!
<scymtym> jcowan: at the moment, a word is just a sequence of non-whitespace, non-punctuation characters. the more important idea is that most operations take a "unit" such as WORD and a "direction" and apply some universal machinery to iterate over the corresponding buffer items. so Emacs' DELETE-FORWARD-CHAR, KILL-LINE BACKWARD-KILL-PARAGRAPH and friends is one function, motion is one function changing case is one function and so on.
<scymtym> most operations will just work if new "units" are defined although sometimes tweaks are added. here are some examples in a very old version of the manual: https://scymtym.github.io//text.editing/text.html#Units
<ixelp> text.editing User’s Manual
<jcowan> Fair enough. I was hoping a word would be defined by a regular expression.
<jcowan> If you use a Thompson DFA it's performant enough.
<ixelp> Implementing Regular Expressions
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<scymtym> it could be. i'm also integrating hayley's one-more-re-nightmare library. primarily for re search but there is no reason it couldn't be used for "unit" predicates as well
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<Shinmera> paulapatience: it is not. A fix is up in f28068a
<Shinmera> Also handles other pathname component types better now.
<Shinmera> So thanks for the report!
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<paulapatience> Super! Thanks for the quick fix.
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<Shinmera> It would have been much quicker if I had been in a place with wifi
<Shinmera> had to wait to get home to push the fix
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<lispmacs[work]> Is there a way to (unbind?) a method I've defined with defmethod, without restarting the inferior lisp (in SLIME)?
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<_death> I usually inspect the generic function and use the remove method button (C-c I #'gf-name RET)
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