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<earl-ducaine> beach: I still can't quite make sense of the above funcall discussion. Is the funcall example in the hyperspec wrong (or undefined) on purpose? Or the result of an error writing the example? Or an error in how funcall was formally define?
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<bike> looks like somebody just forgot about the package restrictions
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<earl-ducaine> bike: Thanks. I thought I was missing a deeper aspect of the discussion (probably am) but that allows the example to run and the modification (funcall 'cons ...) which demonstrates the global resolution when the argument is symbol. e.g. --> (KONS (1 . 2) 3) vs. --> ((1 . 2) . 3)
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<agm> on sbcl and clisp, if I evaluate (defparameter a '#1=(b #1#)) and then (setq a (cdr a)), a stack overflow follows. is traversing a circular list disallowed by the standard? I don't think it should
<aeth> it might be because it's quoted and is thus a literal
<aeth> if you create it with list and setf cdr then it won't be a literal
<aeth> so something like this: (setf *print-circle* t) (defun make-circular (x) (let ((l (list x))) (setf (cdr l) l) l)) (defparameter *a* (make-circular 'b)) (setq *a* (cdr *a*))
<aeth> though technically you're not mutating a itself, so I guess it's a bug if it happens to you
<agm> oh, it's just a matter of *print-circle*. my setq tries to print the result and it loops forever
<aeth> yes, seems to be that
<aeth> there also seems to be a bit of a difference between the two because mine is #1=(B . #1#) while yours is #1=(B #1#) so the cdr does something different on yours
<agm> ok, thanks
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<beach> earl-ducaine: It is just that you are not allowed to shadow a standard function with FLET or LABELS.
* beach apologizes for the late response.
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<earl-ducaine> beach: Thanks!
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