jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<fiddlerwoaroof> cedb: there is linedit
<ixelp> GitHub - sharplispers/linedit: Readline-style line-editor for Common Lisp.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> (ql:quickload :linedit)(linedit:install-repl)
<fiddlerwoaroof> Gives you tab-complete And M-i for documentation
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<cedb> fiddlerwoaroof: hell yeah thanks
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<McParen> hey #cl, can somebody maybe tell why we can equalp structs but not clos objects, or maybe point me to a doc explaining that?
<hayley> EQUAL and EQUALP seem to be rather arbitrarily designed. I guess a structure is meant to be seen as "plain old data" for which structural equality is reasonable, and a standard instance is associated with a more abstract form of equality?
<hayley> <https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/2986012.2986031> is an excellent paper on the general topic of designing equality predicates.
<McParen> is this maybe because defstruct automatically generates a predicate and defclass doesnt and equalp somehow hooks into that?
<McParen> a class is basically identical to a struct, a data structure with slots.
<McParen> except for the fact that defstruct initializes several utility functions.
<hayley> Both are equivalent to functions, but few languages define equality on functions (other than reference equality).
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<beach> McParen: Careful with the terminology. There is no such thing as a "CLOS object", and every Common Lisp object is an instance of some class.
<McParen> beach, i have not tried to be precise. the difference in question is (make-instance 'foo) vs (make-foo).
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<beach> (MAKE-INSTANCE 'FOO) will make an "instance of a standard class".
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<beach> Speaking of which, this seems to be allowed: (defmethod make-instance ((object (eql 'integer)) &key value &allow-other-keys) value) and then (make-instance 'integer :value 234)
<pequod3141> Hello, I' am playing around with hash-tables using the make-hash library from https://github.com/genovese/make-hash. I have created a simple package with a function to access the hash-table (https://pastecode.io/s/wzbn0y1e). Can anybody tell me why I cannot access the hash-table-keys from outside the package :package-test via (package-test:foo 'a) but can access it via (package-test:foo package-test::'a)? Thank you.
<ixelp> GitHub - genovese/make-hash: A Common Lisp package for hash table creation with flexible, extensible initializers.
<beach> pequod3141: It looks like the symbol A is in the PACKAGE-TEST package.
<beach> pequod3141: If so, you can't access it without a package prefix when you are in a different package. Unless of course you import that symbol into the different package.
<beach> pequod3141: If you define your *LETTER-TABLE* in your client package, you should be fine.
<pequod3141> Is it not somehow possible to say (defun foo (sym) (gethash (make-symbol-internal-to-package sym) *letter-table*))
<beach> :clhs intern
<beach> ::clhs intern
<ixelp> CLHS: Function INTERN
<pequod3141> I tried that but defining foo as (defun foo (sym)
<pequod3141> (gethash (intern sym) *letter-table*)) and then calling (package-test:foo "a") still returns nil.
<beach> That's because symbol have upper-case names by default.
<beach> And you just created a symbol with a lower-case name.
<pequod3141> (package-test:foo "A") doesn't work also :/
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<beach> If you just call (INTERN SYM) without specifier which package, it will use the current package, i.e., the value of *PACKAGE*.
<beach> Try (intern sym :package-test)
<pequod3141> Thank you, that worked.
<beach> You can even do (intern (symbol-name symbol) :package-test) so that you can use symbols from any package to designate the ones in the PACKAGE-TEST package.
<beach> Pleasure.
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<pequod3141> I just tried that but used (string symbol) instead of symbol-name :)
<beach> Sure, that works.
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<pequod3141> Bye
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